Professorin Dr. Gabriele Ende
Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit
Abteilung Neuroimaging
J 5
68159 Mannheim
As Applicant
Completed projects
Impulsivität und Stress-behaviorale und MR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen bei der Borderline- Persönlichkeitsstörung und der Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitäts-Störung
(Research Grants)
Characteristics and Training of Neural Responding in BPD
(Clinical Research Units)
Tissue Damage and Pain - Modelling Cutting Behavior in BPD
(Clinical Research Units)
Atypical perception in autism spectrum disorder: Combining computational models, functional neuroimaging and MR spectroscopy to understand aberrant perceptual mechanisms
(Research Grants)
As Project Head
Current projects
Modulation of aggression by acute threat
The metabolic lung-brain axis in aggressive behavior in patients with AMD
Data Management and Training Platform for AMD Research
Completed projects
Measuring neuronal plasticity during treatment of affective disorders
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Neuroplasticity of brain glutamate and glutamine and treatment response in alcoholism: A translational MR spectroscopy study
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Diffusor tension imaging tractography, brain network analysis and advanced translational magnetic resonance imaging /magnetic resonance spectroscopy methods
(Collaborative Research Centres)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Pathogenese und Reversibilität alkoholtoxischer Hirnveränderungen
(Research Grants)
As Co-Investigator
Completed projects
13C Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to Investigate the Effects of Chronic Alcohol Exposure on Neurometabolism in the In Vivo Mouse Brain
(Research Grants)