Professor Dr. Anton Eisenhauer
GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel
As Applicant
Current projects
Climatically controlled sedimentation dynamics and export productivity at IODP Site U1537 in the Scotia Sea (Southern Ocean) over the past four glacial cycles
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
Die Strontium-Isotopie arktischer Sedimente
(Research Grants)
Mangan-Krusten als dynamische Monitore der chemischen und isotopischen Veränderungen in der Wassersäule um die Kanarischen Inseln
(Priority Programmes)
Multi Element- und Isotopenanalyse geochemischer/klimatologischer Archive
(Research Grants)
Coralline Schwämme als Archive geochemischer und klimatologischer Proxies
(Research Grants)
Mn/Fe-Präzipitate als geochemisches Archiv postglazialer Veränderungen in der Ostsee
(Research Grants)
Der globale Ca-Kreislauf und die Temperaturabhängigkeit des Ca-Isotopenverhältnisses in marinen Systemen
(Research Grants)
Die Rekonstruktion der delta44Ca-Isotopie des Phanerozoischen Ozeans
(Research Grants)
Die Abhängigkeit der Strontiumisotopenfraktionierung (delta88Sr) bei der temperaturkontrollierten Präzipitation von Calciumcarbonat
(Research Grants)
FP 08: Evaluation of the Ca Isotope System in Carbonate Polymorphs as a new Proxy for Seawater Temperature and Secular Variations of Ca Conventration and Fractionation throughout Earth History
(Research Grants)
The Role of High- and Low-Temperature Ocean Crust Alteration for the Marine Calcium Budget
(Priority Programmes)
The last deglacial sea-level and climatic changes. Coral Reef records in the south Pacific : Tahiti (French Polynesia) - IODP Expedition #310 -, Australian Great Barrier Reef - IODP Proposal #519: Potential of diagenetically altered corals for sub-seasonal climate reconstructions
(Research Grants)
The role of ocean crust low temperature alteration carbonates in the global calcium cycle
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
The Influence of Phase Separation on the Ca isotope Composition and Fluxes in Hydrothermal Systems
(Priority Programmes)
Magnesiumisotope (d26Mg) als Proxy für abiogene und biogene Kalzifikationsprozesse und für die chemische Evolution der Ozeane im Phanerozoikum
(Research Grants)
Die Quantifizierung des marinen Sr-Haushaltes mittels radiogener (87Sr/86Sr) und stabiler (delta 86/88Sr) Sr-lsotopenverhältnisse
(Research Grants)
Spatial Variations of the Phaseshift between Ocean Surface Warming, Evaporation and Changes oft Continental Ice Volume at Terminations I and II (P.O.E.T)
(Priority Programmes)
Calcite veins in the ocean crust as recorders of the ocean stable strontium isotope evolution
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Stable isotopes of strontium as a new proxy for continental weathering, pedogenesis processes and seawater temperature (TRION-project)
(Research Grants)
Microanalytical characterization of the calcium isotopic composition of low temperature calcite veins in the ocean crust
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Early diagenesis of corals generated by variable activity of endolithic algae and its impact on geochemical proxies.
(Research Units)
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
GSC 208: Graduate School for Integrated Studies of Human Development in Landscapes
(Graduate Schools)
As Project Head
Completed projects
Authigenic carbonates as long term archive for fluid venting
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Foraminiferal nitrate respiration in oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) - past and present
(Collaborative Research Centres)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Sclerochronologie an Steinkorallen (Chagos Archipel, Zentraler Indischer Ozean, 5°20`-7°35`S, 71°20`-72°40E)
(Research Grants)
Pleistozäne Warmzeiten im Europäischen Nordmeer
(Research Grants)
Fluid flow and authigenic carbonates from southern Hydrate Ridge: Analysis of ODP Leg 204 samples
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Temporal evolution of hydrothermal systems at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (14°45 - 15°05N)
(Priority Programmes)
High- and low-temperature alteration of ultramafic oceanic crust: Mineralogy, geochemistry and isotope characteristics of hydrothermal systems at the Mid Atlantic Ridge between 14° and 15°N
(Priority Programmes)
The Northern Transpolar Gateways
(Research Grants)
Lithiumisotope und Wassergehalte als Tracer für die Entstehung der Mantelreservoire von ozeanischen Intraplattenbasalten
(Research Grants)
Auswirkungen der Ozeanversauerung auf die Kalzifizierung der riffbildenden Kaltwasserkoralle Lophelia pertusa (Scleractinia)
(Research Grants)
A combined petrological, geochemical and geochronological study of the magmatic rocks surrounding the Logatchev hydrothermal field.
(Priority Programmes)
Gas chemistry and carbon cycling at hydrothermal systems along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: time- and space-referenced biogeochemical and isotopic investigations
(Priority Programmes)
Temperatur-Rekonstruktion aus der Isotopen-Signatur von Tiefwasserkorallen des Atlantik und der Nordsee (Paläo-TRISTAN)
(Research Grants)
Tracing continental weathering and water mass mixing in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean with neodymium and hafnium isotopes
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Isotope Signature of calcareous Organisms from upper and Lower carbonate mound sediments 2
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Hydrography and cold-water coral geochemistry in the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent waters
(Research Grants)
Cold-Water Coral Mound Development Related to INtermediate WAter DEnsity Gradient (INWADE)
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
As Cooperation Partner
Completed projects
Holocene development of reefs and lagoons of Bora Bora, Darwin's type barrier reef (French Polynesia): the influence of sea level, antecedent topography, and subsidence
(Research Grants)
A giant underwater stalactite from the Blue Hole, Belize, revisited: a complex history of carbonate accretion under changing meteoric and marine conditions
(Research Grants)
As Co-Investigator
Current projects
Holocene reef growth in Bermuda (western Atlantic): a model for reef accretion in an Acropora-free environment
(Research Grants)
Common Era ENSO variability in the West Central Pacific inferred from isotopic and trace element analysis of Porites microatolls
(Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
Holocene and Anthropocene sea-level records from Indonesia
(Priority Programmes)
The four major Isotopes of Dolomite (C, O, Mg, Ca): Closing the Calcium Isotope (d44/42Ca) Gap
(Research Grants)
Accretion patterns of Belize barrier and atoll reefs: an archive of environmental change during the Holocene
(Research Grants)