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Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Fachgruppe Physik
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal
This institution in GERiT
42119 Wuppertal
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Exakte Berechnung von Formfaktoren und Korrelationsfunktionen für integrable elektronische Gittermodelle
Göhmann, Frank
Spektroskopie mit Raster-Tunnel-Mikroskopen an ladungsordnenden Übergangsmetalloxiden
Hemker-Heß, Christian
Verringerung der theoretischen Unsicherheiten bei der Bestimmung von Parametern der CKM-Matrix
Postler, Boris
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Calculation of thermodynamic properties of quasi-one-dimensional magnetic systems and stripe phase super conductors by use of TMR6
Kluemper, Andreas
Dynamische Eigenschaften von 1D Spin Modellen in homogenen Magnetfeldern
Karbach, Michael
Investigation of low-energy excitations of iron-based superconductors by NMR and transport
Grafe, Hans-Joachim
Mechanismen zur Erzeugung von Energielücken und Magnetisierungsplateaus in niedrigdimensionalen Quantenspinsystemen
Mütter, Karl-Heinz
Scanning Tunneling Spectoscopy of Iron Pnictides
Hemker-Heß, Christian
Temperature Variations on Extreme Time Scales
Offermann, Dirk
Thermal transport and domain structure
Hemker-Heß, Christian
Schäfer, Rudolf
Thermische Korrelationen in quasi-eindimensionalen Festkörpern
Göhmann, Frank
Research Grants
Current projects
Correlation functions and the space of local operators in off-critical models and conformal quantum field theories
Boos, Hermann
Dynamical correlation functions of the Heisenberg-Ising chain in the antiferromagnetic massive regime
Göhmann, Frank
MICRO: Multi-messenger probe of Cosmic Ray Origins
Kampert, Karl-Heinz
Tjus, Julia
Quantum Groups and Functional Relations: A synthesis of methods for integrable systems
Kluemper, Andreas
Thermal form-factor series for dynamical correlation functions of quantum integrable models
Göhmann, Frank
Completed projects
Bestimmung der Newtonschen Gravitationskonstante mit Hilfe eines Fabry-Pérot Gravimeters
Meyer, Hinrich
Computer simulation of the phase behaviour of living polymers
Hentschke, Reinhard
Confinement in quasi one-dimensional magnetically ordered quantum spin systems
Boos, Hermann
Dynamics in Open Quantum Systems: strong Dissipation and Integrability
Kluemper, Andreas
Exact finite temperature properties of the attractive Hubbard model in external magnetic fields
Vekua, Teimuraz
Experimente am LHC zwischen Theoriebeladenheit und Exploration: Das Problem der Datenselektion
Steinle, Friedrich
Gas-liquid critical behavior of dipolar soft spheres
Hentschke, Reinhard
Implementation of explicit SU(2)-invariance in tensor product states and applications to renormalization group calculations
Kluemper, Andreas
In-situ investigations of the physicochemical mechanisms of surface activation of stainless steels during heat treatment applying brazing-process-like conditions in reducing process gases
Frahm, Ronald Reinhard
Maier, Hans Jürgen
Integrable Field Theories and Lattice Models: II. Methods and Applications
Kluemper, Andreas
Integrable structures in Chalker-Coddington network models for plateau transitions in the quantum Hall effect
Kluemper, Andreas
Kink confinement in two-dimensional field theories and one-dimensional quantum ferromagnets: Bethe-Salpeter equation approach
Rutkevich, Sergei B.
Lattice simulations and analytical computations of five-dimensional gauge theories to study the Higgs boson as an extra-dimensional gauge field
Knechtli, Francesco
Linking dynamics and kinetics of defect-doped spin chains and ladders
Büchner, Bernd
Hemker-Heß, Christian
Molekulare Struktur und Dynamik der elektrischen Doppelschicht realistischer Modellsysteme mittels Computersimulation
Hentschke, Reinhard
Nematic phase of Iron Based Superconductors probed by Nernst effect
Caglieris, Ph.D., Federico
Phänomenologische Anwendungen und Bestimmungen von verallgemeinerten Partondistributionen
Kroll, Peter
Präparation und Einkristallzüchtung supraleitender und magnetischer Seltenerd-Übergangsmetall Oxipnictide und Erdalkali Eisenarsenide
Büchner, Bernd
Specific heat capacity enhancement in nanofluids
Hentschke, Reinhard
Thermal correlation functions of the Heisenberg-Ising chain
Göhmann, Frank
Thermal form factor series for correlation functions of the Heisenberg chain
Göhmann, Frank
Thermal transport by topological excitations in one-dimensional quantum magnets: experiment meets theory
Hemker-Heß, Christian
Thermal transport in low dimensional quantum spin systems: scattering processes for magnetic excitations
Hemker-Heß, Christian
Thermische Korrelationen in quasi-eindimensionalen Festkörpern
Göhmann, Frank
Universal functional equations for spectrum, thermodynamics and correlation functions of integrable lattice models
Boos, Hermann
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Knechtli, Francesco
FOR 2063: The Epistemology of the Large Hadron Collider
Schiemann, Gregor
FOR 2316: Correlations in Integrable Quantum Many-Body Systems
Kluemper, Andreas
FOR 5269: Future methods for studying confined gluons in QCD
Knechtli, Francesco
Spin chains and vertex models based on superalgebras
Frahm, Holger
The confined gluon: precision spectroscopy with charm quarks
Knechtli, Francesco
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Kluemper, Andreas
Correlation functions of integrable lattice models and quantum field theories
Boos, Hermann
Dynamical correlation functions of integrable quantum systems
Karbach, Michael
Dynamical correlation functions of the XXZ model at finite temperatures
Göhmann, Frank
Karbach, Michael
Efficient thermodynamics for strongly correlated fermions and bosons
Kluemper, Andreas
Einkomponentige Multiferroika: Synthese und physikalische Eigenschaften
Hemker-Heß, Christian
Equal-time correlation functions of integrable lattice models
Boos, Hermann
Göhmann, Frank
Impurities and disorder in nearly integrable models
Schneider, Imke
Boos, Hermann
Low Energy Charge and Spin Excitations probed by NMR and Transport
Büchner, Bernd
Relaxation dynamics following a quench in integrable and almost integrable quantum chains
Sirker, Jesko
Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of magnetic molecules
Hemker-Heß, Christian
Zahn, Dietrich R. T.
Spin and heat transport in one-dimensional quantum magnets
Hemker-Heß, Christian
Klauss, Hans-Henning
The impact of computer simulations on the epistemic status of LHC data
Hillerbrand, Rafaela
Schiemann, Gregor
Zeitnitz, Christian
Transport properties of integrable quantum systems
Kluemper, Andreas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
30mK-Ultra-High-Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscope with rotatable magnetic field vector
High-field magnet cryostat for high-resolution transport investigations at low temperatures
HPC-Cluster for scientific computing
Completed projects
Numerical time integration and critical slowing down
(Project Heads
Günther, Michael
Knechtli, Francesco
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Cosmic-ray transport in the transition region from Galactic to extragalactic cosmic rays
(Project Heads
Kampert, Karl-Heinz
Tjus, Julia
Cross sections and interactions in particle and astroparticle physics
(Project Heads
Albrecht, Johannes
Kampert, Karl-Heinz
Kröninger, Kevin
Spaan, Bernhard
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1052: Representation Theory and its Applications in Mathematics and Physics
Reineke, Markus
Additional Information
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