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Universität Trier
Fachbereich I - Psychologie
Abteilung für Allgemeine Psychologie und Methodenlehre
Universitätsring 15
54296 Trier
This institution in GERiT
54296 Trier
Research Grants
Current projects
Investigating the basic principles of affective learning II. The acquistion of valent motor reactions.
Frings, Christian
Walther, Eva
S-R or IOR, that is the question! About the occurrence of S-R binding and inhibition of return in sequential designs
Schöpper, Lars-Michael
Temporary stimulus-response binding as a mechanism in incidental association learning II
Moeller, Birte
The Adaptivity of the ‘Minimal’ Self: Investigating Mechanisms of a basic Self-concept
Wentura, Dirk
The perception of dynamic objects II: Theoretical specification, extension and real-world implementation
Merz, Simon
Towards a Holistic Model of Time Dependent Stress Effects on Working Memory I: Investigating the Effects of Naturalistic Interventions Targeting Central Noradrenaline and Cortisol
Geißler, Christoph
Completed projects
Disentangling Perceptual and Cognitive Explanations for Auditory-Induced Bouncing
Frings, Christian
Meyerhoff, Hauke
Distraktorwiederholungen; Bindungsprozesse in Selektionsaufgaben; automatischer Abruf
Frings, Christian
Rothermund, Klaus
Maskiertes semantisches Priming; semantisches Gedächtnis
Wentura, Dirk
Selection for Action II: Multisensory Selection
Frings, Christian
Understanding the basic processes in affective learning
Frings, Christian
Walther, Eva
Wie selektiv ist gerichtetes Vergessen?
Bäuml, Karl-Heinz
Research Units
Current projects
Binding for Action Slips: Internal Structure and Generalizability
Förster, Anna
Moeller, Birte
Coordination Funds
Frings, Christian
Feature (Un)Binding and Retrieval in Action Discarding
Kunde, Wilfried
FOR 2698: Cognitive theory for Tourette syndrome – a novel perspective
Münchau, Alexander
FOR 2790: Binding and Retrieval in Action Control
Frings, Christian
Gating features into actions II
Frings, Christian
How Binding and Retrieval of Control-States Supports Cognitive Control
Dignath, David
Hyperbinding effects in patients with GTS – taking a closer look
Beste, Christian
Bäumer, Tobias
Frings, Christian
The causal functional role of action-effect bindings: An electrophysiological and brain stimulation analysis
Beste, Christian
The role of stimulus-response binding and retrieval in instrumental learning
Rothermund, Klaus
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
15 years of "Theory of Event Coding" - recent developments and future challenges
Giesen, Carina
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Sustaining Grass-roots Organizational Memories: Methods and Effects of Applying Managed Forgetting in Administrative Corporate Scenarios
Dengel, Andreas
Frings, Christian
Niederee, Claudia
Tempel, Tobias
Additional Information
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