Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Institut für Numerische Simulation
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 7
53115 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53115 Bonn
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Optimizing Fracture Propagation Using a Phase-Field Approach
Neitzel, Ira
Wick, Thomas
Wollner, Winnifried
Completed projects
Accurate and Efficient Coupled Surfactant Calculations for Two-Phase Flows with the Discrete Exterior Calculus
Griebel, Michael
Analysis and postprocessing of space-time compressed flow computations
Rumpf, Martin
Development of a genuinely multidimensional, parallel finite volume method for 3D magnetohydrodynamics with application to astrophysical flows. Visualization of large, distributed data sets.
Noelle, Sebastian
Dimension-adaptive sparse grid product methods for the Schrödinger equation
Griebel, Michael
Entwicklung eines echt mehrdimensionalen, parallelen Finiten Volumenverfahrens für die MHD-Gleichungen in 3D mit Anwendungen auf die Astrophysik - Visualisierung großer, verteilter Datensätze
Griebel, Michael
EXAHD - An Exa-Scalable Two-Level Sparse Grid Approach for Higher-Dimensional Problems in Plasma Physics and Beyond
Bungartz, Hans-Joachim
Dannert, Tilman
Griebel, Michael
Pflüger, Dirk
Lower-dimensional principal manifold learning in higher-dimensional data spaces by sparse grid methods
Griebel, Michael
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Microstructured Magnetic-Shape-Memory Devices
Conti, Sergio
Morphological methods in 3D image fusion and sequence analysis in medical imaging
Rumpf, Martin
Multiple scales in phase separating systems with elastic misfit
Rumpf, Martin
Multiscale QM/MM simulations of growth process and material properties of inorganic nanotubes and nanotube composites
Griebel, Michael
Multi-Scale Shape Optimization under Uncertainty
Conti, Sergio
Rumpf, Martin
Schultz, Rüdiger
Reinforcement learing in a continuous state space
Garcke, Jochen
Restoration and Post Processing of Optical Flows
Garbe, Christoph
Preusser, Tobias
Rumpf, Martin
Variational Methods for Model-based Interacitve Analysis of Flows
Cremers, Daniel
Rumpf, Martin
Research Grants
Current projects
Data-driven modelling of electromagnetic resonators with uncertain shape
Dölz, Jürgen
Robust adaptivity for nonlinear partial differential equations
Gantner, Gregor
Scalable Hybrid Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Towards End-to-end Simulation (Hybrid AMR Simulation)
Burstedde, Carsten
Holke, Johannes
Completed projects
Anisotropic curature flow in surface processing
Rumpf, Martin
Bembel: The Boundary Element Based Engineering Library
Schöps, Sebastian
Geodesic Paths in Shape Space
Rumpf, Martin
Integral Radar Volume Descriptors for Quantitative Areal Precipitation
Griebel, Michael
Likelihood Approximation for Discrete Choice Models with Sparse Grids
Griebel, Michael
Heiß, Florian
Multiscale Simulation and Validation of the Elastic Microstructure of Vertebral Bodies
Rumpf, Martin
Preasymptotic error analysis for function recovery problems in high dimensions
Ullrich, Tino
Registrierung der Hirnrindengeometrie, basierend auf digitaler Photographie und dreidimensionalen MRT-Daten
Rumpf, Martin
Schaller, Karl
Speicherung und Transport von Öl in Borsten spezialisierter Bienen und in faserbasierten Strukturen: Strukturprinzipien, Wirkmechanismen, Numerische Simulation und technologische Umsetzung
Griebel, Michael
Theory of Nonlinear Subdivision and Multiscale Transforms
Oswald, Peter
Wavelet-basierte Navier-Stokes-Lösungsverfahren für die Turbulenzsimulation
Griebel, Michael
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Numerical methods for nonlinear, random, and dynamic multiscale problems
Verfürth, Barbara
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Higher Order Numerical Quadrature for High-Dimensional Integration Problems in Lattice Field Theory
(Project Head
Griebel, Michael
Homogenization of time-varying metamaterials
(Project Heads
Plum, Michael
Rockstuhl, Carsten
Verfürth, Barbara
Modern Monte Carlo Approaches with Machine Learning Potentials for Material Science Applications
(Project Heads
Griebel, Michael
Kirchner, Barbara
Urbach, Carsten
Multi-Level Iterative Solvers for Lattice Dirac Operators
(Project Heads
Krieg, Stefan
Schweitzer, Marc Alexander
Precise Perturbative Computations from Quadrature Rules
(Project Heads
Duhr, Claude
Dölz, Jürgen
Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Chemistry
(Project Heads
Dölz, Jürgen
Kirchner, Barbara
Completed projects
Adaptive and Robust Multilevel Methods for Space-Time Discretizations
(Project Heads
Gerstner, Thomas
Griebel, Michael
Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Griebel, Michael
Coupled Microscale Simulation of Nonlinear Processes in Structural Mechanics
(Project Heads
Krause, Rolf
Schweitzer, Marc Alexander
Discrete Riemannian calculus on shape space
(Project Heads
Rumpf, Martin
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
Generalized finite element methods for composite materials
(Project Head
Schweitzer, Marc Alexander
Klassische und ab-initio Moleküldynamiksimulationen für amorphe Strukturen
(Project Head
Griebel, Michael
Level set methods for geometric variational problems
(Project Head
Rumpf, Martin
Meshfree multiscale methods for solids
(Project Head
Schweitzer, Marc Alexander
Microskopic effects at fluid interfaces
(Project Heads
Alt, Hans Wilhelm
Griebel, Michael
Modeling and simulation of dynamic wetting processes
(Project Head
Griebel, Michael
Multilevel sparse tensor product approximation for manifolds and for functions and operators on manifolds
(Project Head
Griebel, Michael
Numerical optimization of shape microstructures
(Project Heads
Conti, Sergio
Rumpf, Martin
Punktdefekte in Silizium-Kristallen
(Project Heads
Griebel, Michael
Voigt, Axel
SFB 611: Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models
Griebel, Michael
SFB 1060: The Mathematics of Emergent Effects
Müller, Stefan
Skalenabhängige hydrologische Modellierung als Steuerungselement der Generalisierung von digitalen Höhenmodellen
(Project Heads
Griebel, Michael
Neugebauer, Horst J.
Sparse controls in optimization of quasilinear partial differential equations
(Project Head
Neitzel, Ira
Sparse grid methods for the electronic Schrödinger equation and mesoscopic material models
(Project Head
Griebel, Michael
Struktur und Prozeßanalyse der regionalen Niederschlagsbildung
(Project Heads
Griebel, Michael
Heinemann, Günther
Simmer, Clemens
Wavelet Methods for Systems of Operator Equations
(Project Heads
Griebel, Michael
Kunoth, Angela
Scherer, Karl
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Development and implementation of numerical algorithm for variational methods and generalized gradient flows for geometric evolution problems of higher order for surface processing in computer graphics
Olischläger, Nadine
Completed projects
Parallel simulation of variably saturated flow with adaptive mesh refinement
(Project Heads
Burstedde, Carsten
Kollet, Stefan J.
Quantitative precipitation estimation and uncertainty quantification
(Project Heads
Friederichs, Petra
Griebel, Michael
Hendricks-Franssen, Harrie-Jan
Schlather, Martin
Simmer, Clemens
Trömel, Ph.D., Silke
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 59: Mathematics: Foundations, Models, Applications
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
EXC 310: Simulation Technology
Ehlers, Wolfgang
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2047: Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM)
Blomer, Valentin
Lück, Wolfgang
Rumpf, Martin
Schwede, Stefan