Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Physik I - Festkörperphysik
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
This institution in GERiT
97074 Würzburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Field theories of Kondo-Heisenberg lattices: a quantum Monte Carlo study
Danu, Ph.D., Bimla
Numerical challenges in Quantum Monte Carlo simulations in condensed matter physics
Ulybyshev, Ph.D., Maksim
Numerical simulations of topological and exotic states of quantum matter
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Phase transitions beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm.
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Completed projects
Action-Based Quantum Monte Carlo Approach to Fermion-Boson Lattice Models
Hohenadler, Martin
Intertwined orders and exotic phase transitions in Dirac fermions
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Local moments in spin-orbit coupled systems
Sato, Toshihiro
Local parent Hamiltonian for the chiral spin liquid
Greiter, Martin
Numerical simulations of dimensional-crossover- and frustration-driven phenomena in correlated electron systems -- renewal proposal
Raczkowski, Ph.D., Marcin
Numerical studies of correlated electron systems
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Numerical studies of spin and charge dynamics in correlated electron systems
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Numerical study of many-body localization and the associated quantum phase transitions employing the finite-temperature density-matrix-renormalization group
Evers, Ferdinand
Polarisationsabhängige Berechnung der Photoemissions- und optischen Spektralfunktionen der Kuprate: vom Isolator und Loch-dotierten bis zum Elektronen-dotierten Supraleiter
Hanke, Werner
Quantum Monte Carlo studies of spin liquids and correlation induced effects in topological band insulators
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Vielteilcheneffekte in der elektronischen Struktur von Adsorbaten auf Halbleiteroberflächen
Hanke, Werner
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Research Units
Current projects
Correlated topological quantum matter
Gooth, Ph.D., Johannes
Thomale, Ronny
FOR 5249: Quantitative Spatio-Temporal Model-Building for Correlated Electronic Matter
Valenti, Maria Roser
Completed projects
Action-based quantum Monte Carlo approach to fermion-boson lattice models
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Action-based quantum Monte Carlo approach to fermion-boson lattice models
Hohenadler, Martin
Coordination Funds
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Entanglement entropies and spectra of interacting fermions from quantum Monte Carlo simulations
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
FOR 1807: Advanced Computational Methods for Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Many-body effects in the electronic structure and the superconductivity of adsorbates on semiconductor surfaces
Hanke, Werner
Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.
Quantum Monte Carlo impurity solvers for multi-orbital problems and frequency-dependent interactions
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Werner, Philipp
Quantum phase transitions in frustrated magnetic systems
Wölfle, Peter
Single-particle spectral functions for heavy fermion surface-systems and coupled one-dimensional nanowires
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Superconductivity in novel surface and interface electronic systems
Hanke, Werner
Honerkamp, Carsten
Theoretical investigation of the phase diagram of high-Tc superconductors
Hanke, Werner
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Dynamical phenomena in transport through single molecules: transients, noise and dissipation
Schmitteckert, Peter
Eindimensionale Spin- und Ladungsmodulationen in Hochtemperatursupraleitern und stark korrelierte Kupfer-Oxide
Hanke, Werner
Interacting Topological Insulators
Thomale, Ronny
Supraleitung und antiferromagnetische Korrelationen in Leiter-Verbindungen und ihre Vereinheitlichung durch eine SO(5)-Theorie
Hanke, Werner
Unconventional quantum states of matter in Fe-based superconductors
Hanke, Werner
Research data and software
Completed projects
Algorithms for Lattice Fermions
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Bode, Matthias
Hinkov, Vladimir
Reinert, Friedrich
Thomale, Ronny
Low-energy theories for strongly correlated spin-orbit electron systems in one and two spatial dimensions
(Project Heads
Greiter, Martin
Thomale, Ronny
Many-body electronic instabilities and topology on hexagonal lattices
(Project Heads
Di Sante, Domenico
Thomale, Ronny
Sustainable code development and optimization on modern supercomputing architectures
(Project Heads
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Hankiewicz, Ewelina M.
Completed projects
Numerical simulation of topological and exotic states of quantum matter
(Project Heads
Assaad, Fakher Fakhry
Hohenadler, Martin
Theorie der elektronischen Struktur von II-VI-Verbindungen im Volumen und an Oberflächen
(Project Heads
Hanke, Werner
Potthoff, Michael
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Beyond thermalization: Exploring the microscopic origin of non-thermal behavior in many-body quantum states
Helbig, Tobias
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2147: Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (CT.QMAT)
Claessen, Ralph
Vojta, Matthias