Arts and Humanities Research Council
North Star Avenue
Swindon SN2 1FL
Swindon SN2 1FL
Research Grants
Current projects
A Different Kind of War Story: Centering Love and Care in Peace and Conflict Studies
Schulz, Philipp
Amalgamating Evidence About Causes: Medicine, the Medical Sciences, and Beyond
Hartmann, Stephan
‘Bartmann goes global’ – the cultural impact of an iconic object in the early modern period
Mehler, Natascha
Schmauder, Michael
Communicating Causality
Franke, Michael
Comparative Legacies of Human Land Use in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Behling, Hermann
Roberts, Patrick
Competing Socialisms and African Agency: The Sino-Soviet Rivalry in Tanzania during the ColdWar, 1950s–1990
Bönker, Kirsten
Connecting Late Antiquities
Hillner, Julia
Crafting Documents, c. 500 - c. 800 CE
Rabin, Ph.D., Ira
Craft interactions in a New Kingdom industrial landscape (Egypt, 1550-1069 BCE)
Hodgkinson, Anna
Cross-modal perspectives on grammaticalisation: Aspect markers in creoles and sign languages
Michaelis, Susanne Maria
Cultural Dynamics: Museums and Democracy in Motion
Fackler, Guido
Divergent Discourses: Processes of Narrative Construction in Tibet, 1955-62
Erhard, Franz Xaver
Elias Canetti and the British in a European Context: Reception, Exile, Appropriation
Hanuschek, Sven
Embodied agents in contemporary visual art (EACVA): How robotics and A.I. could influence creativity
Deussen, Oliver
Enacting Gregory Bateson’s Ecological Aesthetics in Architecture and Design
Davidova, Marie
Perera, Dulmini
Forging And Belonging:Researching children’s socialrelations and Imagined futuresthrough Crafting in rural WestAfrica (FABRIC)
Alber, Erdmute
Global Bible: British and German Bible Societies Translating Colonialism, 1800-1914
Jensz, Felicity
Good Citizens, Terrible Times: Community, Courage and Compliance in and beyond the Holocaust
Morina, Christina
Hindu-Muslim-Jewish Origin Legends in Circulation between the Malabar Coast and the Mediterranean, 1400s-1800s
Weinrich, Ines
Human rights in global supply chains: Measuring the effectiveness of home state regulatory models on corporate behaviour
Rühmkorf, Andreas
Land and Loyalty: The Politics of Land in the Later Roman World (4th-6th c.)
Schmidt-Hofner, Sebastian
Linguistic practices of coal mining communities in the post-industrial era: variation, documentation, representation, regeneration
Pecht, Nantke
Ziegler, Evelyn
Medieval Vernacular Bibles as Unity, Diversity and Conflict. Bible-Translations as Anti-Heretical or Anti-Clerical Move?
Löser, Freimut
Mixed-methods Digital Oral History: enfolding semantic web technologies and historical-interpretative analysis to better understand narratives of formation, disruption and change in the history of computing in the Humanities
Nyhan, Ph.D., Julianne
Multilingual Dynamic Assessment for Language and Content learning: Addressing Sociolinguistic Diversity in India’s Primary schools
Torregrossa, Jacopo
Networked through Sound: Listening to 20th Century Wildlife Sound Archives
Jasper, Sandra
Pastoralists Lost: Pioneer equine and ruminant herders of the Central Asian Steppes and their role in early horse husbandry
Makarewicz, Cheryl
Positing or Predicating? Existence after Kant
Rami, Dolf
Project StoryMachine: Exploring implications of recommender based spatial hypertext systems for folklore and the humanities
Atzenbeck, Claus
Diefenbach, Sarah
Ensslin, Astrid
QuBisM - Questions, Bias, Multimodality: Negotiating Meaning in Interaction
Repp, Sophie
Rabbinic Civil Law in the Context of Ancient Legal History: A Legal Compendium to the Bavot Tractates of the Talmud Yerushalmi
Willems, Constantin
Reading concordances in the 21st century (RC21)
Evert, Stephanie
Reading Post-Postmodernist Fictions of the Digital: Literature, Technology, and Cognition in the Twenty-First Century
Alber, Jan
Reframing arrival. Transnational perspectives on perceptions, governance, and forced migrants’ practices from 2015/16-2022/23
Glorius, Birgit
Haase, Annegret
Relocating Filmstrips, Remapping Europe
Hediger, Vinzenz
Rituals, Rubbish and Retrieval: new approaches to Roman river finds
Deschler-Erb, Eckhard
Heimerl, Ferdinand Daniel
Same But Different: Systems for Smoothing Noun Entropy in Communication in German and English
Ramscar, Michael
Scientific Poetry and Poetics in Britain and Germany, from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment
Klaeger, Florian
Siebenpfeiffer, Hania
Sensory Engineering: Investigating Altered and Guided Perception and Hallucination
Fink, Sascha Benjamin
Shaping Competition in the Digital Age (SCiDA) – Principles, tools and institutions of digital regulation in the UK, Germany and the EU
Podszun, Rupprecht
Songwriting Camps in the 21st Century (SC21)
Ahlers, Michael
States of Clay: Integrated Scientific Approaches to Clay Bureaucratic Objects from Early Mesopotamia, 3700-2700 BCE
Helwing, Barbara
Subjectivities of Owning Land (SoL): Land Redistribution and the Nation State in the Baltics Across the 20th Century
Hein-Kircher, Heidi
Take Me and Make It Happen! How-to-Books from the Ferguson Collection and Corresponding Holdings at the Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel
Laube, Stefan
Technologies of Touch
Greinke, Berit
Jeßulat, Ariane
The Seven Sages of Rome: editing and reappraising a forgotten premodern classic from global and gendered perspectives
Eming, Jutta
The syntax of nominal copular clauses: theoretical and empirical perspectives
Hartmann, Jutta M.
Toxic Heritage: Socio-natural Landscapes of Extraction and Pollution in the Harz and Cornwall
Asmussen, Tina
Transitions: Examining Changing Regimes of Sexuality in Post-Soviet Muslim Republics
Nunan, Timothy
University Students as Migrants: A New History of Educational Mobility in Western Europe, 1960s–1980s
Löhr, Ph.D., Isabella
Unlocking Upcycled Medieval Data: North Sea Networks, People, and Commodities in the London Customs Accounts 1380-1560
Scheltjens, Werner
Using people well, treating people badly: Towards a Kantian Realm of Ends and Means
Mieth, Corinna
Wyrebska-Dermanovic, Ewa
Voices from the Periphery: (De-)Constructing and Contesting Public Narratives about Post-Industrial Marginalization
Fiedler, Anke
Completed projects
Armenbriefe und Unterstützungsgesuche in Deutschland und Großbritannien, 1770 - 1914 / Pauper Letters and Petitions for Poor Relief in Germany and Great Britain, 1770 - 1914
Gestrich, Andreas
Just Futures? An Interdisciplinary Approach to Cultural Climate Models
Bartosch, Roman
Gurr, Jens Martin
Hoydis, Julia
Schwegler, Carolin
Major issues and controversies of Arabic logic and philosophy of language
Schöck, Cornelia
Urban Violence in the Middle East: between Empire and Nation-State - Städtische Gewalt im Nahen Osten: zwischen Imperium und National Staat
Freitag, Ulrike
Walter Scotts Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border als Fokuspunkt für literarische, musikalische, historische, kritische und kulturelle Forschungen - Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border as focus for Literary, Musical, Historical, Critical and Cultural Analysis
Rieuwerts, Sigrid
Westend und Friedrichstraße: Eine vergleichende Studie des populären Theaters in London und Berlin, 1890-1930 / Westend and Friedrichstraße: a comparative study of pupular theatre in London and Berlin, 1890-1930
Nolte, Paul
Workspace for Collaborative Editing
Moulin, Claudine