Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Zentrum für Innere Medizin (Krehl-Klinik)
Institut für Experimentelle Kardiologie
Im Neuenheimer Feld 669
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Identifizierung der kardialen Klasse II Histondeacetylase-Kinase und Charakterisierung ihrer Rolle für Herzentwicklung und Myokardhypertrophie
Backs, Johannes
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
(Transcriptional Control Mechanisms in Heart Diseases: From the Molecular Characterization to Drug Development)
Backs, Johannes
Research Grants
Current projects
Investigating mechanisms underlying cardiomyocyte invasion of fibrotic scar tissue during zebrafish cardiac regeneration.
Beisaw, Arica
Completed projects
CaMKII-dependent mechanisms in RBM20 cardiomyopathy
Backs, Johannes
van den Hoogenhof, Ph.D., Maarten
Chromatin organization dynamics during maturation and pathological hypertrophy of cardiac myocytes
Gilsbach, Ralf
Enhancer-based modulation of cardiac fibroblasts
Gilsbach, Ralf
Strukturelles Remodelling des Sympathikus bei chronischer Herzinsuffizienz
Hein, Lutz
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Center
(Project Head
Backs, Johannes
Control of cardiac homeostasis and cardiocrine signaling by protein arginine methyltransferases
(Project Heads
Backs, Johannes
Dieterich, Christoph
Disease modeling
(Project Heads
Dewenter, Matthias
Seeger, Timon
Functional Epigenetic Modulation of Cardiac Fibroblasts
(Project Head
Gilsbach, Ralf
Function and modulation of genomic cardiomyopathy enhancers
(Project Head
Gilsbach, Ralf
Metabo-epigenetic regulatory circuits of heart disease caused by inherited and acquired lipid accumulation
(Project Heads
Backs, Johannes
Schulze, Almut
Role of the splice target CAMK2D in RBM20 cardiomyopathy
(Project Head
van den Hoogenhof, Ph.D., Maarten
Sequencing and Bioinformatics
(Project Heads
Backofen, Rolf
Gilsbach, Ralf
Hein, Lutz
Preißl, Sebastian
SFB 1550: Molecular Circuits of Heart Disease
Backs, Johannes
The role of the AP-1 transcriptional complex during cardiac remodeling
(Project Head
Beisaw, Arica
Completed projects
Epigenetic regulation of adaptive and maladaptive effects of O-GlcNAc modifications in the diabetic heart
(Project Heads
Backs, Johannes
Müller, Oliver J.