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Constructor University
School of Science
Department of Physics and Earth Sciences
Campus Ring 1
28759 Bremen
This institution in GERiT
28759 Bremen
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Biologische Meereskunde
Thomsen, Laurenz
Schupp, Peter
Physikalische Chemie
Materny, Arnulf
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Multi-fidelity, active learning strategies for exciton transfer among adsorbed molecules
Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich
Zaspel, Peter
The role of fenitising fluids in the formation of Nb, Zr and REE ore deposits
Horn, Ingo
Schmidt, Christian
Veksler, Ph.D., Ilya
The role of p-T conditions, host rock lithology, phase separation, and organic compounds on metal mobility and metal sulfide deposition in spatially resolved hydrothermal vent areas
Kasemann, Simone A.
Koschinsky, Andrea
Completed projects
Biosignatures in precipitates and altered rocks at hydrothermal systems of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: organic geochemistry, microbiology and petrography
Perner, Mirjam
Petersen, Sven
Seifert, Richard
Current Systems around Terrestrial Planets: EOF Analysis and Modeling
He, Maosheng
Der Chirale Metall-Isolator-Übergang in Quanten-Hall-Systemen in Abhängigkeit von Unordnung und Korrelationen
Kettemann, Stefan
Effects of time-dependent perturbations on the electron transport through single molecules
Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich
Femto-/Pikosekunden-Laseruntersuchung und -kontrolle chemischer Reaktionen einfacher Quantensysteme unter variablen Umgebungsbedingungen
Materny, Arnulf
Femtosekunden-zeitaufgelöste kohärente Vierwellenmisch-Spektroskopie zur zustandsselektiven Untersuchung molekularer Dynamik einfacher Systeme
Kiefer, Wolfgang
Gas chemistry and carbon cycling at hydrothermal systems along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: time- and space-referenced biogeochemical and isotopic investigations
Seifert, Richard
Geomagnetic variations during periods of terrestrial magnetic field polarity reversals
Glaßmeier, Karl-Heinz
Hydrothermal Fluids at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (15°N and 4-11°S) as Media for the Transport of Energy and Mass from the Crust into the Hydro- and Biosphere
Garbe-Schönberg, Carl-Dieter
Koschinsky, Andrea
Longstern study of hydrothermalism and biology at the Logatchev field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 15°N (revisit 2005) M64/2
Koschinsky, Andrea
Mikro- und nanostrukturierte organische Feldeffekt-Transistoren: Skalierungsverhalten und Grenzflächeneigenschaften
Wagner, Veit
Mineralogische, geochemische und biologische Untersuchungen an Hydrothermalsystemen des Mittelatlantischen Rückens zwischen 14°45`N und 15°05`N (Forschungsantrag M 60/3)
Koschinsky, Andrea
Multi-spacecraft analysis toolkit for Swarm
Vogt, Joachim
Multi-Spacecraft Investigations of Coupling at Auroral Latitudes (MuSICAL): Field-Aligned Current Energetics and Scales
Vogt, Joachim
Nonabelian structures on D-branes and M-branes
Schupp, Peter
Non-detrital Gallium and Aluminum in Early Precambrian Marine Chemical Sediments and the Potential Use of the Ga/Al Ratio as a Geochemical Proxy for Metal Sources and Relative Fluxes to the Early Ocean
Bau, Michael
Origin of coastal facies Banded Iron Formation, Barberton Greenstone Belt (3.2 Ga)
Köhler, Inga
Potential role of alkaline aqueous fluids in the formation of supergene and low-temperature hydrothermal mineralizations: experiments and natural analogues
Bau, Michael
Studies of paleomagnetospheric processes: Structure and dynamics of the geomagnetic environment in space during polarity transitions
Vogt, Joachim
Tectono-magmatic evolution and fluid geochemistry and biology in hydrothermal vent fields of the Mic-Atlantic between 4 and 11°S m (M64/1)
Koschinsky, Andrea
The Influence of Phase Separation on the Ca isotope Composition and Fluxes in Hydrothermal Systems
Eisenhauer, Anton
Triple oxygen, triple silicon, and trace elements of cherts for the reconstruction of d18O of seawater deep in time
Pack, Andreas
Research Grants
Current projects
Computational nanopore redesign for the sensing of chiral peptide isomers
Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich
Excitation Energy Transfer in a Photosynthetic System with more than 100 Million Atoms
Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich
Zaspel, Peter
Graded geometry, gravity and tensor fields
Schupp, Peter
Historical and emerging contaminant trace elements and isotopes. Sources, fluxes and cycling of Pb isotopes, Pt, Tl, Te, Ag and Gd in the oceans – a contribution to GEOTRACES
Achterberg, Eric
Koschinsky, Andrea
Interactions of trace metals with dissolved organic matter and colloids in the Amazon and Pará River estuaries and associated plume as key processes for trace metal fluxes into the Atlantic
Koschinsky, Andrea
Molecular modeling of charge transfer in heme-containing systems: a time-dependent view
Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich
Topological Phases in Nonlinear Oscillatory Systems
Meyer-Ortmanns, Hildegard
Trace metal-Organic matter interactions in seawater: Exploring the impact of seawater chemistry on trace metal speciation in a warming and acidifying ocean.
Zhu, Kechen
Completed projects
Ab initio description of the quantum mechanics in light-harvesting complexes of purple bacteria
Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich
Biogeochemistry of trace elements in the southeast Atlantic Ocean; a German contribution to the International GEOTRACES Programme
Achterberg, Eric
Koschinsky, Andrea
Brownian Dynamics Simulations including Explicit Atoms for Modeling Transport through Nanopores
Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich
Coupled heteroclinic networks
Meyer-Ortmanns, Hildegard
Development of a consistent thermodynamic model of trace element - organic matter interactions in the Ocean.
Gledhill, Martha
Koschinsky, Andrea
Die redoxabhängige Fraktionierung von Selen und Tellur in geochemischen Systemen und ihre mögliche Anwendung als Paläo-Redox-Proxy
Koschinsky, Andrea
Dynamically Generated Hierarchies in Games of Competition and the Role of Stochastic Fluctuations
Meyer-Ortmanns, Hildegard
Efficient algorithms for the simulation of the non-adiabatic exciton transfer dynamics in light-harvesting systems
Elstner, Marcus
Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich
Femto-/Pikosekunden-Laseruntersuchung und -kontrolle chemischer Reaktionen einfacher Quantensysteme unter variablen Umgebungsbedingungen
Materny, Arnulf
Femtosekunden zeitaufgelöste Vierwellenmisch-Techniken als Alternative zu herkömmlichen Anregungs-Abfrage-Schemata zur Analyse komplexer Moleküldynamik in der Gasphase
Materny, Arnulf
Frequency-resolved nonlinear spectroscopy with spectrally broad femtosecond pulses using optimal control schemes
Materny, Arnulf
Geochemistry of natural and anthropogenic rare earth elements in rivers with emphasis on the Rhine River and its tributaries
Bau, Michael
Gravitation und nichtkommutative Raum-Zeit Strukturen
Schupp, Peter
Hierarchische Netzwerke: Dynamik und Evolution
Meyer-Ortmanns, Hildegard
Influence of hydroxamate siderophores on redox-sensitive trace elements and their isotopes and their relevance for the application of redox proxies in paleo-climate reconstruction studies
Bau, Michael
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Input, particle reactivity, and (bio)geochemical cycling of the transition metals from subgroups IV, V, and VI (Ti-Zr-Hf, V-Nb-Ta, Cr-Mo-W) in the Atlantic
Koschinsky, Andrea
Investigating biomass - adsorbent bead interactions from real-life EBA by AFM forcedistance measurements and by DLVO theories.
Fernández-Lahore, Hector Marcelo
Fritz, Jürgen
Investigation of the energetic and dynamic properties of the electronic enhancement mechanism of the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)
Materny, Arnulf
Ion and antibiotics transport through the phosphate specific outer membrane porins OprP and OprO
Benz, Roland
Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich
Itinerant Spin-Dynamics in Structures of Reduced Dimensionality
Kettemann, Stefan
Mass Transport Models on Networks
Janke, Wolfhard
Meyer-Ortmanns, Hildegard
Molecular modeling of spectroscopy and quantum phenomena in light-harvesting complexes
Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich
Nichtlineare Vierwellenmischspektroskopie mit Femtosekunden-Laserpulsen im optischen Nahfeld
Materny, Arnulf
On the Role of Frustration in Couplex Dynamical Systems
Meyer-Ortmanns, Hildegard
Physical Aging in Oscillatory and Excitable Systems
Meyer-Ortmanns, Hildegard
Rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) in glacial meltwaters and their potential impact on the REY distribution in Modern and Precambrian seawater
Bau, Michael
Riverine fluxes of high field strength elements Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta into the oceans and their impact on the Hf isotopic composition of seawater
Schmidt, Katja
Selective Passivation of Electrical Defects in Metal Oxides
Röschenthaler, Gerd-Volker
Wagner, Veit
Sequestration of phytochemicals by leaf beetles: Selective transport proteins and their influence on diversification processes in plant-herbivore interactions
Burse, Antje
Simulation of ion transport and substrate translocation through nanopores
Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich
The CME source region in LOFAR related simulations: Numerical studies of Coronal Mass Ejections to prepare observations of the LOw Frequency ARay
Vogt, Joachim
Thermodynamics and Dynamics of Disordered Quantum Spin Systems with Long Range Interactions
Kettemann, Stefan
Time-dependent description of charge transport in molecular wires: bottom-up-approach
Elstner, Marcus
Frauenheim, Thomas
Kleinekathöfer, Ulrich
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Investigation of reductive chromium removal and associated stable isotope fractionation within the Oxygen Minimum Zone offshore Peru
Nasemann, Philipp
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Compute cluster for scientific computing
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Quantenphasenübergänge durch Wechselspiel von Kondo-Effekt und Superaustauschwechselwirkung in magnetischen Clustern und Spinketten
(Project Heads
Ginzburg, Alexander
Kettemann, Stefan
Lichtenstein, Alexander
Ramanspektroskopie an Nanostrukturen
(Project Heads
Kiefer, Wolfgang
Materny, Arnulf
Schmidt, Georg
Spin-Bahn-Wechselwirkung und magnetische Streuung im Elektronentransport in Quantensystemen reduzierter Dimensionalität
(Project Heads
Kettemann, Stefan
Kramer, Bernhard
Temperature and quantum fluctuations in magnetic nanoparticles
(Project Heads
Kettemann, Stefan
Potthoff, Michael
Vedmedenko, Elena
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 690: Charge Density: Theory and Experiment
Engels, Bernd
GRK 1620: Models of Gravity
Kunz-Drolshagen, Jutta
Lämmerzahl, Claus
GRK 2247: Quantum Mechanical Materials Modelling - QM³
Frauenheim, Thomas
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 309: The Ocean in the Earth System
Schulz, Michael
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2077: The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface
Dubilier, Nicole
Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe
Pälike, Ph.D., Heiko
Schulz, Michael
Additional Information
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