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Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Department 4
Sektion 4.6: Geomorphologie
14473 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14473 Potsdam
Research Grants
Current projects
Annually-resolved multi-parameter assessment of climate variability and solar activity during the 8.2 ka BP event
Esper, Jan
Friedrich, Ronny
Helle, Gerhard
Land, Alexander
Scholz, Denis
Lithosphere dynamics and orogenic plateau building in the northern Arabia-Eurasia collision zone
Koshnaw, Renas
Completed projects
Accurate time scales for climate archives from European tree-ring chronologies in the Late Glacial - Extension and consolidation of Swiss and German pine chronologies back to 14000 BP
Helle, Gerhard
Kromer, Bernd
Tegel, Willy
Assessing the role of the Indian Ocean in global climate change: A paleo-perspective
Helle, Gerhard
Assessment of stable isotope time series from Baobab trees (Adansonia digitata) as a high-resolution climate archive for (semi-)arid Africa
Helle, Gerhard
Heussner, Karl-Uwe
Riedel, Frank
Exploring the potential of d18O and d13C in pollen for reconstruction of Quaternary palaeo-climate: Pilot study towards a comprehensive calibration of stable isotopes in modern pollen from selected European plant taxa.
Helle, Gerhard
Riedel, Frank
Holocene Environment of far-east Siberia
Diekmann, Bernhard
Nazarova, Larisa
Influence of environmental factors onto the hydrogen isotopic signature of aquatic plants.
Aichner, Bernhard
Neogene to Quaternary tectono-geomorphic evolution and paleo-hydrology of the South Central Andes, NW Argentina
Mulch, Andreas
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Palaeoclimatology of Central Asia and the northeastern Tibetan Plateau on basis of compound-specific isotope analysis of biomarkers.
Aichner, Bernhard
Quantifying the response of rapidly eroding landscapes to climate change with cosmogenic nuclides
Scherler, Dirk
Rekonstruktion der jüngeren Klima- und Landschaftsentwicklung in sensiblen südosteuropäischen Grenzräumen am Beispiel des Piringebirges in Bulgarien
Grunewald, Karsten
Helle, Gerhard
Twentieth century changes of tree ring isotopes in Southeastern Brazilian forests: How do climate conditions influence growth and water use efficiency (WUE) and thus enforce tree migration
Anhuf, Dieter
Helle, Gerhard
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Geologic Reconstructions of Changes in Erosion Rates and Hillslope Processes in Response to Climate Forcing
Schildgen, Ph.D., Taylor F.
Reconstructing Changes in Regional Hydrology during the Holocene employing Novel Stable Isotope and Molecular Proxies
Sachse, Dirk
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Impact of global warming during the penultimate termination on regional hydroclimates in the Dead Sea and Lake Van
Brauer, Achim
Sachse, Dirk
Tjallingii, Rik
Research Units
Completed projects
High resolution climate reconstruction for the last millennium using tree rings
Helle, Gerhard
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
SECCO- Chile: The coupled vegetation, weathering, erosion, and sediment-export response to climate change unravelled from novel proxies in Chilean marine sediment
Bernhardt, Anne
Sachse, Dirk
Wittmann-Oelze, Hella
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1364: Shaping the Earth's Surface in a Variable Environment: Interactions between Tectonics, Climate and Biosphere in the African-Asian Monsoonal Region
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2018: SuRfAce processes, TEctonics and Georesources: The Andean foreland basin of Argentina (StRaTEGy)
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
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