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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Biologie
Arbeitsgruppe Molekulare Parasitologie
Philippstraße 13
10115 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10115 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Integrative evolutionary and ecological analysis of antimicrobial resistance: emergence and transmission from genomic to geographic scale
Forslund-Startceva, Sofia
Heitlinger, Ph.D., Emanuel
Kramer-Schadt, Stephanie
The molecular basis of Hepatocystis, the closest relative of malaria (Plasmodium) parasites
Schaer, Juliane
Completed projects
A novel lipid (phosphatidylthreonine)-regulated calcium homeostasis in Toxoplasma gondii
Gupta, Nishith
Carbon metabolism and metabolic control of the acute and chronic stages in Toxoplasma gondii
Gupta, Nishith
Charakterisierung schützender Immuneffektormechanismen gegen Sporozoiten von Apicomplexa am Beispiel des Darmparasiten Eimeria falciformis
Lucius, Richard
Coevolution of house mice and intracellular parasites in a hybrid zone
Heitlinger, Ph.D., Emanuel
Investigating the molecular mechanism of Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-dependent signalling and its implication in the development of severe malaria pathology
Kamena, Ph.D., Faustin
Isolierung, Struktur und Inhibierung von Nematoden-Chitinase
Lucius, Richard
Mechanisms and significance of inter-organelle pyruvate transport in Toxoplasma gondii
Gupta, Nishith
Optogenetic dissection of cyclic nucleotide signaling in a model parasite Toxoplasma gondii
Gupta, Nishith
Stable transfection in Schistosoma mansoni using transposons
Lucius, Richard
Studien zur Funktion des Cathepsin D von Schistosoma mansoni unter Verwendung transgener Würmer
Kalinna, Bernd
Studien zur Identifizierung vom Komponenten, die Schutz gegen eine Belastungsinfektion mit der Filarie Acanthocheilonema viteae induzieren
Lucius, Richard
The life cycles of parasitic worms, from macroevolutionary patterns to the genetics of adaptation
Benesh, Daniel
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Plasmodium Escape from Protective Shells: Species- and Stage-Specific Functions of SERA Cysteine Proteases in Egress from Oocysts and Erythrocytes
Matuschewski, Kai
Completed projects
Dynamics of the Plasmodium Actin Cytoskeleton during Host Cell Invasion
Matuschewski, Kai
Dynamics of the Plasmodium Actin Cytoskeleton during Host Cell Invasion
Schüler, Herwig
Functional Characterization of Plasmodium Liver Stage Proteins at the Parasite/Host Interface
Matuschewski, Kai
Koordinationsmittel für den SPP 1004
Lucius, Richard
SPP 1004: Voraussetzungen und molekulare Mechanismen der Persistenz von Parasiten im Wirt
Lucius, Richard
The function and mechanism of cGMP signaling during egress and reactivation of Toxoplasma bradyzoites
Gupta, Nishith
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Metabolic basis of obligate intracellular parasitism
Gupta, Nishith
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Metabolic basis of obligate intracellular parasitism
Gupta, Nishith
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Parasite life cycle evolution and the ecology of trophic interactions
Benesh, Daniel
Phylogenetic classification of haemosporidian parasites of Australian flying foxes (Pteropus spp.)
Schaer, Juliane
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Eingriffe von Parasiten in das Immunsystem ihrer Wirte
(Project Heads
Hammerstein, Peter
Hartmann, Susanne
Lucius, Richard
Membrane biogenesis modelling of a Toxoplasma gondii-infected human cell and deduction of underlying metabolic principles
(Project Heads
Gupta, Nishith
Holzhütter, Hermann-Georg
Lucius, Richard
Pharmacologically induced liver stage arrest - a potential new malaria control intervention?
(Project Heads
Borrmann, Steffen
Matuschewski, Kai
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1121: Genetic and Immunologic Determinants of Pathogen-Host-Interactions
Lucius, Richard
GRK 2046: Parasite Infections: From Experimental Models to Natural Systems
Hartmann, Susanne
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2290: Crossing Boundaries: Molecular Interactions in Malaria
Matuschewski, Kai
Additional Information
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