Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Medizinische Fakultät
Institut für Neuropathologie
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53127 Bonn
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Isolierung und Charakterisierung von Genen, die durch das Onkogen qin transkriptionell reguliert werden. Untersuchungen zur qin-Promotorstruktur.
Waha, Anke
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Funktion und Modulation von RIMs und RIM-assoziierten Proteinen im normalen und epileptischen Gehirn
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
Research Grants
Current projects
Neuro-aCSis – Bonn Neuroscience Clinician Scientist Program
Petzold, Gabor
Optical dissection of glycine and D-serine signalling using newly-developed sensors
Dietrich, Dirk
Henneberger, Christian
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
RIM4 dependent synaptopathy causing a novel form of episodic ataxia: molecular mechanisms and altered circuit function
Dietrich, Dirk
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
Why it takes time to stay in balance: Defining the molecular timer of homeostatic plasticity and its power to regulate network activity and meta-plasticity
Dietrich, Dirk
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
Completed projects
Calcium, proliferation and AMPA receptors in NG2 glial cells
Dietrich, Dirk
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
Epigenetic phatomechanisms promoting epileptogenesis in focal and generallized epilepsies (EpiGENet)
Becker, Albert
Blümcke, Ingmar
Sander, Thomas
Molekulare Pathogenese des Hepatoblastoms
Pietsch, Torsten
Presynaptic tethers: molecular composition and functional role
Lucic, Vladan
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
Stein, Valentin
Single-cell transcriptome sequencing to investigate mechanisms of epileptogenesis in genetic mouse models and human brain biopsy tissue
Becker, Albert
Hedrich-Klimosch, Ulrike
Isbrandt, Dirk
Koch, Ph.D., Henner
Completed projects
Antiepileptogenic approaches targeting the T-type Ca2+ channel Cav3.2
(Project Heads
Becker, Albert
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
Yaari, Yoel
Epilepsie-induzierter neuronaler Zelltod: der JNK/c-Jun/Bim-Signaltransduktionsweg und Möglichkeiten der Intervention durch intrazellulären Proteintransfer
(Project Head
Frank, Stephan
Epilepsy as synaptopathy: Plasticity of the presynaptic release machinery
(Project Heads
Becker, Albert
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Circuit mechanisms of altered excitability in experimental cortical malformations
(Project Heads
Beck, Heinz
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Beck, Heinz
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
Microcircuit mechanisms underlying epileptogenesis and behavioural impairment in anti-Drebrin auto-antibody mediated limbic encephalitis
(Project Heads
Becker, Albert
Wenzel, Michael
Recombinant adeno-associated- and lentiviral technologies
(Project Heads
Becker, Albert
Grömping, Yvonne
van Loo, Karen M. J.
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
Schwarz, Ph.D., Karl Martin
Completed projects
Bedeutung von regulatorischer DNA-Methylierung für die Pathogenese von Gliomen
(Project Heads
Waha, Andreas
Wiestler, Otmar Dieter
Mechanisms of zinc-sensitive metal-regulatory transcription factor 1 induction of hippocampal epileptic network activity
(Project Heads
Becker, Albert
van Loo, Karen M. J.
Molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity and tenacity
(Project Heads
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
Ziv, Ph.D., Noam
Molekulare Pathogenese des Medulloblastoms: Die Rolle des Hedgehog-patched-Signalweges in der Entwicklung und Tumorigenese cerebellärer Progrenitorzellen
(Project Heads
Pietsch, Torsten
Wiestler, Otmar Dieter
Regulation of membrane trafficking and organization by the Liprin-á protein family
(Project Head
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Mechanisms of microglia-mediated neuronal damage and dysfunction: Role of the "TNFa-Zn2+" cascade
Beck, Heinz
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Heterogeneity of neuron-NG2 glia synapses matches glial response to regionally diverse neuronal firing behavior.
Dietrich, Dirk
Schoch McGovern, Susanne
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2715: Epileptogenesis of genetic epilepsies
Lerche, Holger
Molecular and network mechanisms-derived targeted interventions in neonatal genetic epilepsies
Becker, Albert
Isbrandt, Dirk
Completed projects
Functional epigenomic dissection of genetic generalized epilepsies
Becker, Albert
Sander, Thomas