Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK)
Institut für Medizinische Immunologie
Augustenburger Platz 1
13353 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
13353 Berlin
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 299: Studying Biological Recognition Events with Optimized Molecular Libraries
Schneider-Mergener, Jens
FOR 2165: Regeneration in Aged Individuals: Using Bone Healing as a Model System to Characterise Regeneration under Compromised Conditions
Duda, Georg
Optimierte molekulare Bibliotheken zum Studium biologischer Erkennungsprozesse
Schneider-Mergener, Jens
Studium der Ligand-Erkennungsregion von CRH-Rezeptoren mit Peptid- und nichtpeptidischen Bibliotheken
Bienert, Michael
The WW-domain as a model system for the analysis of essential interactions in beta-sheets by incorporation of synthetic building blocks.
Volkmer, Rudolf
Understand and reshape the impact of “aged” adaptive immunity and type 2 diabetes/obesity on fracture healing
Schmidt-Bleek, Katharina
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Research Grants
Current projects
Paralysis of mucociliary clearance after cerebral ischemia by neurohumoral mechanisms
Kummer, Wolfgang
Meisel, Andreas
Meisel, Christian Alexander
Completed projects
Adoptiver Transfer gentechnisch modifizierter regulatorischer T-Zellen: Ein neuer Ansatz zur Toleranzinduktion bzw. Toleranzerhaltung
Ritter, Thomas
A label-free optical sensor system on silicon: Determining the thermodynamic and kinetic quantities of protein-ligand interactions
Petermann, Ph.D., Klaus
Rück-Braun, Karola
Volkmer, Rudolf
Allotransplantate-induced tolerance
Tullius, Ph.D., Stefan
Beneficial and unfavourable immune cells in fracture healing
Schell, Hanna
Characterization of Cardioprotection and Immunmodulation by FOXO3a as a Master Regulator of Adiponectin
Scheibenbogen, Carmen
Skurk, Carsten
Determination of immunological deviations in post-COVID-19 syndromes by single cell omics
Aschenbrenner, Anna
Sander, Leif Erik
Scheibenbogen, Carmen
Schultze, Joachim L.
Epigenetic alterations of TA-keratinocytes as underlying cause of hyperproliferation in psoriasis
Witte, Katrin
Funktionelle Analyse eines neuen Toleranz-assoziierten Gens mit Homologie zum hsp90-Ko-Chaperon p23
Grütz, Gerald
Immunodepression in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage patients
Martus, Peter
Meisel, Christian Alexander
Sarrafzadeh, Asita Simone
Immunologic and Genetic Analysis to Understand the Pathogenesis of Primary Selective IgM Immunodeficiency (sIgMID)
Stittrich, Anna B.
Immunologische Effekte von niedrig dosiertem Hydrokortison im septischen Schock
Keh, Didier
Mechanismen einer langanhaltenden Immundepression und erhöhten Suszeptibilität gegenüber Infektionen nach ischämischem Schlaganfall
Prass, Konstantin
Molekularer Mechanismus der TGF-ß induzierten Hemmung der zytokin-abhängigen IFN-gamma-Produktion
Grütz, Gerald
Preparation of a multicenter, randomized, open-label, blinded end point (PROBE) trial investigating the effects of immunemarker-guided preventive antibiotic therapy on the 3 months-outcome after acute ischemic stroke
Ulm, Lena
Proteomische Charakterisierung von krankheitsrelevanten PDZ Domänen und dessen gezielte intrazelluläre Interferenz mittels zell-penetrierender Peptide (CPPs).
Volkmer, Rudolf
Regulation of cytokine mRNA stability by IL-10
Grütz, Gerald
Untersuchung des therapeutischen Effektes von Hämoxygenase und dessen Metaboliten Kohlenmonoxid in Mausmodellen für Schwangerschaftskomplikationen
Zenclussen, Ana Claudia
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Clarifying the epigenetic control mechanisms of the bone regenerative capacity in MSCs to tap new cell sources for adoptive cell therapy
(Project Heads
Geißler, Sven
Polansky-Biskup, Julia
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Decoding and harnessing the impact of immune‐experience on the spatio‐temporal cellular interaction networks underlying bone healing
(Project Heads
Haas, Simon
Schmidt-Bleek, Katharina
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Completed projects
Beneficial and unfavourable immune cells in fracture healing
(Project Heads
Schell, Hanna
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Charakterisierung der Fitnesslandschaft von Aminosäuresequenzen durch eine theoriegestützte Untersuchung von Peptid-Proteinwechselwirkungen mitels molekularer Bibliotheken
(Project Heads
Frömmel, Cornelius
Schneider-Mergener, Jens
Volkmer, Rudolf
Coordination of Clinical Trials and Development of GMP procedures for cell-based therapeutic approaches
(Project Heads
Reinke, Petra
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Interaktionen zwischen Entzündungsprozessen im ZNS und dem peripheren Immunsystem: Untersuchungen zum Infektionsrisiko und -prävention bei einer ZNS-vermittelten systemischen Immunsuppression am Ratten-Modell
(Project Heads
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Woiciechowsky, Christian
Kartierung von Rezeptor-Ligand-Wechselwirkungen mittels Peptid-Bibliotheken
(Project Heads
Preissner, Robert
Volkmer, Rudolf
Mechanismen der "Immunparalyse" nach Trauma und Sepsis - Rolle der Hämoxygenase-1 (HO-1)
(Project Heads
Meisel, Christian Alexander
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Molekulare und zelluläre Mechanismen der Tumorimmunität durch Tumorzell-Transfektion mit Interleukin-Immunglobulin-Fusionsproteinen
(Project Heads
Bulfone-Paus, Silvia
Pohl, Thomas
Posttranskriptionelle Regulation von proinflammatorischen Zytokinen durch IL-10
(Project Head
Grütz, Gerald
Set-up and evaluation of am human adaptive immune system in cord blood stem cell-transplanted mice - a model for translational projects
(Project Heads
Sawitzki, Birgit
Volk, Hans-Dieter
SFB 650: Cellular Approaches for the Suppression of Unwanted Immune Reactions - From Bench to Bedside
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Tumortherapie mit rekombinanten Fusionsproteinen: IL-2-IgG und IL-15-IgG im Mausmodell
(Project Head
Pohl, Thomas
Untersuchungen zur Kommunikation zwischen Neural- und Immunzellen mittels akuter und chronischer intracerebro-ventrikulärer Applikation pro- und anti-inflammatorischer Zytokine im Tierversuch
(Project Heads
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Woiciechowsky, Christian
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Identification of genetic risk variants for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Stittrich, Anna B.
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konfokales High Content Imaging System
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Interactions between local and systemic immune response following controlled cortical impact injury in a rat model
Thomale, Ulrich
Current projects
Role of microglia in chronic inflammation and long-term consequences after stroke
(Project Heads
Meisel, Andreas
Meisel, Christian Alexander
Safaiyan, Shima
Completed projects
Bedeutung von klonalen T-Zell-Expansionen und funktionellen T-Zellveränderungen bei Myokarditis und dilatativer Kardiomyopathie für die Pathogenese, Prognose und den Verlauf immunmodulatorischer Therapien
(Project Heads
Hummel, Michael
Noutsias, Michel
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Cardioprotective and Immunomodulatory Effects of Adiponectin in Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy
(Project Heads
Scheibenbogen, Carmen
Skurk, Carsten
Development of Novel RNA-Based and Gene Therapeutic Strategies in Cardiomyopathies
(Project Heads
Poller, Wolfgang
Scheibenbogen, Carmen
Einsatz molekularer Bibliotheken zur Identifizierung von T-Zellepitopen im Proteom von Myokarditis induzierenden Enteroviren am Beispiel des Coxsackievirus B3
(Project Heads
Kern, Florian
Volkmer, Rudolf
Importance of Toag-1 and Smarca3 for the Transcriptional Regulation of T Cells
(Project Heads
Sawitzki, Birgit
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Paralysis of pulmonary immunity after cerebral ischemia by parasympathetic nervous system
(Project Heads
Meisel, Andreas
Meisel, Christian Alexander
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Parvovirus B19 and Endothelial Regeneration
(Project Heads
Schmidt-Lucke, Caroline
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Role of CNS antigen-specific T cell responses for regeneration and functional outcome after stroke and impact of post-stroke infections
(Project Heads
Meisel, Andreas
Meisel, Christian Alexander
Use of peptide libraries to improve the generation of effector and helper T cells from immunosuppressed patients for adoptive T cell therapy - HCMV as a model
(Project Heads
Reinke, Petra
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 80: Model Studies of Structures, Properties and Recognition of Biologically Relevant Molecules at Atomic Level
Höhne, Wolfgang
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 203: Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT)
Duda, Georg