Universität Trier
Fachbereich III - Geschichte
Lehrstuhl für Neuere Geschichte / Frühe Neuzeit
Universitätsring 15
54296 Trier
This institution in GERiT
54296 Trier
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Der koloniale Traum. Französisch-madagassische Begegnungen, Wissen und Aufklärung
Tricoire, Damien
Research Grants
Current projects
In the interstices of the empires: Flemish and Italian traders in the seventeenth-century Iberian Atlantic world
Tosco, Ph.D., Giorgio-Giòrs
The Berlin Wednesday Society: Edition of the Möhsen Papers
Engelhard, Kristina
Tricoire, Damien
Completed projects
Armenbriefe und Unterstützungsgesuche in Deutschland und Großbritannien, 1770 - 1914 / Pauper Letters and Petitions for Poor Relief in Germany and Great Britain, 1770 - 1914
Gestrich, Andreas
Natural Religion and Politics in the French Revolution
Tricoire, Damien
Religion, Slavery and Race in the Age of Revolutions: Catholicism from Colonial Saint-Domingue to Independent Haiti, c1700 to c1830
Franchina, Miriam
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Identifying Maritime Women. A Different History of Seafaring ca. 1650-1850
Karstens, Jan Simon
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Catholic and Protestant Poor Relief in the Early Modern Era between Ecclesiastical, State and Communal Responsibility
(Project Heads
Dorn, Franz
Schnabel-Schüle, Helga
Foreign Rulers - Foreign Subjects. Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion during the Transfer of Sovereignty in Europe from the second Half of the 18th Centuries to the second Half of the 19th Centuries
(Project Heads
Gestrich, Andreas
Schnabel-Schüle, Helga
Integrated Research Training Group: Strangers and Poor People. Changing Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion from Classical Antiquity to the Present Day
(Project Head
Schnabel-Schüle, Helga
Mädchenerziehung und Frauenbildung im Raum zwischen Maas und Rhein vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert
(Project Head
Schnabel-Schüle, Helga
Poverty and the Politics of Poverty in European Cities in the 19th and 20th Centuries
(Project Heads
Gestrich, Andreas
Raphael, Lutz
Strafgerichtsbarkeit in geistlichen Territorien zwischen Maas und Rhein 1500-1803
(Project Head
Schnabel-Schüle, Helga
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 557: Identity and Difference. Gender Constructions and Interculturality (18th - 20th Centuries)
Schmidt-Linsenhoff, Viktoria
GRK 846: Slavery, Serfdom and forced Labour. Forms of Unfree Life and Labour from Antiquity to the 20th Century
Herrmann-Otto, Elisabeth