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Universität Münster
Fachbereich 08 - Geschichte und Philosophie
Institut für Kunstgeschichte
Domplatz 23
48143 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48143 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Architectural Promenades in the Work of Tōgo Murano: a Twentieth-Century Practice between Pragmatism, Mathematics, and Kazari
Iisaka, Maki
Knowledge space, materiality, and dynamics of transfer around 1700: The print albums of Prince Eugene of Savoy
Krems, Eva-Bettina
Completed projects
Abfassung des zweiten Bandes eines Werkverzeichnisses des malerischen OEuvres von Raphael
Meyer zur Capellen, Jürg
All`antica - Ordnung und Ornat in der Architektur der Frührenaissance
Poeschke, Joachim
Allegorie als Historie - Giottos Zyklus der Tugenden und Laster in der Arenakapelle
Poeschke, Joachim
Reflexionsräume kinematographischer Ästhetik. Konvergenzen filmischer und realer Raumkonzepte in Kunstinstallationen und inszenierter Fotografie
Frohne, Ursula Anna
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Pietro da Cortona and his Circle. The Drawings in Düsseldorf
Merz, Jörg Martin
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Modellwechsel und Kulturtransfer bei den Wittelsbachern (1660-1740). Architektur - Porträt - Sammlung
Krems, Eva-Bettina
Research Units
Current projects
Familiar Strangers. Xenocratic Administration in Swedish Pomerania
Ludwig, Ulrike
Niebaum, Jens
FOR 5415: Local Xenocracy. Administration and Cultural Entanglement in Pre-Modernity.
Ludwig, Ulrike
Manifesting foreign rule: Xenocratic administration and its spatial-visual presence in the Southern Netherlands in the 17th and 18th centuries
Krems, Eva-Bettina
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
"Virtus" in Art and Artistic Theory of the Italian Renaissance
(Project Head
Poeschke, Joachim
Advanced Studies Centres in SSH
Current projects
Access to cultural goods in digital change: art historical, curatorial, and ethical aspects
Frohne, Ursula Anna
Schmücker, Reinold
KFG 33: Access to cultural goods in digital change: art historical, curatorial, and ethical aspects
Schmücker, Reinold
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 582: Symbols in Medieval Society
Staubach, Nikolaus
GRK 658: Image. Body. Medium. An Anthropological Approach
Wyss, Beat
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 1094: a.r.t.e.s. - Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne (AGSHC)
Speer, Andreas
Additional Information
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