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Universität Münster
Fachbereich 06 - Erziehungswissenschaft und Sozialwissenschaften
Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft
Bispinghof 9-14
48143 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48143 Münster
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Zwischen Redaktion und Reflexion. Die Integration von Theorie und Praxis in der Journalistenausbildung
Blöbaum, Bernd
Research Grants
Current projects
Communicative means for barrier-free survey research
Gehrau, Volker
Social Issue Emergence in the Hybrid Media System
Quandt, Thorsten
When is a Like a Like? Data-Generating Processes in Online Communication.
Jünger, Jakob
Completed projects
Auslandsnachrichten im Fernsehen: Inhalte, Produktion, Rezeption im internationalen Vergleich
Quandt, Thorsten
Wilke, Jürgen
Cyber-Mobbing an Schulen: Eine längsschnittliche Mehrebenen-Analyse individueller, strukturelle und systemischer Faktoren
Quandt, Thorsten
Die Domestizierung des Internets. Rekonstruktion häuslicher Aneignungsprozesse eines neuen Mediums (1997-2007).
Röser, Jutta
Effects concerning the level of aggregates of people, issues and time segments on the outcome of agenda-setting studies.
Gehrau, Volker
Entrepreneurial Responsibility in the Public Discourse. Differences and Co-Orientation in Judgments of Responsibility made by Corporations, the Media and Citizens.
Röttger, Ulrike
Framing Big Data: The Media Framing of Aggregate Data and New Data-Based Processes in Comparison of Communicative Forms, Time Periods, and Countries
Pentzold, Christian
Journalism in Germany II
Weischenberg, Siegfried
Mediatization of Organizations: Comparing the Intensity and Quality of Adaptations to the Logic of Public Attention.
Scheu, Andreas Matthias
PR-Beratung in der politischen Kommunikation
Röttger, Ulrike
Wandel bei aktuellen Massenmedien: Journalismus in veränderten Medienkontexten
Blöbaum, Bernd
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Evidenzbearbeitung in der Wissenschaftsberichterstattung aktueller Massenmedien
Blöbaum, Bernd
The Mediatized Home (III): Contrasting Household Studies on Drivers of Dynamic Mediatization
Röser, Jutta
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5303: Digital media in chronic disease self-management (DISELMA)
Rossmann, Constanze
FOR 5656: Communicative AI: The Automation of Societal Communication
Hepp, Andreas
News reporting on digital media use for the self-management of chronic diseases (IP7: reporting)
Metag, Julia
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Integrative Theoriekonzepte in der Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft: Ansätze zur Verbindung mikro- und makroperspektivischer Modellierungen gesellschaftlicher Kommunikation
Quandt, Thorsten
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
SCM 2020: From an Online Journal towards a Communication Hub
Quiring, Oliver
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1712: Trust and Communication in a Digitised World
Blöbaum, Bernd
Additional Information
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