Universität Greifswald
Institut für Botanik und Landschaftsökologie
Soldmannstraße 15
17489 Greifswald
This institution in GERiT
17489 Greifswald
Research Grants
Current projects
Mountain ecosystems facing global warming: study of impact of snow cover parameters on microbial communities of nivicolous myxomycetes
Schnittler, Martin
Completed projects
Entwicklung von Methoden zur Rehabilitierung von den Auwäldern entlang der Flüsse und in den Deltas der Aralsee-Niederung
Succow, Michael
Formation and effects of nitric oxide (NO) at the plasma membrane of tobacco roots
Stöhr, Christine
Gene flow and sex ratio of Populus euphratica Oliv. floodplain forests at the Tarim River, Xinjiang, NW China
Schnittler, Martin
Genes or Environment? White spruce and the divergence effect at Alaska's northern treeline
Eusemann, Pascal
Genetic diversity, stand structure and sex ratio of Populus euphratica floodplain forests at the Tarim River, Xinjiang, NW China
Schnittler, Martin
Reproductive systems of myxomycetes: How does evolution shape the relative proportion of sexual and asexual reproduction in species that are able to do both?
Schnittler, Martin
The "Codex Remensis" of the State Library at Berlin (Ms. Phill. 1743): The role of the Gallic episcopate in the transmission of late antique legal knowledge and the construction of Merovingian politics
Bonte, Achim
Esders, Stefan
Verlässliche Abschätzung von CH4-Bilanzen für Ökosysteme auf der Basis der Extrapolation von Punktmessungen unter Benutzung von Vegetationsmustern und weiteren Umweltparametern
Jurasinski, Gerald
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Development of a Plant Functional Group Classification to Support the Application of State-and-Transition
Zemmrich, Anne
Current projects
Carbon cycling and greenhouse gas exchange in rewetted fens
(Project Head
Jurasinski, Gerald
Carbon sequestration and buffer function of displacement peat in wetscapes 2.0
(Project Heads
Couwenberg, John
Jurasinski, Gerald
Lennartz, Bernd
Feedbacks in wetscapes 2.0: novel, integrated modeling approaches to assess climate change mitigation and adaptation potential
(Project Heads
Jurasinski, Gerald
Pongratz, Julia
Tetzlaff, Doerthe
Public Relations (PR)
(Project Heads
Jurasinski, Gerald
Tanneberger, Franziska
Roots of fen peat formation
(Project Heads
Kreyling, Jürgen
Tanneberger, Franziska
Research data and software
Completed projects
FloraGREIF - virtual flora of Mongolia
Schnittler, Martin
Zölitz, Reinhard
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1947: Biochemical, Biophysical and Biomedical Effects of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species on Biological Membranes
Helm, Christiane A.
GRK 2000: The German Baltic Sea Coast as Terrestrial-Marine Interface of Water and Matter Fluxes (Baltic Transcoast)
Lennartz, Bernd
GRK 2010: Biological Responses to Novel and Changing Environments
Kerth, Gerald