Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Philosophenweg 16
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Research Grants
Current projects
Confronting the conformal bootstrap with Monte Carlo simulations of lattice models
Hasenbusch, Martin Herbert
Development of a Renormalisation Group approach to Kinetic Field Theory for the study of cosmic structure formation
Kozlikin, Elena
Generative machine learning in the grand canonical ensemble
Bereau, Tristan
Homological algebra of supersymmetry: Locality, Unitarity, Duality
Noja, Ph.D., Simone
Saberi, Ingmar
Walcher, Johannes
Non-linear cosmic structure formation in the mean-field approximation
Bartelmann, Matthias
Ultra-Fast Event Generation using Modern Neural Networks
Plehn, Tilman
Completed projects
Algorithms for lattice QCD and related models
Hasenbusch, Martin Herbert
Auswirkungen der Gasdynamik auf den Gravitationslinseneffekt von Galaxienhaufen; Bestimmung physikalischer Haufeneigenschaften durch Analyse des Linseneffekts und des Haufengases
Bartelmann, Matthias
Automatized QCD Calculations for new physics at the LHC
Plehn, Tilman
Calculation of the SM beta functions at four-loop accuracy
Mihaila, Luminita Nicoleta
Challenges to the standard cosmological model in recent cosmological observations
Amendola, Luca
Charge and spin transfer statistics in complex nanostructures
Komnik, Andreas
Cosmology without assuming a cosmology: data analysis in the Euclid era
Amendola, Luca
Critical Casimir force between spheres and planes: Monte Carlo simulations of spin models
Hasenbusch, Martin Herbert
Detailed analysis of a large, dedicated sample of HST clusters
Bartelmann, Matthias
Developing galaxy-cluster potentials into a cosmological diagnostic
Bartelmann, Matthias
Einfluss von Elektron-Phonon- und Elektron-Elektron-Wechselwirkungen auf Relaxations- und Transportprozesse in niedrigdimensionalen stark korrelierten Leitern
Komnik, Andreas
Elementarteilchen im frühen Universum
Wetterich, Christof
Entwicklung und Implementation neuer Methoden zur Identifikation von Top Quarks; Anwendung auf Suchen nach neuer Physik
Plehn, Tilman
Flußgleichungen für Eichtheorien und Gravitation
Reuter, Martin
Formation of color superconducting quark matter in supernovae and protoneutron stars
Pagliara, Giuseppe
From assembly to mechanics: predictive scale bridging simulations of spider silk
Gräter, Frauke
Functional renormalization group for fermions in three dimensions
Honerkamp, Carsten
Salmhofer, Manfred
Gravitational flexion, its measurement and its application to galaxy clusters
Bartelmann, Matthias
Hard QCD Processes in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Pirner, Hans-Jürgen
Higgs physics in and beyond the Standard Model, new particles beyond the Standard Model in supersymmetry and alternative scenarios, parameter extraction from LHC data
Plehn, Tilman
Höherdimensionale Modelle der Großen Vereinigung (Orbifold GUTs) in String- und Feldtheorie
Hebecker, Arthur
Joint, parameter-free reconstruction of the mass distribution in galaxy clusters from all available data sets
Bartelmann, Matthias
Kinetic Field Theory: Second-order perturbation theory
Bartelmann, Matthias
Kritischer Casimireffekt: Monte-Carlo-Simulationen verbesserter Modelle
Hasenbusch, Martin Herbert
Modeling shapes and traction forces of steady moving and perturbed cells
Ziebert, Falko
Nichtgleichgewichts-statistische Modelle relativistischer Schwerionenreaktionen
Wolschin, Georg
Non-equilibrium classical, quantum and active fluids
Berges, Jürgen
Flörchinger, Stefan
Wetterich, Christof
Nonequilibrium in QFT-Inflation, Decoherence, Baryogenesis
Schmidt, Michael G.
Optimal filtering of three-dimensional, weak-lensing data
Bartelmann, Matthias
Optogenetic control of cell behaviour (MechanoSwitch)
Schwarz, Ulrich
PAPAS: determine the actual SFR in red spirals falling into clusters.
Thommes, Eduard
PAPAS: determine the actual SFR in red spirals falling into clusters
Thommes, Eduard
Paritätsverletzung in Atomen und Spinecho
Nachtmann, Otto
Perturbations and observables in inhomogeneous cosmologies
Bartelmann, Matthias
Photon-induzierte Reaktionen und das Dipolmodell
Nachtmann, Otto
Properties of Multi-Higgs Models
Nachtmann, Otto
QCD and other models at finite density, Stochastic Quantisation, Non-equilibrium phenomena in Quantum Field Theories.
Stamatescu, Ion Olimpiu
Quantenkräfte in Nanotechnologie, Laserphysik und Teilchenphysik
Gies, Holger
Quantenstatistische Physik mikroskopischer Glasmodelle
Horner, Heinz
Renormierungsgruppe in Fermisystemen: Fermiflächen mit Singularitäten
Salmhofer, Manfred
Statistics of structures in the gravitational potential - a possible way to constrain halo populations without reference to mass
Bartelmann, Matthias
Strukturbildung und schwacher Linseneffekt in kosmologischen Modellen mit dynamischer Dunkler Energie
Bartelmann, Matthias
Systematische und modellunabhängige Berechnung von Strangeness-Formfaktoren des Nukleons mittels effektiver Feldtheorie- und Renormierungsgruppen-Methoden
Pirner, Hans-Jürgen
The overpopulated Quark Gluon Plasma on the Lattice
Berges, Jürgen
Zeitentwicklung von Korrelationsfunktionen in klassischer und Quanten-Feldtheorie
Wetterich, Christof
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Plehn, Tilman
Hebecker, Arthur
Precision Tests of the Standard Model and the Search for New Physics
Mihaila, Luminita Nicoleta
Strongly correlated quantum impurity problems in non-equilibrium: from fractional quantum Hall edge stated devices to ultracold atomic systems.
Komnik, Andreas
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Structural determinants and function of chirality in the motion of malaria parasites
Frischknecht, Friedrich
Schwarz, Ulrich
Completed projects
Automatic detection of gravitational arcs in wide-area survey data, comparison of the observed and the theoretically expected arc abundance
Bartelmann, Matthias
Detection and characterisation of dark-matter halos by gravitational shear and flexion; constraints on the non-linear cosmic structure growth
Bartelmann, Matthias
Dynamic Simulation of active/inactive Chromatin Domains (Dynamische Simulation aktiver/inaktiver Chromatindomänen)
Kreth, Gregor
Effects of gas dynamics on gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters; determination of physical cluster properties from analyses of lensing effects and the cluster gas
Bartelmann, Matthias
Phasenübergänge und Baryogenese im frühen Universum in supersymmetrischen Modellen
Schmidt, Michael G.
Polaron formation in Rydberg systems and Rydberg excitations as a probe of correlated quantum matter
Schmidt, Richard
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Biologisch motivierte Polymersysteme auf der Nanoskala
Ziebert, Falko
Übergang von der störungstheoretischen zur nichtstörungstheoretischen Quantenchromodynamik
Ewerz, Carlo
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Many-body QCD phenomena in high-energy proton and nuclear collisions
Mazeliauskas, Aleksas
Completed projects
Importance sampling of chemical compound space: Thermodynamic properties from high-throughput coarse-grained simulations
Bereau, Tristan
Modelling forces and signalling in cell adhesion
Schwarz, Ulrich
Research Units
Current projects
Coherent propagation and decay of quasi-particles
Haverkort, Maurits
FOR 2202: Neutrino Mass Determination by Electron Capture in Holmium-163 (ECHo)
Enss, Christian Walter Dietrich
FOR 5249: Quantitative Spatio-Temporal Model-Building for Correlated Electronic Matter
Valenti, Maria Roser
Completed projects
Ab initio Prediction of the 163Ho Electron Capture Spectrum
Haverkort, Maurits
Central project
Salmhofer, Manfred
Competing order parameters and flows into phases with broken symmetries
Honerkamp, Carsten
Salmhofer, Manfred
Dark matter at the LHC
Kopp, Joachim
Electronic structure of exemplary correlated materials
Haverkort, Maurits
Tjeng, Liu Hao
FOR 723: Functional Renormalisation Group for Correlated Fermion Systems
Salmhofer, Manfred
Functional renormalization group for ultracold atoms
Gies, Holger
Kopietz, Peter
Wetterich, Christof
Global fits of Higgs properties and new physics
Dreiner, Ph.D., Herbert
Krämer, Michael
Many-body systems, interacting brownian motions, and functional integrals
König, Wolfgang
Precision calculations for beyond the Standard Model processes at the LHC
Krämer, Michael
Systems with many degrees of freedom: probalistic and constructive field theory methods
König, Wolfgang
Salmhofer, Manfred
Top-Higgs sector and simplified models
Plehn, Tilman
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Bose Fermi mixtures at large (but finite) mass ratios
(Project Heads
Chomaz, Ph.D., Lauriane
Enss, Tilman
Salmhofer, Manfred
Weidemüller, Matthias
Coordination of the Collaborative Research Centre 1225 ISOQUANT
(Project Head
Berges, Jürgen
Effective many-body physics of fermions in low-dimensional materials
(Project Heads
Schmidt, Richard
Zaumseil, Jana
From QCD transport to particle yields
(Project Heads
Capellino, Federica
Masciocchi, Silvia
Pawlowski, Jan Martin
Stachel, Johanna
Membrane remodelling driven by SARS-CoV-2 proteins
(Project Heads
Chlanda, Petr
Schwarz, Ulrich
Modeling the adhesion of malaria-infected red blood cells
(Project Heads
Lanzer, Michael
Schwarz, Ulrich
Nonthermal fixed points and topological data analysis for quantum fields
(Project Heads
Berges, Jürgen
Pawlowski, Jan Martin
Wienhard, Anna
Origins of collectivity in few-body systems
(Project Heads
Enss, Tilman
Jochim, Selim
Masciocchi, Silvia
Mazeliauskas, Aleksas
Precision physics on bound single, few, and many strongly correlated electron systems in strong fields
(Project Heads
Blaum, Klaus
Crespo López-Urrutia, José Ramón
Haverkort, Maurits
Sturm, Sven
Wetterich, Christof
Precision theory of highly charged ions within the Standard Model and beyond
(Project Heads
Di Piazza, Antonino
Evers, Jörg
Harman, Zoltan
Jaeckel, Joerg
Keitel, Christoph H.
Palffy-Buß, Adriana
Quantum field simulators
(Project Heads
Berges, Jürgen
Jendrzejewski, Fred
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Science and society – challenges of science communication
(Project Heads
Berges, Jürgen
Blaum, Klaus
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Ringena, Lisa
Stachel, Johanna
Weidemüller, Matthias
SFB 1225: Isolated quantum systems and universality in extreme conditions (ISOQUANT)
Berges, Jürgen
Strongly correlated fermions
(Project Heads
Haverkort, Maurits
Jochim, Selim
Pawlowski, Jan Martin
Schmidt, Richard
Wetterich, Christof
Thermalisation dynamics and infrared phenomena in heavy-ion collisions
(Project Heads
Berges, Jürgen
Mazeliauskas, Aleksas
Reygers, Klaus
Stachel, Johanna
Completed projects
From few to many: ultracold atoms in reduced dimensions
(Project Heads
Enss, Tilman
Jochim, Selim
Magnetic fields and radio haloes in galaxy clusters
(Project Head
Bartelmann, Matthias
Modelling and analysis of proto-galactic radiation fields
(Project Heads
Bartelmann, Matthias
Wehrse, Rainer
Strong gravitational lensing in galaxy clusters
(Project Heads
Bartelmann, Matthias
Röser, Hermann-Josef
Strongly Interacting Fermion Systems: Graphene
(Project Heads
Berges, Jürgen
von Smekal, Lorenz
Current projects
Anomaly searches in jet physics
(Project Heads
Krämer, Michael
Plehn, Tilman
Automated model building and representation learning for multiscale simulations
(Project Heads
Andrienko, Denis
Bereau, Tristan
Wand, Michael
Dark sectors at colliders and flavour experiments
(Project Heads
Kahlhoefer, Felix
Krämer, Michael
Plehn, Tilman
Extended Higgs sectors at the LHC
(Project Heads
Mühlleitner, Milada Margarete
Plehn, Tilman
Integrated research training group
(Project Heads
Bereau, Tristan
Egger, Herbert
Hartung, Lisa
Liebchen, Benno
Nikoubashman, Arash
Sulpizi, Marialore
Multi-boson physics at the LHC
(Project Heads
Butter, Anja
Heinrich, Gudrun
Kilian, Wolfgang
Zeppenfeld, Dieter
The effective electroweak Lagrangian in the light of the LHC
(Project Heads
Kilian, Wolfgang
Krämer, Michael
Plehn, Tilman
Completed projects
Analysis and forecasts for large-scale Dark Energy surveys
(Project Heads
Amendola, Luca
Porciani, Cristiano
Weller, Jochen
Central Tasks
(Project Heads
Amendola, Luca
Bender, Ralf
Wetterich, Christof
Wolschin, Georg
Dark Engergy - Dark Matter Interaction
(Project Heads
Amendola, Luca
Pettorino, Valeria
Springel, Volker
Wetterich, Christof
Dark Matter in Randall-Sundrum Brane Cosmolgy
(Project Head
Hebecker, Arthur
Early Dark Energy
(Project Heads
Doran, Michael
Wetterich, Christof
Explorin the Dark Universe with the Cosmic Microwave Background
(Project Heads
Bartelmann, Matthias
Doran, Michael
Enßlin, Torsten
Gravitational Lensing and X-Ray Emission by Non-Linear Structures
(Project Heads
Bartelmann, Matthias
Reiprich, Thomas H.
Multi-loop calculation with heavy fermions in the SM and MSSM
(Project Heads
Mihaila, Luminita Nicoleta
Steinhauser, Matthias
Non-linear clustering in Dark Energy cosmology: Analytical and semianalytical methods
(Project Heads
Amendola, Luca
Bartelmann, Matthias
Pettorino, Valeria
Wetterich, Christof
Non-linear structure growth traced by galaxy clusters
(Project Heads
Bartelmann, Matthias
Erben, Thomas
Operator Analysis of New Physics in Top-Quark Observables
(Project Head
Westhoff, Susanne
Origin of Dark Energy and Dark Matter in String Theory
(Project Heads
Brunner, Ilka
Hebecker, Arthur
Lüst, Dieter
Weigand, Timo
Quintessence, branes and higher dimensions
(Project Heads
Förste, Stefan
Nilles, Hans-Peter
Wetterich, Christof
The "Why Now" problem of Dark Energy
(Project Heads
Amendola, Luca
Wetterich, Christof
TRR 33: The Dark Universe
Amendola, Luca
Wetterich, Christof
WISPy Cold Dark Matter - From theory to experiment
(Project Head
Jaeckel, Joerg
WBP Return Grant
Completed projects
Hock, Alexander
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 216: Systems in Physics with many Degrees of Freedom
Wegner, Franz
GRK 597: Analysis, Geometry and their Connection with the Natural Sciences
Rademacher, Hans-Bert
GRK 1653: Spatio/Temporal Probabilistic Graphical Models and Applications in Image Analysis
Schnörr, Christoph
GRK 1940: Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model
Plehn, Tilman
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 129: Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics
Klingeler, Rüdiger
GSC 220: Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences
Bastian, Peter
GSC 249: The Hartmut Hoffmann-Berling International Graduate School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Wittbrodt, Joachim
GSC 1085: Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (KSETA)
Blümer, Johannes
Nierste, Ulrich
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2082: 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O)
Bunz, Uwe F. H.
Selhuber-Unkel, Christine
Wegener, Martin
Wittbrodt, Joachim
EXC 2181: STRUCTURES: A unifying approach to emergent phenomena in the physical world, mathematics, and complex data
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Salmhofer, Manfred
Wienhard, Anna
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 81: Cellular Networks: From Analysis of Molecular Mechanisms to a Quantitative Understanding of Complex Functions (CellNetworks)
Kräusslich, Hans-Georg
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
FAIRmat – FAIR Data Infrastructure for Condensed-Matter Physics and the Chemical Physics of Solids
Draxl, Claudia