Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
von-Siebold-Straße 5
37075 Göttingen
This institution in GERiT
37075 Göttingen
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Analysis of signaling scaffolds in NMDA receptor dependent long-term synaptic plasticity
Schlüter, Oliver M.
Research Grants
Current projects
ADAMTS proteases in Alzheimer’s disease
Weggen, Sascha
Wirths, Oliver
A Therapeutic Potential of Silent Synapses for Ameliorating Critical Period Defects
Löwel, Siegrid
Schlüter, Oliver M.
Early identification and phenotyping of prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies via established and novel biomarkers: PRO-DLB
Hansen, Niels
The role of STAT1 signal transduction in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease
Meyer, Thomas
Wirths, Oliver
Completed projects
Die Auswirkung kognitiver Remediation auf Kennwerte ereigniskorrelierter Potentiale bei Schizophrenie
Müller, Bernhard W.
Sartory, Gudrun
Die in vivo Rolle von Kupfer bei der physiologischen und pathologischen Funktion des Amyloid Vorläuferproteins
Multhaup, Gerhard
Effects of induced 5-HT deficiency by time-dependent deletion of Tph2 on depression-like behaviour and its neurobiological correlates
Waider, Jonas
Functional analyses of SH2B1 mutations with relevance for body weight regulation
Hinney, Anke
Funktionelle Amnesien
Irle, Eva
Molecular and neuronal pathway-specific analysis of pathognomonic signatures in two-hit schizophrenia mouse models combining environmental and genetic risk factors
Rossner, Moritz
Schlüter, Oliver M.
Untersuchungen der frühen Effekte des Amyloidvorläuferproteins (APP) auf die synaptische Signalübertragung im Hippokampus
Rettig, Jens
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Neuropsychologie impliziter und expliziter assoziativer Lernprozesse
Irle, Eva
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Analysis of AMPA-Receptor Trafficking During Longterm Changes in Synaptic Plasticity
Schlüter, Oliver M.
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Steuerung der frühen Detektion von Neuheit durch Prädiktion und Motivation
Schott, Björn Hendrik
Clinical Trials
Completed projects
Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of negative symptoms in schizophrenia
Falkai, Peter
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Extracellular matrix integrity as neural resource of memory precision and cognitive flexibility
(Project Heads
Dityatev, Ph.D., Alexander
Schott, Björn Hendrik
Seidenbecher, Constanze
Signaling mechanisms of synaptic state transitions in relation to long-term synaptic plasticity
(Project Head
Schlüter, Oliver M.
Completed projects
Genetic influence on the modulation of attention and memory via reward or punishment
(Project Heads
Schott, Björn Hendrik
Seidenbecher, Constanze
Zenker, Martin
Hippocampal functional connectivity during episodic memory formation in humans: The roles of reward- and salience-related dopaminergic brain areas, novelty, and schema-related episodic distinctiveness
(Project Heads
Eßlinger, Christine
Kluge, Christian
Richardson-Klavehn, Ph.D., Alan
Schott, Björn Hendrik
Interplay of excitatory silent synapses, inhibitory synapses and synapse pruning in critical period plasticity
(Project Head
Schlüter, Oliver M.
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konfokales Laser-Scanning Mikroskop
DFG Research Centres
Completed projects
Applied Neuroscience
(Project Head
Bähr, Matthias
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2824: Heart and brain diseases: integrative research across organs
Katschinski, Dörthe M.