Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Mitte
Centrum für Schlaganfallforschung Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10117 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Endothelial dysfunction predisposes spontaneously hypertensive stroke prone rats to spreading depolarization and spreading ischemia
Dreier, Jens P.
Migraine and Endothelial Dysfunction – a brain magnetic resonance (MR) imaging case-control study (MED-MRI)
Liman, Thomas
Paralysis of mucociliary clearance after cerebral ischemia by neurohumoral mechanisms
Kummer, Wolfgang
Meisel, Andreas
Meisel, Christian Alexander
Completed projects
Cortical spreading ischaemia in hypoxia and global ischaemia
Dreier, Jens P.
Die Rolle der DNA-Methylierung und der DNA-Methyltransferase bei der zerebralen Ischämie
Endres, Matthias
Does endothelin-1 induce spreading depression via a direct effect on the vasculature?
Dreier, Jens P.
Does spreading depolarization facilitate neurnal injury when cerebral tissue is metabolically compromised by the vasoconstrictor endothelin-1?
Dreier, Jens P.
GABA-glutamate interaction as neurochemical basis of cerebral resting-state dysfunction in depression and schizophrenia: A 7 tesla multimodal imaging project
Gallinat, Jürgen
Heinz, Andreas
Ittermann, Bernd
Impact of anesthetics on cerebral energy metabolism during light and deep anesthesia: possible implications for postoperative neurological complications
Berndt, Nikolaus
Liotta, Agustin
Induzierte Ischämietoleranz im ZNS: In-vitro-Modellierung und molekulare Mechanismen
Meisel, Andreas
Mechanismen einer langanhaltenden Immundepression und erhöhten Suszeptibilität gegenüber Infektionen nach ischämischem Schlaganfall
Prass, Konstantin
Preparation of a multicenter, randomized, open-label, blinded end point (PROBE) trial investigating the effects of immunemarker-guided preventive antibiotic therapy on the 3 months-outcome after acute ischemic stroke
Ulm, Lena
Clinical Trials
Completed projects
Berlin PRehospital Or Usual Delivery of acute stroke care (B-PROUD)
Audebert, Heinrich
DISCHARGE-1: Depolarisations in ISChaemia after subarachnoid HAemoRrhaGE-1
Dreier, Jens P.
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
KFO 5023: BECAUSE-Y Berlin Center for Diagnosing, Understanding and Treating Antibody(Y)-mediated Neurological Diseases
Endres, Matthias
Preclinical development of antibody-specific novel immunotherapies
Künkele-Langer, Annette
Meisel, Andreas
Reincke, Momsen
Role of autoantibodies for long-term outcome and cognitive function following ischemic stroke
Endres, Matthias
Meisel, Andreas
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Cortical spreading ischemia
(Project Heads
Dreier, Jens P.
Einhäupl, Karl M.
Current projects
Role of microglia in chronic inflammation and long-term consequences after stroke
(Project Heads
Meisel, Andreas
Meisel, Christian Alexander
Safaiyan, Shima
Completed projects
A possible role of cortical spreading depolarisation for cellular damage in status epilepticus and subsequent development of temporal lobe epilepsy
(Project Heads
Dreier, Jens P.
Gorji, Ali
Paralysis of pulmonary immunity after cerebral ischemia by parasympathetic nervous system
(Project Heads
Meisel, Andreas
Meisel, Christian Alexander
Volk, Hans-Dieter
Role of CNS antigen-specific T cell responses for regeneration and functional outcome after stroke and impact of post-stroke infections
(Project Heads
Meisel, Andreas
Meisel, Christian Alexander
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Lattice Light Sheet Microscope (LLSM)