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Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS)
Pariser Straße 1
10719 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10719 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Agreement mismatches in relative clauses and related structures
Meinunger, André
Boolean connectives: probing the interplay between Language & Logic
Alexiadou, Artemis
Heinze, Aiso
Sauerland, Uli
Completed projects
A corpus-based contrastive study tense, aspect, modality and polarity (TAMP) in Austronesian languages of Melanesia (MelaTAMP)
Krifka, Manfred
von Prince, Kilu
Acquisition of Adversative Discourse Relations - but in German, Bulgarian and English L1-Acquisition
Bittner, Dagmar
Anaphoric Potential of Incorporated Nominals and Weak Definites (ANAPIN)
Krifka, Manfred
Audio-visual prosody of whispered and semi-whispered speech
Zygis, Marzena
Basis and boundaries of unaccusativity: the role of voice morphology and auxiliary selection
Alexiadou, Artemis
Bayesian Approaches to Preference-based Answer Generation in Dialogue
Benz, Anton
Klabunde, Ralf
Bilingual children at the transition from kindergarten to primary school: the development of their reading and writing skills.
Gagarina, Natalia
Lindner, Katrin
Complex Sentences in Brazilian Indigenous Languages: Experimental and Theoretical Studies
Sauerland, Uli
Cross-linguistic phonetics and morphology using a time-aligned multilingual reference corpus built from documentations of 50 languages: Big data on small languages
Seifart, Frank
Degree Attenuators: The semantics of attenuating polarity items in the degree domain
Solt, Ph.D., Stephanie
Implikaturen und Diskursstruktur
Benz, Anton
Logic across languages: Expressing and interpreting connectives cross-linguistically
Nicolae, Ph.D., Andreea
Markiertheitsrelationen in Tempus-Systemen slavischer Sprachen
Wurzel, Wolfgang U.
Modelling Control Theory
Alexiadou, Artemis
Fischer, Silke
Morphologische Verarbeitung polymorphematischer Wörter. Ver-präfigierte Verben im Deutschen
Burchert, Frank
Past Tense Morphology in Tense and Modality
Krifka, Manfred
Zeijlstra, Ph.D., Hedde
Propositional and Non-at-issue Content in Text Generation: Exploring the QUD–Perspective
Benz, Anton
Klabunde, Ralf
Prosodische Phrasierung in der auditorischen und visuellen Satzverarbeitung
Dogil, Grzegorz
Questions and Answers in Creole Languages
Veenstra, Tonjes
Relative Measurement and the DP Border (DPBorder)
Alexiadou, Artemis
Sauerland, Uli
Spoken lAnguage in motions: Learning and Adaptation of speech coMMunication in the context of BOdy motions
Fuchs, Susanne
Sprechart: Sprecherspezifische Artikulation als Adaptation an individuelle Vokaltraktgeometrien
Fuchs, Susanne
Syntax/Semantik-Konfigurationen in Relativsätzen mit externen und internen Köpfen
Krifka, Manfred
The acquisition of Voice alternations by Greek-German bilingual children
Alexiadou, Artemis
‘The interrelation between social gender and grammatical gender: A novel socio-theoretical approach’
Steriopolo, Olga
The meaning of German 'wie' in equative comparison
Umbach, Carla
Türkische Interrogativsätze an den Schnittstellen der Grammatik
Truckenbrodt, Ph.D., Hubert
Vagueness, Approximation, and Granularity (VAAG)
Sauerland, Uli
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
Alexiadou, Artemis
Analysis and Modeling of Event-Related Brain Activity During Language Processing
beim Graben, Peter
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Interpretation of quantifiers
Sauerland, Uli
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Implicature and Presupposition within Compositional Semantics (wissenschaftliches Netzwerk)
Sauerland, Uli
Priority Programmes
Current projects
On the FLExibility and Stability of gesture-speecH coordination: Evidence from multimodal production, comprehension, and imitation (FLESH)
Cwiek, Aleksandra
Fuchs, Susanne
Pouw, Ph.D., Wim
Completed projects
A comparative study ofdownstep: downstep by phrases in German, downstep by focus in Mandarin Chinese, and downstep by tones in Yoruba.
Truckenbrodt, Ph.D., Hubert
Behavioral and neural correlates of vowel length in German and of its interaction with the tense/lax contrast
Hertrich, Ingo
Coordinating project for SPP 1234: organization of common activities of projects within this programme.
Wiese, Richard
Coordination Funds
Sauerland, Uli
Schumacher, Petra
Development of prosodic competence in early first language acquisition: Behavioral and neurophysiological investigations
Höhle, Barbara
Truckenbrodt, Ph.D., Hubert
Wartenburger, Isabell
Experimental game theory and scalar implicatures: investigating variation in context and scale type
Benz, Anton
Lexical Inference vs Scalar Implicature
Sauerland, Uli
Modelling the Use of Quantifiers in Typical and Atypical Speakers Probabilistically
Franke, Michael
Krifka, Manfred
Sauerland, Uli
Pre-attentive phonotactic processing
Jacobsen, Thomas
SPP 1234: Phonological and Phonetic Competence: Between Grammar, Signal Processing and Neural Activity
Wiese, Richard
SPP 1727: XPrag.de: New Pragmatic Theories Based on Experimental Evidence
Sauerland, Uli
The Pragmatic Status of Iconic Meaning in Spoken Communication: Gestures, Ideophones, Prosodic Modulations (PSIMS)
Ebert, Cornelia
Fuchs, Susanne
Krifka, Manfred
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Questions and Answers in Creole Languages
Veenstra, Tonjes
Research Units
Current projects
Dynamics of verbal aspect and (pro)nominal reference in language contact
Alexiadou, Artemis
Gagarina, Natalia
Szucsich, Luka
FOR 2537: Emerging grammars in language contact situations: A comparative approach
Wiese, Heike
Completed projects
Nominal morphosyntax and word order in Heritage Greek across majority languages
Alexiadou, Artemis
Nominal morpho-syntax and word order in heritage Russian across majority languages
Gagarina, Natalia
Szucsich, Luka
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Doubling and register variation
(Project Heads
Alexiadou, Artemis
Schmitt, Viola
Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG)
(Project Heads
Sauerland, Uli
Waltereit, Richard
Modeling meaning-driven register variation: Politeness and face management
(Project Heads
Sauerland, Uli
Solt, Ph.D., Stephanie
Real-time register comprehension in adolescent heritage speakers’ languages
(Project Heads
Gagarina, Natalia
Knoeferle, Pia
Maquate, Katja
Register in the cross-linguistic diachrony of logical particles
(Project Heads
Sauerland, Uli
Waltereit, Richard
SFB 1412: Register: Language-Users’ Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation
Lüdeling, Anke
Szucsich, Luka
Speakers' choices in three Saamaka communities
(Project Head
Alexiadou, Artemis
Variation in Situated Interaction II: Modeling real life situations
(Project Heads
Jannedy, Stefanie
Weirich, Melanie
Completed projects
Case and Referential Context: Argument Realisation and Referential Context
(Project Heads
Alexiadou, Artemis
von Heusinger, Klaus
Central Tasks
(Project Heads
Alexiadou, Artemis
Kuhn, Jonas
Information structure (IS) in non-assertive speech acts
(Project Heads
Krifka, Manfred
Repp, Sophie
Register and the development of periphrasis in the history of English
(Project Heads
Alexiadou, Artemis
McFadden, Ph.D., Thomas
Satzgefüge - Subordination - Parenthese
(Project Heads
Reis, Marga
Truckenbrodt, Ph.D., Hubert
SFB 732: Incremental Specification in Context
Alexiadou, Artemis
Kuhn, Jonas
Speaker's choices in a creole context: Bislama and Morisien
(Project Head
Krifka, Manfred
The form and interpretation of derived nominals
(Project Heads
Alexiadou, Artemis
Fischer, Silke
The interaction of information structure and grammar in Gur and Kwa languages
(Project Heads
Hartmann, Ph.D., Katharina
Krifka, Manfred
The Syntax of Nominal Modification and its Interaction with Nominal Structure
(Project Head
Alexiadou, Artemis
Underspecification in Voice Systems and the syntax-morphology interface
(Project Heads
Alexiadou, Artemis
Hole, Daniel
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 275: Economy and Complexity in Language
Donhauser, Karin
Staudacher, Peter
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 609: Linguistic Representations and their Interpretation
Pafel, Jürgen
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 86: Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Pauen, Michael
Villringer, Arno
Forschungsbereich Laborphonologie
Forschungsbereich Semantik und Pragmatik
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