Universität Siegen
Fakultät I
Romanisches Seminar
Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57076 Siegen
This institution in GERiT
57076 Siegen
Research Grants
Current projects
Ecothriller and Ecocritiscm in Latin America
Temelli, Yasmin
Republican Memory and Female Revolutionary Icons: the Neapolitan Republic of 1799 in Literary and Cinematic Media of Cultural Memory (20th and 21stcenturies)
Berneiser, Tobias
Completed projects
Boulevard, Bohème und Jugendkultur: Verhandlungen von Massenmedialität und Marginalität.
Stanitzek, Georg
Depression: Representations in French Prose at the Turn of the Millennium
Temelli, Yasmin
Intermedialität. Theorie und synästhetische Praxis
Roloff, Volker
Macht- und Körperinszenierungen: Modelle und Impulse der italienischen Avantgarde
Hülk-Althoff, Walburga
Theatre and the "theatrical" in film - french theatre - films 1930-1960
Roloff, Volker
The early Reception of the Phenomenology in Spain und Latin America
Ferrer Ortega, Ph.D., Guillermo
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
1) Love discourse and poetic self-justification (12th-20th century) 2) Flaubert's writing scenes (19th century) 3) Aesthetics and epistemology of the crowd (la foule) (19th century to the present) 4) Novel and reality (20th century)
Wild, Cornelia
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Dispositive of the Crowd
Wild, Cornelia
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
1) Love discourse and poetic self-justification (12th-20th century) 2) Flaubert's writing scenes (19th century) 3) Aesthetics and epistemology of the crowd (la foule) (19th century to the present) 4) Novel and reality (20th century)
Wild, Cornelia
CRC/Cultural Studies Research Centres
Completed projects
Intermedialität im europäischen Surrealismus
(Project Head
Roloff, Volker
Macht- und Körperinszenierungen in der italienischen Medienkultur
(Project Head
Hülk-Althoff, Walburga
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
Expansion of the e-journal iMex. México Interdisciplinario / Interdisciplinary Mexico
Temelli, Yasmin
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Pasolini: popular
(Project Head
Wild, Cornelia
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 372: Pre-Modern Concepts of Time and the Past
Hölkeskamp, Karl-Joachim