Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Walther-Straub-Institut für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
Goethestraße 33
80336 München
This institution in GERiT
80336 München
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Heterotrimere G-Proteine olfaktorischer Signaltransduktionskaskaden
Boekhoff, Ph.D., Ingrid
Molekulare Grundlagen der selektiven Interaktion zwischen heterotrimeren GTPasen und den Rezeptoren für Gonadotropin- und Thyrotropin-Releasing-Hormon
Gudermann, Thomas
Perzeption von Pheromonen bei Säugern: Rezeptoren und Transduktionsmechanismen im Vomeronasalorgan
Boekhoff, Ph.D., Ingrid
Perzeption von Pheromonen bei Säugern: Rezeptoren und Transduktionsmechanismen im Vomeronasal Organ
Boekhoff, Ph.D., Ingrid
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Entwicklung Subtyp-selektiver alpha-Conuspeptide als pharmakologische Werkzeuge zur Subtyp-Differenzierung neuronaler Acetylcholin-Rezeptoren
Nicke, Annette
Research Grants
Current projects
Deciphering new components of Ca2+-signaling in endolysosomes
Grimm, Christian Michael
Endolysosomal cation channels as novel targets for cancer therapy
Bartel, Karin
Grimm, Christian Michael
Role of two-pore channels in the astroglial Mechanosensitivity controlling water balance
Grimm, Christian Michael
The cardiac role of Piezo1
Deußen, Andreas
Mederos y Schnitzler, Michael
The role of the Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels in virus-induced lung fibrosis
Adler, Heiko
Completed projects
Cytomegalovirus-based vaccine vectors - the role of cytomegalovirus gH/gL/chemokine glycoprotein complexes in the vector-induced immune response
Adler, Barbara
Die Rolle von "transient receptor potential (TRP)"-Kanälen bei der Hypoxie-induzierten pulmonalen Hypertonie und beim vaskulären Gefäßumbau
Dietrich, Alexander
Infektion von Mäusen mit murinem Gammaherpesvirus-68(MHV-68) als Tiermodell zur Untersuchung der Rolle einzelner Gammaherpesvirus-Gene
Adler, Heiko
Investigation of the role of TRPML channel family and two-pore channel family members in intracellular fusion processes and the cation homeostasis of endolysosomal vesicles
Grimm, Christian Michael
Mechanics of receptor/g-protein-medicated growth of small cell lung carcinoma.
Gudermann, Thomas
Mechanismen der Gq/11- und G12/13- abhängigen Wachstumsregulation im kleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinom
Aigner, Achim
Gudermann, Thomas
Mechanisms of activation of lysosomal two-pore channel TPC2, a potential novel target for the treatment of lysosomal storage disorders and neurodegenerative diseases
Grimm, Christian Michael
Metabolism of the alkaloid myosmine
Zwickenpflug, Wolfgang
Molecular basis of TRPC4 and TRPC5 channel activation
Storch, Ursula
Molecular interaction between the voltage-dependent anion channel 2 and its agonist efsevin
Schredelseker, Ph.D., Johann
Physiological and pathophysiological role of the kinase-coupled ion channel TRPM6
Chubanov, Ph.D., Vladimir
Regulation and function of diacylglycerol-activated cation channels of the TRP family
Gudermann, Thomas
Regulation and function of P2X7 receptors in the central nervous system under physiological and pathophysiological conditions
Nicke, Annette
Rolle der humanen "sensory neuron-specific G protein-coupled receptors" bei der Nozizeption
Breit, Andreas
The acrosome reaction in sperm: A special type of regulated exocytosis
Boekhoff, Ph.D., Ingrid
Untersuchung der Assemblierung und Subtypcharakterisierung von Liganden-gesteuerten Ionenkanälen
Nicke, Annette
Untersuchungen über den Metabolismus des Alkaloids Myosmin
Zwickenpflug, Wolfgang
Untersuchungen zur DNA-Adduktbildung des Alkaloids Myosmin
Zwickenpflug, Wolfgang
Untersuchungen zur Funktion von Fibroblasten unter Belastung mit Zahnrestaurationsmaterialien und in Kombination mit Antioxidanzien sowie Untersuchungen zum Metabolismus von Zahnrestaurationsmaterialien in vitro
Walther, Udo
Research Units
Completed projects
Generation of transgenic mice to investigate the expression patterns, protein interactions and physiological functions of P2X4, P2X6 and P2X7 receptors
Nicke, Annette
Molekulare Mechanismen der myogenen Vasokonstriktion
Gudermann, Thomas
Mederos y Schnitzler, Michael
The P2X receptor binding domain: structure, conformational changes and coupling to the ion channel
Nicke, Annette
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
P2X-Rezeptoren - von der molekularen Struktur zur physiologischen Funktion
Nicke, Annette
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Adenine nucleotide signaling in Ca2+-dependent mast cell activation: role of endolysosomal and plasmalemmal channels
(Project Heads
Freichel, Marc
Grimm, Christian Michael
Biochemical and functional analysis of P2X7 signaling
(Project Head
Nicke, Annette
Completed projects
Composition, cellular targeting and regulation of protein kinase-linked cation channel complexes of the TRPM family
(Project Heads
Gudermann, Thomas
Schlingmann, Karl Peter
Waldegger, Siegfried
Multiple Kopplung primär Gs-gekoppelter heptahelikaler Rezeptoren
(Project Head
Gudermann, Thomas
Physiologische Relevanz der multiplen G-Protein-Kopplung von Glykoproteinhormon-Rezeptoren
(Project Head
Gudermann, Thomas
Rezeptor-G-Protein-stimuliertes Wachstum des kleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinoms
(Project Heads
Gudermann, Thomas
Schultz, Günter
Rezeptor/G-Protein-vermitteltes Wachsstum des kleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinoms
(Project Heads
Gudermann, Thomas
Schultz, Günter
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konfokalmikroskop für subzelluläres live-cell imaging
TIRF-FRET-FRAP-Calcium-Imaging Mikroskop
Current projects
Administration / Guests / Travel / Gender Equality
(Project Head
Gudermann, Thomas
Endolysosomal cation channels in synucleo- and tauopathies
(Project Head
Grimm, Christian Michael
Identification and functional characterisation of genetic contributors to primary aldosteronism
(Project Heads
Beuschlein, Felix
Gudermann, Thomas
Reincke, Martin
Schneider, Holger
Investigating the mechanisms and dynamics of TRPC channel activation with pharmacological high-precision tools
(Project Heads
Konrad, David
Storch, Ursula
Role of kinase-coupled TRP channels in mineral homeostasis of the brain
(Project Heads
Chubanov, Ph.D., Vladimir
Gudermann, Thomas
Role of TRP channels in barrier function and pathological remodeling of the respiratory system
(Project Head
Dietrich, Alexander
Role of TRP channels in the systemic regulation of energy and glucose metabolism
(Project Heads
Khajavi, Noushafarin
Müller, Timo
Tschöp, Matthias
The kinase-coupled TRPM7 channel as a regulator of immune system homeostasis
(Project Head
Zierler, Susanna
TRR 152: TRiPs to Homeostasis: Maintenance of Body Homeostasis by Transient Receptor Potential Channel Modules
Gudermann, Thomas
Completed projects
Growth regulation of small cell lung cancer cells by neuropeptides
(Project Heads
Aigner, Achim
Gudermann, Thomas
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
Deciphering structural bases of TRP channel inhibition as foundations for the design of new drugs
Neuberger, Arthur
WBP Return Grant
Completed projects
Neuberger, Arthur
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2338: Targets in Toxicology - Deciphering Therapeutic Targets in Lung Toxicology
Gudermann, Thomas
Completed projects
GRK 533: Cell-Cell Interaction in Reproduction
Hinsch, Elvira