Universität Greifswald
Institut für Psychologie
Franz-Mehring-Straße 47
17489 Greifswald
This institution in GERiT
17489 Greifswald
Research Grants
Current projects
Social modulation of imitative behavior
Genschow, Oliver
Completed projects
Affektive Dysregulation bei Patienten mit einer Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung: Psychophysiologische Veränderungen bei der Imagination emotionaler Episoden
Barnow, Sven
Aktives Gesundheitsmanagement im Kontext von Straftaten unter Alkoholeinfluss am Beispiel der Trunkenheit im Straßenverkehr
Dünkel, Frieder
Bedeutung initialer Panikattacken für die Ätiologie der Panikstörung
Deckert, Jürgen
Hamm, Alfons
Classification of anxiety disorders from a neuroscience perspective: Implications for the assessment and treatment and anxiety disorders
Hamm, Alfons
Dynamics In Personality and Social Relationships: Short- and Medium-Term Processes in Daily Life (DIPS 2) - Follow-Up Proposal
Entringer, Theresa Margareta
Wrzus, Cornelia
Dynamics of Mental Health of Migrants (DMHM) – Analyzing dynamics of resilience and vulnerabilities using a synthesis of socio-structural and psychological approaches
Entringer, Theresa Margareta
Tibubos, Ph.D., Ana Nanette
Effect of heart rate variability biofeedback on extinction learning in healthy individuals and individuals with panic disorder and agoraphobia
Hamm, Alfons
Wendt, Julia
Effects of emotion and stress on mnemonic binding of contextual information: Brain dynamics and neural substrates
Weymar, Mathias
Effects of Oxytocin on Socio-Cognitive Processes: New Insights from Spatio-Temporal EEG Analyses
Schiller, Bastian
Einfluss genetischer Faktoren auf die konditionierte Hemmung von Furcht
Hamm, Alfons
Emotional recognition and processing in patients with insula lesions
Lotze, Martin
Indicated prevention of mental disorders in subjects with initial panic symptomatology: effectiveness and underlying mechanisms of action
Beesdo-Baum, Katja
Melzig, Christiane
The causal role of counterfactual thinking in envy
Crusius, Jan
Verbesserung von Aufmerksamkeitsdefiziten bei schizophrenen Störungen durch antipsychotische Medikation: Eine Längsschnitt-Analyse
Weike, Almut
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Grundlagen der Furchtkonditionierung
Hamm, Alfons
Research Units
Completed projects
The influence of comparison processes on movement and effector compatibility effects
Genschow, Oliver
Verticality and Upward/Downward Comparisons
Topolinski, Sascha
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Finding causes for the dissociation of subjective and theoretical freedom in decisions
Lau, Stephan
Clinical Trials
Current projects
Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) vs. Behavioral Activation (BA) in persistently depressed treatment-resistant inpatients: Efficacy, moderators, and mediators of change
Brakemeier, Eva-Lotta
Efficacy and feasibility of a transdiagnostic augmentation therapy for improving interpersonal skills using the Kiesler Circle Training (KCT)
Guhn, Anne
Neuromodulation through brain stimulation-assisted cognitive training in patients with post-chemotherapy cognitive impairment (Neuromod-PCCI): an explorative proof-of-concept randomized sham-controlled double-blind feasibility phase II trial
Flöel, Agnes
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 619: Contact Area Mare Balticum: Foreignness and Integration in the Baltic Region
North, Michael