Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Zentrum für Molekulare Medizin
Institut für Kardiovaskuläre Regeneration
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7
60596 Frankfurt am Main
This institution in GERiT
60596 Frankfurt am Main
Research Grants
Current projects
Inflammation-driven Diseases Program (INDEEP): inflammatory response as driver for human diseases and target for therapy
Ullrich, Evelyn
Mechanistic and functional assessment of the ageing cardiac lym-phatic system
Wagner, Julian
Completed projects
An integrative epigenomic approach to discover small RNA mediated regulatory programs in Paramecium tetraurelia
Schulz, Marcel
Simon, Martin
Endothelzelldysfunktion in der Atherosklerose - Untersuchungen zum Wirkmechanismus der Schubspannung
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Regulation of endothelial progenitor cells
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Significance of differentially expressed microRNAs and their target proteins in the development of autoimmune myocarditis in mouse model and patients
Kaya, Ziya
Müller, Oliver J.
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5643: Clonal hematopoiesis: Pathomechanisms and clinical consequences in the heart and blood
Rieger, Michael
Interaction of clonal hematopoiesis-driver mutations with heart failure (Project A1)
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Zeiher, Andreas Michael
In vitro CHIP modelling for therapeutics discovery and mechanistic dissection (project A4)
Krishnan, Ph.D., Jaya
Mechanisms of aortic valve calcification driven by clonal hematopoiesis mutations (Project A2)
Abplanalp, Ph.D., Wesley
Mas-Peiro, Silvia
Completed projects
Molecular mechanisms underlying apoptosis and differentiation of circulating progenitor cells
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Zentrale Aufgaben
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
In vitro transdifferentiation of human endothelial progenitor cells into cardiac myocytes: determination of the underlying mechanisms
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
(Project Head
Schulz, Marcel
Damage-induced dynamics of the stromal compartment
(Project Head
de Luxan Garcia, Guillermo
Endothelial plasticity and damage control
(Project Head
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Reparative functions of endothelial cells in the aging heart
(Project Heads
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Wagner, Julian
Single Cell Technologies
(Project Head
Abplanalp, Ph.D., Wesley
Completed projects
Bedeutung der S-nitrosylierung von Proteinen bei der Apoptose von Endothelzellen: Charakterisierung der Denitrosylierung
(Project Heads
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Rössig, Lothar
Cell type-specific and stress-modulated microRNA target regulation
(Project Head
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Fibroblast dynamics to mitigate tissue damage
(Project Heads
Cattaneo, Paola
Guimarães Camboa, Nuno
Integrated Research Training Unit "Vascular Biology and Medicine"
(Project Head
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Long non-coding RNAs as regulators of endothelial cell function
(Project Head
Boon, Reinier
Regulation der Mobilisierung von Stamm/Progenitorzellen durch NO
(Project Heads
Aicher, Alexandra
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Regulation of vascular repair and remodelling by non-coding RNAs
(Project Heads
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Fichtlscherer, Stephan
Vasa-Nicotera, Mariuca
Role of JmjC domain-containing proteins in endothelial cell signaling and repair
(Project Head
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Current projects
Bioinformatic analysis platform
(Project Heads
Gagneur, Julien
Schulz, Marcel
LncRNA control of cardiac inflammation
(Project Heads
Cremer, Sebastian
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Jaé, Nicolas
Localisation-dependent function of lncRNAs in cardiovascular disease: from mechanism to phenotype
(Project Head
Dumbovic, Gabrijela
Long non-coding RNAs in vascular ageing, remodeling, and abdominal aortic aneurysms
(Project Heads
Boon, Reinier
Mägdefessel, Lars
Completed projects
Elucidating protein-RNA interactions in circRNA biogenesis and function
(Project Heads
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Zarnack, Katharina
RNA regulatory mechanisms in cardiac metabolism
(Project Head
Krishnan, Ph.D., Jaya
Role of flow-induced microRNAs in vessel maturation
(Project Head
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Role of integrin activity regulation for endothelial cell adhesion, migration and angiogenesis
(Project Heads
Chavakis, Emmanouil
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1172: Research, Development and Safety of Biologicals
Pfeilschifter, Josef M.
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 115: Macromolecular Complexes
Dötsch, Volker
Schwalbe, Harald
EXC 147: Cardio-Pulmonary System
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Seeger, Werner
Zeiher, Andreas Michael
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2026: Cardio-Pulmonary Institute (CPI)
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Seeger, Werner