Universität Greifswald
Institut für Biochemie
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 4
17489 Greifswald
This institution in GERiT
17489 Greifswald
Research Grants
Current projects
NSF-DFG Echem: Future Fuels and Chemicals from Electrocatalytic Upgrading: Advancing Kinetic Understanding using Operando Spectroscopic Approaches and Quantum Chemicial modeling
Schröder, Uwe
SARS-CoV-2-RNA: Understanding the RNA architecture of SARS-CoV-2
Schwalbe, Harald
Weigand, Julia Erika
Wöhnert, Jens
Structural and functional studies on novel bacterial lysine-deacetylases and their roles in bacterial physiology and during bacterial infection.
Lammers, Michael
Structure-function analyses on AcuB encoded by the Bacillus subtilis acuABC-operon involved in regulation of acetyl-CoA synthetase by post-translational lysine acetylation
Lammers, Michael
Completed projects
Artificial three-dimensional biotops with electroactive bacteria for highly efficient microbial fuel cells by use of metal/polymer fiber hybrid structures
Greiner, Andreas
Schröder, Uwe
Electrocatalysis in Microbial Fuel Cells: Low Cost Anode Electrocatalysts for Microbial Fuel Cells (Elektrokatalyse in mikrobiellen Brennstoffzellen)
Schröder, Uwe
Grundsatzuntersuchungen zur mikrobiellen Erzeugung von Elektrizität aus Biomasse
Schröder, Uwe
Lysine acylation in cellular regulation, ageing and disease.
Lammers, Michael
Neuartige nichtklassische Phosphor-Hybridliganden: Synthese und Koordinationsverhalten 2-funktionell substituierter und anellierter Azaphosphole als Hybridliganden mit Pi-acidem niederkoordiniertem Phosphor und klassischem O- oder N-Donorzentrum
Heinicke, Joachim
P=C-N Systems: Potential of benzazaphospholes for transition metal complexes with non-classical P hybrid ligands, for bulky P-substituted heterocyclic phosphane ligands, complexes and catalysts and for benzazaphospholium salts as precursors of P,N-heterocyclic carbene complexes
Heinicke, Joachim
Präparation und elektrochemische Charakterisierung potentieller Komponenten für Magnesiumbatterien
Lobitz, Peter
Separate determination of rate constants from complex reations in both phases of a chromatographic reactor by recyclisation via an empty capillary
Haberland, Detlef
Structural mechanism of Roquin-RNA interactions linked to autoimmunity
Schlundt, Andreas
Struktur-Reaktivitäts-Zusammenhänge in der Insertionselektrochemie von hochdruckhydrothermal umkristallisierten Metallhexacyanometallaten
Kahlert, Heike
Untersuchungen zu Komplexen und neuen Synthesen von annellierten und einfachen Azaphospholen und Azaphospholaten
Heinicke, Joachim
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Elektroden als Schnittstelle zwischen Mikrobiologie und Elektrochemie
Schröder, Uwe
Lysine acylation in cellular regulation, ageing and disease
Lammers, Michael
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Cis- and trans-acting determinants of mRNA stability, structure and fate (as a continuation)
Schlundt, Andreas
Completed projects
Untersuchung des Einflusses post-translationaler Lysin Acetylierung als globaler Regulator des Zytoskeletts
Lammers, Michael
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Control of RhoGDIá function by post-translational lysine-acetylation
(Project Head
Lammers, Michael
Target cis elements of the RNA-binding protein Arid5a in inflammatory cytokine-based diseases
(Project Head
Schlundt, Andreas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Plattenhotel inkl. Kamerasystem für Röntgendiffraktometrie
X-ray diffractometer for macromolecular crystallography
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Tailored cell embedment for enhanced continuous microbial electrosynthesis (Conti-eBiotech)
Krull, Rainer
Schröder, Uwe
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2719: Proteases in pathogen and host: importance in inflammation and infection – RTG-PRO
Bröker, Barbara
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2163: Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation – SE²A
Friedrichs, Jens
Radespiel, Rolf