Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein
Campus Lübeck
Klinik für Neurologie
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck
This institution in GERiT
23562 Lübeck
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Der Übergang vom impliziten Lernen zum Strategiewechsel: Messung durch ereignisbezogene EEG-Potentiale und Wirkung von Beobachtungslernen
Verleger, Rolf
Electrophysiology of language production
Münte, Thomas F.
Spatial and temporal imaging of human error monitoring
Münte, Thomas F.
The influence of thyroid hormones, receptors, and transporters on brain structure and function
Brabant, Georg
Münte, Thomas F.
Sartorius, Alexander
Zeitliche und räumliche Aspekte selektiver auditorischer Aufmerksamkeit beim Menschen
Münte, Thomas F.
Research Grants
Current projects
Multi-channel transcranial direct current stimulation (mc-tDCS): a novel approach to modulate smooth pursuit eye movement control in healthy individuals and patients with psychotic disorders
Gross, Joachim
Lencer, Rebekka
Wolters, Carsten Hermann
Neurobiology of persistent perceptual postural dizziness (PPPD): Effects of galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) on behavioral, psychophysical, functional and structural brain imaging parameters
Helmchen, Christoph
Uncovering novel causes and modifiers of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis by nuclear and mitochondrial genome sequencing
Großkreutz, Julian
Klein, Christine
Spielmann, Malte
Weishaupt, Jochen
Westenberger, Ana
Completed projects
Anwendung trilinearer Komponentenanalyse auf die Analyse ereignisbezogener EEG-Potentiale
Verleger, Rolf
Auditiv-Sensomotorische Integration in der Therapie motorischer Funktionen nach Schlaganfall
Altenmüller, Eckart
Bewusste und unbewusste Gedächtnisprozesse im mesialen Temporallappen des Menschen
Münte, Thomas F.
Central mechanisms of binocular vertical and torsional gaze holding function
Helmchen, Christoph
Ereignisbezogene EEG-Lateralisierungen zur Untersuchung des ventralen und dorsalen Pfads am Menschen
Verleger, Rolf
fMRT-Studien zur Bahnung durch unidentifizierbare Reize
Verleger, Rolf
Functional, diffusion tensor and spectroscopic MR imaging at 3 Tesla
Büchel, Christian
Gezielte Modulation visueller Reize zur Behandlung des Neglect-Syndroms nach Schlaganfall
Machner, Björn
Hierarchical organization of the lateral frontal cortex in dependency of stimulus information and motivation
Bahlmann, Jörg
How does maternal odor influence socioemotional processing in infancy?
Jessen, Sarah
Interaction of semantics, syntax and working memory during pronoun processing investigated by temporal and spatial neuroimaging
Münte, Thomas F.
Kombination von transkranieller Magnetstimulation und lateralisierten EEG-Potentialen zur Erforschung der Verarbeitung nicht-bewusst wahrgenommener Reize
Verleger, Rolf
Kontrolle von sprachlicher Interferenz ("Switching") bei Mehrsprachlern - Beziehung zu exekutiven Funktionen
Festman, Ph.D., Julia
Konzeptualisierung während des Beschreibens von komplexen Szenen untersucht mit erreigniskorrelierten Potentialen (EKP)
Münte, Thomas F.
Mechanisms of lesion and exercise induced regeneration after brain stem stroke
Minnerup, Jens
Modifiers of PINK1 function in Parkinson's disease
Kock, Norman
Neural correlates of reactive aggression and their relation to socio-emotional responsivity
Krämer, Ulrike M.
P3, Decision, and Gestalt Circle: Towards Understanding the Function of the P3b Component of the Event-Related EEG Potential as a Bridge Between Perception and Action
Verleger, Rolf
Right-Hemisphere Advantage of Target Processing in Rapid Series of Stimuli: On the Roles of Attention, Emotion, and Temporal Order
Kaernbach, Christian
Verleger, Rolf
Spatial neglect and attention networks in the human brain: disturbances of functional connectivity and interhemispheric imbalance of an attentional priority map for retinotopic space
Machner, Björn
Subthalamic modulation of sequential working memory in Parkinson’s disease
Münte, Thomas F.
The role of the nuclear receptor NR4A1 in acute ischemic stroke: pathophysiology, therapeutic evaluation and human translation
Klotz, Luisa
Minnerup, Jens
Research Units
Current projects
Event-binding and coprolalic tics
Münte, Thomas F.
Roessner, Veit
FOR 2488: Reduced penetrance in hereditary movement disorders: Elucidating mechanisms of endogenous disease protection
Klein, Christine
FOR 2698: Cognitive theory for Tourette syndrome – a novel perspective
Münchau, Alexander
FOR 2879: ImmunoStroke: From immune cells to stroke recovery
Liesz, Arthur
Meningeal immune cell priming for stroke recovery
Benakis, Corinne
Meyer zu Hörste, Gerd
Minnerup, Jens
Completed projects
Data base, phenotyping and prodromal signs, patient involvement and Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) aspects, mutational analysis and induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) Core
Berg, Daniela
Brüggemann, Norbert
Lohmann, Katja
Seibler, Philip
Psychologische Determinanten schlafassoziierter Gedächtnisbildung: Emotionen, implizites und explizites Lernen
Verleger, Rolf
The role of T cells in exercise-induced recovery after stroke
Hansen, Wiebke
Meuth, Sven G.
Minnerup, Jens
Wach-Sakkaden und Schlaf-REMs als Indikatoren visuomotorischer Gedächtniskonsolidierung im Schlaf: Einflüsse von Sakkaden-Typ, Memorisierungszeit und Läsionen kortikaler Sakkadenzentren
Heide, Wolfgang
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Exekutive Kontrolle von Gedächtnisabruf bei Gesunden und Patienten mit Zwangserkrankungen
Münte, Thomas F.
Gehirnglukose: Bluthirnschranke und ATP sensitive Kalium Kanäle
Moser, Andreas
KFO 303: Pemphigoid Diseases - Molecular Pathways and their Therapeutic Potential
Zillikens, Detlef
WBP Position
Current projects
The impact of structural and functional dysconnections on stroke recovery in patients who received mechanical thrombectomy
Koch, Philipp
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Bildgebende und elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen zum Instruierten Vergessen bei Gesunden und Patienten mit Zwangserkrankungen
(Project Head
Münte, Thomas F.
Conversion of implicitly acquired information into explicit knowledge
(Project Heads
Verleger, Rolf
Witt, Karsten
Effdects of sleep on gaining conscious knowledge about regularities and about stimulus characteristics
(Project Head
Verleger, Rolf
Eye movements and the functional role of sleep. An investigation of dynamics, control mechanisms, cortical potentials and learning
(Project Heads
Gais, Steffen
Kimmig, Hubert
Neural correlates of information indicating reward and punishment in healthy subjects, Parkinson patients and heroin-addicts
(Project Head
Münte, Thomas F.
Neurale Korrelate episodischer und semantischer Gedächtnisprozesse nach Hippokampusläsionen
(Project Heads
Düzel, Emrah
Heinze, Hans-Jochen
Münte, Thomas F.
The role of reward- and novelty-related dopaminergic signals in sleep-mediated memory consolidation
(Project Heads
Heldmann, Marcus
Münte, Thomas F.
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Expressionsanalysen des DYT1-Gens und Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von TorsinA auf den Vesikeltransport
Kock, Norman
Neurobiological mechanisms of response inhibition in humansTitle: Modulation of response inhibition: a combined TMS-fMRI study in healthy individuals
Brüggemann, Norbert
Rolle des Endoplasmatischen Retikulums und exzitotoxischer Kalziumdysregulation bei Motoneurondegeneration zur Klärung der Pathogenese der Amyotrophen Lateralsklerose
Großkreutz, Julian
Socio-affective influences on neural and behavioural correlates of agency
Beyer, Frederike
Current projects
A brain imaging approach to TH function in consequence to mutations in genes encoding the TH receptors
(Project Heads
Cirkel, Anna
Münte, Thomas F.
Prasuhn, Jannik
Neutrophil modulation during cerebral ischemia by the nuclear receptor NR4A1
(Project Heads
Klotz, Luisa
Minnerup, Jens
Completed projects
Brain systems involved in food intake - a neuroimaging approach
(Project Heads
Münte, Thomas F.
Schweiger, Ulrich
Tittgemeyer, Marc
Funktionelle Organisation von Gedächtnisprozessen im menschlichen Temporallappen
(Project Heads
Kurthen, Martin
Münte, Thomas F.
Rosburg, Timm
Temporospatial imaging of auditory selection and audio-visual integration during language comprehension
(Project Head
Münte, Thomas F.
Tracking the response to food items in subcortical brain structures by invasive electrophysiology in humans
(Project Heads
Münte, Thomas F.
Tronnier, Volker Martin
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1957: Adipocyte-Brain Crosstalk
Oster, Henrik
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 235: Graduate School for Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences
Schweikard, Achim