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Universität Leipzig
Medizinische Fakultät
Institut für Anatomie
Liebigstraße 13
04103 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04103 Leipzig
Research Grants
Completed projects
Die Expression und Funktion von Substanz P im Ovar
Spanel-Borowski, Katharina
Die physiologische Bedeutung der oxLDL abhängigen LOX-1 Rezeptor Aktivierung in Granulosazellen verweist auf die Autophagie als neuer Form der Follikelatresie
Spanel-Borowski, Katharina
"Enriched environment": Beeinflussung des somatosensorischen und motorischen Systems bei alten Ratten
Hilbig, Heidegard
Expressionsregulation glialer Glutamattransporter
Engele, Jürgen
Komplexe Steuerung der astrozytären Funktion durch den EGF-Rezeptor
Engele, Jürgen
Pruning at the cerebellar climbing fibre synapse: synaptic efficacy and glial involvement
Bechmann, Ingo
Eilers, Jens-Karl
Research Units
Completed projects
Developmental Specialization or Local Adoption: The Case of "New Microglia"
Bechmann, Ingo
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Glial diversity in chronic peripheral nerve disorders
Fledrich, Robert
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Antigenpräsentation durch Mikroglia nach experimenteller anoxaler Degeneration in vivo
Bechmann, Ingo
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Determinierung und Aufrechterhaltung des dopaminergen Neurotransmitterphänotyps
(Project Head
Engele, Jürgen
Die Rolle der Mikroglia bei postläsionalen Veränderungen in Schichten anterograder axonaler Läsion
(Project Head
Bechmann, Ingo
Glial leptin signaling in peripheral neuropathy
(Project Heads
Fledrich, Robert
Stassart, Ruth Martha
Innervation of Adipose Tissue: Identifying Players and Their Functions
(Project Heads
Bechmann, Ingo
Eilers, Jens-Karl
Obesity-driven microglial activation – functional role of cerebral sterol metabolism
(Project Heads
Bechmann, Ingo
Ceglarek, Uta
Role of macrophages in adipocyte degradation – a live-imaging approach
(Project Heads
Bechmann, Ingo
Gericke, Martin
Targeting of central peptide receptors via nasal ligand application to modulate food intake
(Project Heads
Bechmann, Ingo
Beck-Sickinger, Annette G.
Klöting-Blüher, Nora
Schulz, Angela
Completed projects
Transporter expression and TH action in the brain
(Project Heads
Bechmann, Ingo
Biebermann, Heike
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2751: Inflammatory cues as modulators of early pancreatic carcinogenesis (InCuPanC)
Rosendahl, Jonas
GRK 3102: Molecular tuning of neuronal communication - NeuroTune
Kittel, Robert J.
Completed projects
GRK 1258: The Impact of Inflammation on Nervous System Function
Kettenmann, Helmut
Additional Information
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