Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Neurologische Klinik
Im Neuenheimer Feld 400
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Research Grants
Current projects
Elucidating the tumor microenvironment of IDH mutated gliomas
Turcan, Ph.D., Sevin
Identifying new repeat expansions in autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias
Hengel, Holger
Ossowski, Ph.D., Stephan
The Genetic Basis of Resilience in Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Type SPG4
Ossowski, Ph.D., Stephan
Schüle, Rebecca
Completed projects
Abbildung komplexer akustischer Szenen im Hörkortex des Menschen: Untersuchung mittels MEG, fMRT und Psychoakustik
Gutschalk, Alexander
Entzündliche, genetische und sozioökonomische Determinanten des ischämischen Schlaganfalls und ihre Interdependenz
Becher, Heiko
Grau, Armin
Grond-Ginsbach, Caspar
Interactions of scene analysis, short-term memory, and attention for auditory perceptual awareness
Gutschalk, Alexander
Modellierung des Schädelwachstums bei Patienten mit Kraniosynostosen zur Verbesserung der Diagnosemöglichkeiten
Hartmann, Marius
Mühling, Joachim
Wörn, Heinz
Wirkt die CaVbeta3-Untereinheit protektiv bei chronisch entzündlichen ZNS-Erkrankungen?
Diem, Ricarda
Flockerzi, Veit
Research Units
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Diem, Ricarda
Defective Ca2+ signalling between B cells and regulatory T cells: connecting the dots in the emergence of impaired peripheral B cell tolerance in multiple sclerosis?
Wildemann, Brigitte Theresia
Does Cavβ3 subunit confer neuroprotection in chronic inflammatory CNS disease?
Diem, Ricarda
Flockerzi, Veit
FOR 2289: Calcium homeostasis in neuroinflammation and -degeneration: New targets for therapy of multiple sclerosis?
Diem, Ricarda
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Translational multimodality imaging of glioma hallmarks to assess the dynamics of the immune cell landscape and tumor cell invasion during targeted therapy
Breckwoldt, Ph.D., Michael
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Stimuls-specific adaptation in human auditory cortex: mechanisms to organize auditory objects?
Gutschalk, Alexander
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
3T MR-Tomograph
Upgrade of the existing 3T research MR scanner
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Elucidating tumor-associated microglia interactions in astrocytomas CNS WHO-Grad 4
(Project Head
Turcan, Ph.D., Sevin
Longitudinal analysis of structural and functional changes in peripheral circuits determining the clinical symptoms of painful neuropathies
(Project Heads
Bendszus, Martin
Gangadharan, Vijayan
Jende, Johann
Nawroth, Peter
Pham, Mirko
Radiomics, radiogenomics and deep-learning in neurooncology
(Project Heads
Bendszus, Martin
Vollmuth, Philipp
Visualization and Characterization of immune responses in H3K27M mutant gliomas
(Project Heads
Breckwoldt, Ph.D., Michael
Sahm, Katharina
Completed projects
Imaging immune signatures of glioma response and resistance towards immunotherapy
(Project Head
Breckwoldt, Ph.D., Michael
Modifikation von Expression und Eigenschaften spannungsabhängiger Ionenkanäle während der Bildung eines periodisch aktiven synaptischen Netzwerkes
(Project Heads
Bähr, Matthias
Diem, Ricarda
The three levels of structural nerve damage in the pathogenesis of diabetic polyneuropathy: defining therapeutic target markers using MR-Neurography
(Project Heads
Bendszus, Martin
Heiland, Sabine
Schwarz, Daniel
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Navigierte dreidimensionale Überblendung von Modellen des Situs im Operationsmikroskop bei neurochirurgischen Eingriffen
Kunze, Stefan