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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Mineralogie
Callinstraße 3
30167 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30167 Hannover
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Deciphering the metal stable isotope record of Sn-W ore deposits: a complementary approach based on experiments and case studies
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
HFSE enrichment in carbonatites and associated peridotite-melilitolite-foidolite complexes: the role of fractionation versus metasomatism in ore-forming processes
Marks, Michael
Walter, Benjamin
Orogenic Sb-Au deposits as archives of fractionation and hydrothermal activity in space and time
Lazarov, Marina
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
The role of fenitising fluids in the formation of Nb, Zr and REE ore deposits
Horn, Ingo
Schmidt, Christian
Veksler, Ph.D., Ilya
Transport processes of Sn and W within the crust: From a peraluminous granitic melt to a mineralising fluid
Michaud, Ph.D., Julie
Completed projects
A combined petrological, geochemical and geochronological study of the magmatic rocks surrounding the Logatchev hydrothermal field.
Koepke, Jürgen
Charakterisierung und Quantifizierung von Strukturgradienten in Sodalithen
Rüscher, Claus Henning
Chemical zoning in pristine objects of chondrites as archive of the thermal and redox history in the early solar nebula and planetesimals
Dohmen, Ralf
Schertl, Hans-Peter
Experimental investigation on the phase equilibra of a tholeiitic ferrobasalt: the role of water activity and oxigen fugacity
Koepke, Jürgen
Experimentelle Studien zur Kationendiffusion und zur Auflösungskinetik von Kristallen in Si-reichen Silikatschmelzen
Behrens, Harald
Experimentelle Untersuchung zur Entwicklung und Differenzierung von SiO2-reichen Schmelzen in der ozeanischen Kruste: Die Genese der Plagiogranite
Koepke, Jürgen
Generierung und Charakterisierung von Strukturgradienten in Sodalithen und ihr Einfluß auf die lokale Teilchenbewegung und das chemische Reaktionsverhalten
Buhl, Josef-Christian
Genesis Ascent and Crystallization of A-type granites
Johannes, Wilhelm
Impact of structure and relaxation on fatigue and micromechanical properties of oxide glasses - the role of volatiles and bonding state
Behrens, Harald
Deubener, Joachim
Müller, Ralf
Korrelationen zwischen Spurenelementdiffusion und Viskositäten von Silikatschmelzen - experimentelle Untersuchungen über alkalireiche Schmelzen
Behrens, Harald
Low pressure differentiation of basalts at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near Ascension - Constraints from experiments at controlled volatile and oxygen fugacities
Holtz, Francois
Magma differentiation processes and pre-eruptive conditions of MORBs (7-11°S) near Ascension Island - Constraints from experiments and phase equilibria modeling
Holtz, Francois
Nucleosynthetic sources and the age of the solar system: U isotope variations in meteorite components
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Rare-metal enrichment in carbonatite-bearing magmatic systems: Part A. Understanding magmatic evolution and enrichment processes in time by high-precision dating and inclusion studies
Botcharnikov, Ph.D., Roman
Holtz, Francois
Klemd, Reiner
Schulz, Bernhard
Tichomirowa, Marion
Rare-metal enrichment in carbonatite-bearing magmatic systems: Part B. Understanding the role of fractional crystallization and liquid immiscibility by experimental simulations of silicate-carbonatite systems
Botcharnikov, Ph.D., Roman
Holtz, Francois
Tichomirowa, Marion
Stromatolites as archives for metal mobilization and early life metabolisms? Uranium and Mo isotope studies of modern and Archean stromatolites and carbonates.
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Strukturelle und kinetische Aspekte des Einbaus von Wasser in silicatische Schmelzen und Gläser
Behrens, Harald
The Origin of Metal and Chondrules in CH and CB Chondrites - Evidence from Fe, Ni and Mg isotopes
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Zipfel, Jutta
Transport and enrichment of tungsten and tin in melts and fluids at magmatic-hydrothermal stages: experimental approach and application to the Argemela district (Portugal)
Holtz, Francois
Transport and reactions of light elements (Li, B) in pegmatitic systems under thermal disequilibrium - implications for magmatic/hydrothermal ore deposits
Behrens, Harald
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Uranium and V isotope variations in Archean sediments: Evidence for metal mobilization and enzymatic reduction in an overall anoxic world?
Schuth, Stephan
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Determination of ferric-ferrous ratio in natural glasses by microprobe: application of the flank method for determination of the redox state of basalts from mid-oceanic ridges, oceanic islands, oceanic plateaus and island arcs
Almeev, Ph.D., Renat
Expansion and connection of Early Jurassic oceanic anoxia: A complementary approach based on coupled Mo-U isotopes of black shales and U isotope signatures of carbonates
Krencker, Francois-Nicolas
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Izu-Bonin-Mariana boninites - natural laboratory to study mantle melting and the evolution of magma plumbing systems in early stages of subduction
Almeev, Ph.D., Renat
Botcharnikov, Ph.D., Roman
Spectroscopic mineral - chemical analysis of drill cores: Development of fast 2D LIBS, EDXRF and hyperspectral scanning with application to outstanding problems of the Bushveld Complex layered intrusion
Holtz, Francois
Junge, Ph.D., Malte
Meima, Jeannette
Rammlmair, Ph.D., Dieter
The mafic magma plumbing system in the Snake River Plain Province (Yellowstone hotspot, USA): Contribution from the analysis of crystal cargoes and melt inclusions in basaltic lavas from the Kimama drilling core.
Holtz, Francois
Wehrlites in the ICDP OmanDP drill cores: a key to understand the nature of the hydrous magmatism in subduction zone initiation settings
Almeev, Ph.D., Renat
Koepke, Jürgen
Completed projects
Additional pre-survey for the project "Establishing a reference profile for fast-spreading oceanic crust: Petrology and geochemistry of the Wadi Gideah cross section in the Oman ophiolite"
Koepke, Jürgen
A multiple isotope and trace element approach to constrain the oxygenation and metal cycling of 3.5 to 3.2 Ga paleo-oceans
Brey, Ph.D., Gerhard Peter
A profile of multiple sulfur, oxygen, strontium isotopes and related chalcophile elements through lower slow-spreading crust (IODP Expedition 360, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge)
Koepke, Jürgen
Strauß, Harald
Assimilation, contamination and felsic melt generation at the top of the axial melt lens at fast-spreading oceanic crust: Combined geochemical and experimental investigations at the dike/gabbro transition from IODP Site 1256 (East Pacific Rise)
Koepke, Jürgen
Carbonation of porous rocks by interaction with magmatic and hydrothermal fluids - a case study on Unzen volcano, Japan
Behrens, Harald
Dultz, Stefan
Chalcophile elements in Shatsky Rise basalts as potential indicators of the mantle plume origin
Almeev, Ph.D., Renat
Determination of the depth of rhyolitic magma chambers in the Snake River Plain province, USA,: an experimental calibration
Holtz, Francois
Differentiation of basalts from the Kerguelen Plateau ("large igneous province")
Holtz, Francois
Distribution of H20, CO2, S and Cl between silicate melts, gas phase and minerals on the example of the Unzen volcano: application for degassing processes
Holtz, Francois
Establishing a reference profile for fast-spreading oceanic crust: Petrology and geochemistry of the "Wadi Gideah" cross section in the Oman ophiolite
Garbe-Schönberg, Carl-Dieter
Koepke, Jürgen
Evolution of magma storage conditions along the track of Yellowstone Hotspot: investigation of the volcanic rocks from Snake River Plain
Holtz, Francois
Experimental study on the production of rhyolites from basaltic sources in the bimodal Snake River Plain-Yellowstone province
Almeev, Ph.D., Renat
Experimental study on vesiculation and formation of groundmass microlites induced by decompression: Constraints on processes related to magma ascent at Unzen volcano
Holtz, Francois
Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Wechselwirkungen zwischen C-H-O-S Fluiden und Magmen
Holtz, Francois
Forearc basalt and boninite lineage: origin and evolution of magmas in the course of subduction initiation, Izu-Bonin Mariana arc
Almeev, Ph.D., Renat
Long in-situ sections in the Wadi Gideah, Oman ophiolite: The key for understanding the mechanism of accretion, magmatic evolution and cooling of lower fast-spread oceanic crust
Garbe-Schönberg, Carl-Dieter
Koepke, Jürgen
Magma Differentiation processes and volatile contents in Shatsky Rise oceanic Plateau basalts: constraints from mineral, glass and melt inclusion compositions combined with experimental and thermodynamic modeling
Holtz, Francois
Magmatic volatiles and ore metals released from intraoceanic arc magmas: constraints from high pressure experiments and melt inclusions for Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc
Holtz, Francois
Mechanisms of alteration of basaltic and rhyolitic glasses considering solution chemistry and passivating properties of palagonite - a case study on ICDP drilling sites Hawaii and Snake River Plain
Behrens, Harald
Melting and storage conditions of rhyolites in the Snake River Plain Province , USA
Holtz, Francois
Melt/rock interaction and fractional crystallization in the lower crust at Hess Deep Rift, East Pacific Rise: A combined analytical and experimental study
Koepke, Jürgen
Mineral surfaces as hotspots for microbes and element cycling in the Biodiversity Exploratories
Kaiser, Klaus
Kandeler, Ellen
Mikutta, Christian
Schrumpf, Marion
Molybdenum isotope signatures of mid-Cretaceous black shales: Implications on the spatial dimension of anoxic events?
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Non-traditional stable isotope fractionation during magmatic differentiation: In situ Fe-Mg-isotope analyses of phenocrysts by femtosecond laser ablation MC-ICP-MS
Dohmen, Ralf
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Partial melting of gabbros in high-temperature shear zones -melting experiments on gabbros of the ODP legs 176 and 153
Koepke, Jürgen
Petrogenesis of TTG veins in oceanic gabbro: constraints from partial melting experiments in the presence of NaCl-rich H2O-CO2 fluids
Almeev, Ph.D., Renat
Porosity and permeability in different alteration types of the oceanic crust as a control of element mobilization - a case study on ODP Leg 169, Middle Valley Juan de Fuca Ridge
Behrens, Harald
Dultz, Stefan
Präneogene tektonische Entwicklung Kretas
Stöckhert, Bernhard
Pre-eruptive conditions of cumulate-forming MORB magmas of the Southwest Indian Ridge: Experimental study on gabbros of the ODP Legs 118 and 176
Koepke, Jürgen
Pre-eruptive conditions of the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption: Experimental constraints from phase equilibria and volatile solubility studies and its implication for the Campi Flegrei drilling project
Behrens, Harald
Pre-eruptive conditions of the volcanic rocks from Snake River Plain, Yellowstone Hotspot-Constraints from experiments and phase equilibria modelling
Holtz, Francois
Pre-eruptive conditions prior to and after magma mixing at Unzen volcano: constraints from high pressure experimental investigations
Holtz, Francois
Pre-eruptive volatile contents and degassing potential of Kerguelen large igneous province (LIP) basalts: Experimental study on basalts of the ODP Leg 183, site 1140
Nowak, Marcus
Pre-survey: Magmatic evolution of the Tiger gabbroic complex (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica): insights into the lower crust of a Cambrian immature Island Arc
Koepke, Jürgen
Storage conditions and degassing processes of low-K and high-Al tholeiitic island-arc magmas: Experimental constraints and natural observations for Mutnovsky volcano, Kamchatka
Holtz, Francois
Supply of soluble Fe to ocean surface waters - quantitative approaches from ICDP site Hawaii by determining interface driven Fe transfer from subsurface volcanic rocks
Behrens, Harald
The combined Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd mineral-whole rock, and zircon U-Pb, REE and Hf isotope study of ultra high pressure rocks from the CCSD program
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
The down-hole magmatic-metamorphic evolution in basalts and gabbros monitored by Fe-Ti oxides: A complete section of Superfast Spreading Crust at IODP Site 1256D
Holtz, Francois
The late-stage evolution of oceanic gabbros - Combined experimental and in-situ isotope study on gabbros of the ODP Legs 118/176 drilled at the Southwest Indian Ridge
Koepke, Jürgen
The past and present trace metal budget of the Black Sea - A comparison of the Holocene and Eemian marine ingression
Brumsack, Hans-Jürgen
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Time scales for vertically moving axial magma chambers at fast-spreading ocean ridges and involved magmatic reactions: Insights from IODP Site 1256
Koepke, Jürgen
Understanding axial melt lens dynamics and lower crust accretion at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges: new insights from drill cores obtained by the ICDP Oman Drilling Project
Garbe-Schönberg, Carl-Dieter
Koepke, Jürgen
Understanding felsic veins in gabbros drilled by IODP at Atlantis Bank (Southwest Indian Ridge): Formation, metamorphism, and their role as multifunctional pathways for fluid and mass transfer
Koepke, Jürgen
Understanding the crust-mantle transition from fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges: experiments and analytical studies using ICDP OmanDP drill core samples
Garbe-Schönberg, Carl-Dieter
Holtz, Francois
Koepke, Jürgen
Viscous flow of magmas from Unzen volcano, Japan - implications for magma mixing and ascent
Behrens, Harald
Research Grants
Current projects
Abundance and composition of inorganic X-ray amorphous materials in soils
Dohrmann, Reiner
Mikutta, Christian
Amphibole: a mineral to unravel magma storage and timescales of sub-volcanic processes and eruptions
Ridolfi, Filippo
Arsenic and Molybdenum in Marine Carbonates: Redistribution, Binding Forms and Isotope Systematics
Pichler, Thomas
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Carbon recycling by arc magmatism: an assessment from experimentally homogenized melt inclusions in olivine
Botcharnikov, Ph.D., Roman
Holtz, Francois
Does modern seep aragonite record the molybdenum isotopic composition of seawater?
Lin, Ph.D., Zhiyong
Peckmann, Jörn
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Completed projects
Aluminum interactions with iron oxides in the absence and presence of silicic acid
Mikutta, Robert
Mikutta, Christian
Antimony isotope fractionation and thermodynamics during oxidative weathering of stibnite ores
Lazarov, Marina
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Application of the electron microprobe to quantitative analysis of ferric-ferrous ratio in silicate glasses, new experimental calibration
Almeev, Ph.D., Renat
Bildung und Segregation von Teilschmelzen in metapelitischen Migmatiten
Johannes, Wilhelm
Carbon dioxide in ultrapotassic silicate melts: mechanisms and rates of magma degassing and their influence on the intensity and style of volcanic eruptions.
Schmidt, Burkhard
Webb, Sharon
Chlorine in amphibole: intracrystalline diffusion and partitioning between amphibole and silicate melt
Behrens, Harald
Crystallization and Degassing Processes during Strombolian Eruptions: A Numerical Approach
Hort, Matthias
Crystallization of columbite-tantalite in pegmatites: Experimental constraints and implication for natural systems
Holtz, Francois
Crystallization under the influence of flotation: new synthesis routes for self-supported zeolite membranes
Buhl, Josef-Christian
Darstellung und Charakterisierung der Eigenschaften von templatfreiem Cancrinit: Eine nanostrukturierte Wirtsmatrix mit eindimensionalem Kanalsystem
Fechtelkord, Michael
Das Redox Verhalten von Chrom im aquatischen Milieu - Eine Cr Isotopenstudie
Behrens, Harald
Die Suche nach Magmakammern unter Stratovulkanen der zentralen Anden (N. Chile) mit petrologischen, geochemischen und geophysikalischen Methoden.
Brasse, Heinrich
Holtz, Francois
Wörner, Gerhard
Differentiation of tholeiites - the role of primitive composition and small amounts of H2O
Holtz, Francois
Differentierungsprozesse in Magmenkammern - Konvektive vs. diffusive Kristallauflösung
Behrens, Harald
Diffusion, Speziation und Löslichkeit von Schwefel in Silicatschmelzen
Behrens, Harald
Deubener, Joachim
Diffusiver Transport und innere Verwitterungsreaktionen in mikroporösen Feldspäten
Dultz, Stefan
Effects of cutting edge residual stresses on the wear behavior of PVD-coated cutting tools
Behrens, Harald
Breidenstein, Bernd
Effects of Redox Oscillations on Soil Clay Mineralogy and Colloid Dynamics
Dohrmann, Reiner
Mikutta, Christian
Einbau und Dynamik von Wasser in Silikatgläsern und deren Auswirkungen auf die Diffusion von Kationen
Behrens, Harald
Ermittlung eines Fingerabdrucks erhärteter zementgebundener Baustoffe durch Spurenelementanalytik
Koepke, Jürgen
Experimentelle Kalibration der Fraktionierungsfaktoren von Eisen-Isotopen zwischen silikatischen Schmelzen und Mineralen bei magmatischen Bedingungen
Schönberg, Ph.D., Ronny
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Genese von Wehrliten in der tiefen ozeanischen Kruste am Beispiel des Oman-Ophioliths
Koepke, Jürgen
Fate of tetravalent uranium under reducing conditions
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Formation and properties of mineral-organic soil interfaces as revealed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Mikutta, Robert
Formation of monomineralic Fe-Ti oxide ores in the high-Ti ferrobasaltic system: A case study in Emeishan, China
Holtz, Francois
Formation of nanocrystalline zeolites from industrial waste materials under strong alkaline conditions at short reaction times and low temperatures
Buhl, Josef-Christian
"High field strength" Elemente in Eklogiten als Tracer für die Entwicklung von Kruste und Mantel
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
High temperature hydrothermal activity in the deep oceanic crust: Experiments and investigations on natural rocks in the Oman ophiolite
Koepke, Jürgen
Hochauflösende Multikern-Festkörper-NMR-Untersuchungen an Carbonat- und Nitrat-Cancriniten
Buhl, Josef-Christian
Hoch- ortsaufgelöste in-situ Isotopen- und Spurenelement-Stratigraphie an chemischen Sedimenten mittels UV-Femtosekunden Laser Ablation
Horn, Ingo
Hoch-Temperatur-Fraktionierung der Eisenisotope und die Variation der Eisenisotopie im Sonnensystem
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Influence of hydroxamate siderophores on redox-sensitive trace elements and their isotopes and their relevance for the application of redox proxies in paleo-climate reconstruction studies
Bau, Michael
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
In situ determination of sulfur speciation in fluids at high temperature and pressure at controlled redox conditions: implications for magma degassing and formation of magmatic ore deposits
Behrens, Harald
Schmidt, Christian
Interaction of As with organic matter and Fe (III)-organic matter associations
Mikutta, Christian
Interactions between manganese oxides and dissolved organic matter in soil
Mikutta, Robert
Mikutta, Christian
Li isotope fractionation in magmatic systems: Constraints from in situ analyses on magmatic minerals by femtosecond-laser ablation-MC-ICP-MS
Oeser-Rabe, Martin
Lithiumisotope planetarer Reservoire
Brey, Ph.D., Gerhard Peter
Lithiumisotopie planetarer Reservoire
Brey, Ph.D., Gerhard Peter
Lithiumisotopie planetarer Reservoire
Ott, Ulrich
Methode zur Charakterisierung der Bearbeitbarkeit von sprödhartem Verbundwerkstoff
Buhl, Josef-Christian
Denkena, Berend
Mobility, speciation and distribution of platinum group elements in silicate melts and fluids at high pressure
Holtz, Francois
Molecular-scale mechanisms of antimony binding to soil organic matter
Mikutta, Christian
Natural organic matter control on silicate interactions with iron oxides and silicon phytoavailability
Mikutta, Robert
Natural variations of the 238U/235U isotope composition: A new paleoredox tracer?
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
New insights into the interplay between water diffusion and viscosity in magma fragmentation
Behrens, Harald
Ozeanische Gabbros und assoziierte hydrothermale Zirkulation bei niedrigen Spreizungsraten
Melles, Martin
Partitioning of sulfur and sulfur isotopes between fluids and melts - a key for understanding and monitoring of magmatic degassing
Behrens, Harald
Petrogenesis of basanite-phonolite series of an oceanic intraplate volcano: combining experimental data and field observations
Almeev, Ph.D., Renat
Klügel, Andreas
Pulversynthese und Charakterisierung mullitähnlicher Verbindungen des Typs Bi2M4O9
Rüscher, Claus Henning
Reconstruction of Seawater Carbonate chemistry during the last Glacial-Interglacial transition from Boron isotopic ratios and concentrations in foraminifera
Bijma, Ph.D., Jelle
Horn, Ingo
Rutile_zircon_melt assemblages, key to understand processes in mafic layered intrusions: examples from the Bushveld Complex, South Africa
Zeh, Armin
Silicate liquid immiscibility and the formation of Fe (±Ti ±P ±F ±REE) ore deposits
Koepke, Jürgen
Simultaneous measurement of boron isotopes and the boron/calcium ratio in biogenic marine carbonates as a tool to reconstruct the marine carbonate system
Bijma, Ph.D., Jelle
Horn, Ingo
Soil Manganese: Speciation, Transformation, and Reactivity
Mikutta, Christian
Sulfid-Paragenesen in postvariscischen Hydrothermal-Vererzungen des Vorspessarts: Eine Fallstudie zur Verifizierung von Modellen der thermochemischen Sulfat- und Arsenit-Reduktion.
Okrusch, Martin
Wagner, Thomas
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
The effect of network-formers (Si, Ti, Al and P) on ferric/ferrous ratio in silicate melts: experimental study and improvement of existing models.
Holtz, Francois
The effect of network-modifiers (Mg, Ca, Na and K) on ferric/ferrous ratio in silicate melts: experimental study and improvement of existing models.
Holtz, Francois
The ferric/ferrous ratio in silicic melts: experimental investigation and modelling
Almeev, Ph.D., Renat
The Gabbro/Dike transition in oceanic crust generated at slow- and ultraslow-spreading ocean ridge systems
Koepke, Jürgen
The generation of felsic magmas in the oceanic crust: assimilation-fractional crystallization processes versus re-melting of the crust
Haase, Karsten Matthias
Koepke, Jürgen
The geochemical behaviour of Sn and In during mantle melting and crust formation
Kirchenbaur, Maria
The influence of thioarsenic species formation on arsenic complexation to natural organic matter
Planer-Friedrich, Britta
The petrogenetic link between Kiruna-type ore deposits and their host silicic igneous rocks: the Vergenoeg Fe-F-REE deposit in the Bushveld large igneous province (South Africa).
Klemd, Reiner
Thermodynamik modeling of alkali-rich melt properties based on experimental and structural data
Holtz, Francois
Thermomechanisches Verhalten wasserhaltiger Glasschmelzen
Behrens, Harald
Titanium isotope fractionation during lunar magmatism - the importance of redox
Fonseca, Raúl
Trace element distribution in eclogite facies former Plagioklas Cumulates
Wittenberg, Antje
Transport and reaction properties of new Bor-hydride-hydrate-oxide sodalites
Bredow, Thomas
Rüscher, Claus Henning
Unravelling disequilibrium in basaltic crystal cargoes: an experimental and petrological study of mixing in primitive Icelandic magmas
Neave, Ph.D., David
U-Pb Geochronologie, Hf -Isotopie und Spurenelement-Geochemie an detritischen Zirkonen von Diamant führenden Sedimenten Südafrikas
Lahaye, Yann
Viscous flow and diffusion in highly depolymerized water-rich melts: improvement of experimental methods and implication for natural system
Behrens, Harald
Schmidt, Burkhard
Wasserstoff-Diffusion und elektrische Leitfähigkeit in Pyroxen
Behrens, Harald
Stalder, Roland
Research Units
Current projects
Amphibole stability and chemistry in mafic calc-alkaline and alkaline magmas
Holtz, Francois
Marxer, Felix
Diffusion-driven isotope fractionation in feldspars, chain silicates and oxides
Oeser-Rabe, Martin
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Diffusion in common mineral phases. Part 3: Chain silicates: pyroxene and amphibole
Dohmen, Ralf
Holtz, Francois
FOR 2881: Diffusion Chronometry of magmatic systems
Chakraborty, Ph.D., Sumit
Large Scale Artificial Intelligence Augmented Mineral Analysis (LS-MAIner) – characterization of volcanic rocks for diffusion chronometry
Almeev, Ph.D., Renat
Sester, Monika
Timescales of processes in magma mush zones – a case study from Pulvermaar, Eifel Volcanic Field, Germany
Chakraborty, Ph.D., Sumit
Weyer, Ph.D., Stefan
Completed projects
Chronometry in plutonic rocks: cooling rates of ancient oceanic crust
Faak, Kathrin
Kirchenbaur, Maria
Effect of pressure on transport properties of granular lithium ion conductors
Behrens, Harald
Lerch, Martin
Isotopic Effects, Jump Correlation and Diffusion Paths in Li-containing Oxide Glasses
Welsch, Anna-Maria
Kinetics of Li intercalation and de-intercalation in tantalum chalcogenide single crystals
Behrens, Harald
Binnewies, Michael
Horn, Ingo
Schmidt, Harald
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Soil mineralogy
Mikutta, Christian
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hochauflösendes Multikollektor Sektorfeld ICP-Massenspektrometer
Hochauflösendes Sektorfeld ICP-Massenspektrometer in Kombination mit einem Femtosekunden Laser
ICP-MS/MS mit Ionenchromatographiekopplung
X-ray diffractometer
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
X-ray microscopy as a fast response tool to exploit processing-microstructure-property relationships for advanced material development
Maier, Hans Jürgen
Additional Information
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