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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Anorganische Chemie
Callinstraße 9
30167 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30167 Hannover
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Spatially resolved studies on addressable defects in hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite microcrystals prepared in the gas-phase
Polarz, Sebastian
Schmidt-Mende, Ph.D., Lukas
Weber, Stefan
Completed projects
Amphiphile Chromophore als funktionale Bausteine für die direkte Synthese mesostrukturierter Composite
Behrens, Peter
Biomineralisation von Siliciumdioxid in Schwämmen: Untersuchungen am biogenen Produkt und zur Funktion des Silicateins
Behrens, Peter
Direkter Einbau von Ligandfunktionen und Chromophoren in geordnete Mesostrukturen
Behrens, Peter
From birth to growth of metastable metal oxides in ionic liquids
Polarz, Sebastian
Smarsly, Bernd
Knowledge-based development of supported ZIF membranes for liquid mixture separation by pervaporation
Caro, Jürgen
Chmelik, Christian
Janke, Wolfhard
Wiebcke, Michael
Koordinationsfonds im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogramms "Prinzipien der Biomineralisation"
Behrens, Peter
Lumineszente Materialien auf der Basis mikroporöser Verbindungen
Behrens, Peter
Materialien und Technologien zur Erzeugung kleinster Strukturen mittels femtosekunden-laser-induzierter Mehrphotonenpolymerisation für die Nano- und Mikrooptik und die Regenerative Medizin
Behrens, Peter
Houbertz, Ruth
Tünnermann, Andreas
Walles, Heike
Metastable Crystalline Metal Imidazolates; Development of Targeted Syntheses by Combining Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of the Formation Mechanisms
Huber, Klaus
Leoni, Stefano
Wiebcke, Michael
SPP 1117: Principles of Biomineralization
Behrens, Peter
Surface interaction and dynamics of molecular spin-probes as guests in tailor-made organosilica, porous hosts for applications in chromatography.
Polarz, Sebastian
Synthesis and investigation of mono- and multinuclear molecular coordination compounds with physical and chemical induced electronic multistability
Renz, Franz
Truly biomimetic model systems for the biomineralization of silica
Behrens, Peter
Zr-based metal-organic frameworks with tailored linkers: Immobilized liquids for sorption, extraction and ionic conduction
Behrens, Peter
Godt, Adelheid
Wark, Michael
Research Grants
Current projects
Cooperative effects for carbon dioxide capture in nanoporous, bifunctional organosilica materials
Hauser, Karin
Polarz, Sebastian
Full quantum dynamics of the interparticle Coulombic electron capture
Bande, Annika
Fasshauer, Elke
Hierarchical Superstructures of Ferromagnetic Semiconductor Nanoparticles: Synthesis an Exploration of Magnetoresistive Phenomena.
Polarz, Sebastian
Highly sensitive and selective chemical sensors: split-ring resonators with porous coordination frameworks
Schaate, Andreas
Zimmermann, Stefan
Molecular switch assisted planar polymer waveguide arrays for integrated optical sensing
Renz, Franz
Roth, Bernhard
Multiple bonds at the experimental border: Spectroscopic characterization of high bond orders in molecular d- and f-element components
Grabow, Jens-Uwe
Renz, Franz
NSF-DFG MISSION: INCUBATOR - Exploring the Interfacial Chemistry in Sulfide-Based Solid-State Batteries by Soft and Hard X-ray Spectroscopies Under Operating Conditions
Adelhelm, Philipp
Bär, Marcus
Kataev, Ph.D., Elmar
Mazzio, Ph.D., Katherine
Using the ciliate Coleps hirtus (Ciliophora, Prostomatea) to engineer bio-based strengtheners for preservation of carbonate stone
Urbanek, Matea
Completed projects
Control of nucleation and crystallization of Al(III)(oxy)(hydr)oxides: An avenue toward advanced materials
Gebauer, Denis
Design of hierarchically ordered porous materials by two photon polymerisation of resins containing coordination polymers
Behrens, Peter
Ostendorf, Andreas
Development of precursor recipes for the generation of conductive platinum microstructures by the two-photon reduction
Behrens, Peter
Esen, Cemal
Electron dynamics of ultrafast energytransfer processes among quantum dots induced by long range electron correlation
Bande, Annika
Functional interfacial additives as energy valves in particle-based gradient structures made of organic-inorganic perovskite phases
Polarz, Sebastian
Herstellung von porösen Metalloxid/Metall-Nanokompositmaterialien aus der Gasphase und deren Anwendung in Katalyse und Sensorik
Ganteför, Gerd
Polarz, Sebastian
Implant-directed Magnetic Drug Targeting: Antibiotic therapy of peri-implant infections
Ehlert, Nina
Meißner, Jessica
Reifenrath, Janin
Materials World Network (MWN) for Particle-mediated Control Over Crystallization: From the Pre-nucleation Stage to the Final Crystal
Cölfen, Helmut
Emmerich, Heike
Gebauer, Denis
Mesoporöse, organisch-anorganische Festkörper mit chiraler Grenzfläche
Fröba, Michael
Polarz, Sebastian
Smarsly, Bernd
Molekulare Kodierung von anorganischen Oxiden mit komplexer Raumstruktur
Drieß, Matthias
Polarz, Sebastian
Synthese, Struktur und magnetische Eigenschaften von komplexen Halogeniden der Lanthanide mit organischen, stickstoffhaltigen Kationen
Urland, Werner
The influence of supramolecular directors bound to surfaces of porous hosts with chiral walls on the dynamic of enantiomers as guests
Polarz, Sebastian
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Bimetallische Systeme an Grenzflächen anorganischer, mesoporöser Festkörper
Polarz, Sebastian
Research Units
Completed projects
Immobilization of polysialic acid on the surfaces of biometerials
Behrens, Peter
Modification of polysialic acid by derivatization and mineralization
Behrens, Peter
Studies on the controlled degradation of polySia scaffolds
Gerardy-Schahn, Rita
Systems for binding and release of growth factors
Menzel, Henning
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Poröse SiO2-Materialien mit "intelligenten" Netzwerkeigenschaften
Polarz, Sebastian
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Bifunctional hybrid nanoparticles via calcium carbonate crystallization driven by engineered protein surfaces
(Project Heads
Gebauer, Denis
Marx, Andreas
Dental ceramics and Composites
(Project Heads
Behrens, Peter
Stiesch, Meike
Functionalized Middle Ear Prostheses
(Project Heads
Behrens, Peter
Jacob, Hans-Georg
Lenarz, Thomas
Müller, Peter Paul
Stieve, Martin
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Behrens, Peter
Wriggers, Peter
Legierungs-Nanopartikel an Grenzflächen anorganischer, mesoporöser Festkörper
(Project Head
Polarz, Sebastian
Morphosynthesis of ceramic semiconductor and ferroelectric nanocrystals
(Project Heads
Polarz, Sebastian
Wittmann, Valentin
Particle Analysis Center
(Project Heads
Mecking, Stefan
Polarz, Sebastian
Production, processing and mechanical testing of biomimetic ceramics
(Project Heads
Behrens, Peter
Denkena, Berend
Menzel, Henning
Ostermeier, Sven
Shape dependent properties of anisotropic magnetic particles
(Project Heads
Fonin, Mikhail
Nowak, Ulrich
Polarz, Sebastian
The onset of anisotropy during calcium carbonate and phosphate mineralization
(Project Heads
Gebauer, Denis
Hauser, Karin
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Analytical Ultracentrifuge
Anlage für Kleinwinkelstreuung
NMR-spectrometer (400 MHz) for measurements in the liquid phase
Transmission electron microscope for the analysis of soft matter and hybrid materials (including energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy)
ultra-high resolution scanning electron microscope (inc. energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy)
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer
Current projects
Autonomous sequential drug release systems
(Project Heads
Behrens, Peter
Gellrich, Nils-Claudius
Polarz, Sebastian
Implant coating facilitating an intentional implant removal
(Project Heads
Behrens, Peter
Menzel, Henning
Polarz, Sebastian
Integrated research training group (IRTG) “Implant Technologies”
(Project Heads
Behrens, Peter
Melk, Ph.D., Anette
Wurz, Marc Christopher
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1077: Hearing for All: Models, Technology and Solutions for Diagnostics, Restoration and Support of Hearing
Kollmeier, Birger
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2122: PhoenixD: Photonics, Optics, and Engineering – Innovation Across Disciplines
Kowalsky, Wolfgang
Morgner, Uwe
Overmeyer, Ludger
EXC 2177: Hearing4all
Kollmeier, Birger
Lenarz, Thomas
Additional Information
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