Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Zentrum Innere Medizin
Klinik für Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie und Endokrinologie
Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1
30625 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30625 Hannover
Research Grants
Current projects
AAV-based gene replacement therapy in a murine model of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia Type 5 (SPG5)
Hauser, Stefan
Ott, Michael
Schöls, Ludger
Immunopathogenesis of hepatitis D virus infection
Kefalakes, Helenie
Xu, Ph.D., Chengjian
MicroRNA-mediated modulation of metabolic pathways as a therapeutic principle in hepatocellular carcinoma.
Balakrishnan, Ph.D., Asha
Optimizing molecular and immunotherapies for the treatment of cholangiocarinoma
Vogel, Arndt
RNA-induced reprogramming of liver cells
Sharma, Ph.D., Amar Deep
Selective elimination of immunosuppressive cell populations and modulation of microenvironment for improvement of T cell infiltration of the pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Ostroumov, Ph.D., Dmitrij
Targeting of liver tumors by viroimmunotherapy and molecular retargeting of virus-neutralizing antibodies
Kühnel, Florian
TCR-agnostic identification of tumor-specific CD8 T cells
Wedemeyer, Heiner
Woller, Norman
Therapeutic effects and mechanisms of selective TNF-receptor-1 inhibition in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Bantel, Heike
The role of DAMPs in the activation of cancer-associated fibroblasts in primary and secondary liver cancer
Mederacke, Ingmar
The role of MHC class II epitopes in spontaneous and therapeutic immune responses targeting liver cancer
Wirth, Thomas
The tumor microenvironment in cholangiocarcinoma - factors and phenotypes
Saborowski, Anna Lena
Completed projects
Analyse der Migration von CD8 positiven Memory T-Zellen nach wiederholter Antigenstimulation
Wirth, Thomas
Analysis of tumormutanome-specific T-cell responses
Woller, Norman
Applicability, efficacy and safety of targeted vehicle mediated in vivo base editing in a mouse model of hereditary hemochromatosis type I
Ott, Michael
Aufbau und Stabilisierung eines für die Tumorzellmigration notwendigen pH-Nanomilieus an der Zelloberfläche
Stock, Christian Martin
Bedeutung der Glycosaminoglykanketten kleiner Leuzin-reicher Proteoglykane in der Wundheilung
Seidler, Daniela G.
Bedeutung des Transkriptionsfaktors Nrf-2 für die Hämochromatose und die alkoholische Lebererkrankungen
Vogel, Arndt
Cellular mechanisms of intestinal bicarbonate transport: Molecular regulation and physiological function of the apical Cl'/HCOs" exchanger SLC26A6
Seidler, Ursula
Characterization of molecular mechanisms controlling phagocytosis of precancerous hepatocytes by macrophages and phagocytosis escape of hepatocellular carcinomas
Wirth, Thomas
Characterization of rDNA transcriptional activity in pre-implantation bovine embryos
Niemann, Heiner
Charakterisierung des Entwicklungspotentials fetaler somatischer Stammzellen (FSSCs) bei der Maus
Niemann, Heiner
Context-specific role of FGF21 in chronic liver diseases and hepatocarcinogenesis.
Vogel, Arndt
Derivation and characterization of pluripotent porcine cells
Niemann, Heiner
Die Bedeutung des Transkriptionsfaktors NF-kB für die Steroidresistenz bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen
Bantel, Heike
Die Bedeutung von TRAIL in der HCV-vermittelten Leberschädigung und Interferon-Resistenz
Bantel, Heike
Effects of meiosis-activating sterol on rRNA gene transcription and the developmental potential of preimplantation porcine embryos
Niemann, Heiner
Experimentelle Modulation der Telomerase-Aktivität in bovinen Embryonen
Niemann, Heiner
Functional characterization of candidate driver genes in pancreatic neoplasia development and maintenance using GEMM-ESC technology
Saborowski, Michael
Identification and characterization of a potential Biomarker and Modulator for HCC development derived from cancer type-specific long noncoding (Lnc) RNAs.
Tran, Ph.D., Doan Duy
Identification and functional characterization of cancer cell-derived, stroma-modulating factors in cholangiocarcinoma
Saborowski, Anna Lena
Impact of hetereologous immunity and CD8 T-cell cross-reactivity on the immunopathogenesis of acute HCV infection
Cornberg, Markus
Influence of check-point inhibitors on virus-specific T cell receptor repertoires
Kraft, Anke
Investigations of the tumor microenvironment of resectable transgenic hepatobiliary tumors after neoadjuvant therapy with gemcitabine and oncolytic virus
Kühnel, Florian
In vivo RNAi screen to identify new inhibitory targets in tumour-specific T lymphocytes during liver cancer development
Yevsa, Ph.D., Tetyana
Microsphere-based glypican-3 specific immunotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma
Wirth, Thomas
Molekulare Ursachen der Defektregulation der intestinalen Salzresorption bei Mukoviszidose und sekretorischer Diarrhöe
Seidler, Ursula
New treatment options in autoimmune hepatitis
Hardtke-Wolenski, Matthias
p53-abhängige Virusreplikation im transgenen HCC Maus Mosaik Modell zur Aktivierung von chimären T Zellen
Kühnel, Florian
Sauer, Martin
Physiologische Funktion und Regulation der SLC26a7 und SLC27a9 in der Magenschleimhaut
Seidler, Ursula
rDNA genome re-programming in intergeneric somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos
Niemann, Heiner
Regulation des Na+/HCO3--Kotransporters (NBC) in der Kolonschleimhaut: Pathophysiologische Bedeutung der basolateralen Anionenaufnahmemechanismen bei Mausmodellen chronisch-entzündlicher Darmerkrankungen
Bachmann, Oliver
Regulation of liver regeneration by microRNAs
Sharma, Ph.D., Amar Deep
Role of Atg7 in Liver Damage and Regeneration
Buitrago Molina, Laura Elisa
Role of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in the induction of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH)
Cornberg, Markus
Selective enrichment of polymorphic sequences (SEPS) for high throughput analysis of the animal genome (Selektive Anreicherung polymorpher Sequenzen für Hochdurchsatzanalyse des tierischen Genoms)
Niemann, Heiner
Targeted mutagenesis in somatic for controlled transgenic expression in pics
Niemann, Heiner
Targeting the mutanome of HCC by viral inflammation and tumor-directed vaccinations: a model for individualized tumor therapy
Kühnel, Florian
The anion transport protein Slc26a9 in the bronchial and intestinal epithelium: Physiological functions, pathophysiological relevance, and interaction with the anion channel CFTR
Seidler, Ursula
The loss of the dermatan sulfate proteoglycan decorin differentially affects cytokine and syndecan-1 expression during allergic inflammation
Seidler, Daniela G.
The role of "lipid raft" microdomains in the PDZ-adaptor protein-mediated NHE3 Regulation in the intestine
Seidler, Ursula
Untersuchungen zu Proliferation, phenotypischer Differenzierung und Genexpression von Hepatozyten und Hepatozytenvorläuferzellen in vitro und nach Transplantation in Alb-uPA/RAG-2 (CER-2) Mäuse
Ott, Michael
Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung des Transkriptionsfaktors Nrf2 für den Energiemetabolismus
Vogel, Arndt
Untersuchungen zur differentiellen Bedeutung des adaptiven Immunsystems für die FAA-induzierte Hepatitis und Hepatokarzinogenese
Vogel, Arndt
Verbesserung von DNA-Impfstoffen gegen retrovirale Infektionen durch die funktionelle Blockade von regulatorischen T-Zellen
Dittmer, Ulf
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Analyse der akzellerierten Entstehung von protektiven CD8+ Memory T-Zellen nach Dendritischer Zellvakzinierung bei der Immunantwort gegen Tumor und bakterielle/virale Pathogene
Wirth, Thomas
A novel murine model for the functional in-vivo analysis of cholangiocarcinoma: a screen for new tumor suppressor genes and a detailed characterization of the model.
Saborowski, Anna Lena
Antigenpräsentation, Immunregulation und Effektorphase bei autoimmunem Diabetes
Jaeckel, Elmar
Möglichkeiten und Mechanismen der vivo Korrektur von Genmutation
Vogel, Arndt
Significance of heterologous immunity for the course and outcome of viral infections
Cornberg, Markus
The role of the endocannabinoid system in hepatocarcinogenesis: investigation of chemically and genetically induced hepatocarcinogenesis in FAAH, CB1 and CB2 knockout mice.
Mederacke, Ingmar
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Investigations on epigenetic modulation during pre-implantation embryonic gene expression and its significance for the incidence of the large offspring syndrome
Niemann, Heiner
Zell- und molekularbiologische Analyse von De- und Redifferenzierungsvorgängen in porcinen und bovinen Kardiomyozyten in einem homologen und heterologen Kerntransfermodell
Niemann, Heiner
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Bedeutung von Bid für die Fibrogenese und Krzinogenese in der Leber
Vogel, Arndt
Entwicklung von Strategien der in vitro-Differenzierung und Transplantation embryonaler und hämatopietischer Stammzellen zur Behandlung von Lebererkrankungen
Ott, Michael
Optimierung der Diagnostik und Therapie der Autoimmunhepatitis
Jaeckel, Elmar
Taubert, Richard
Untersuchung zu spontanen intratumoralen Immunvorgängen und zur Reduktion von regulatorischen T-Zellen beim HCC
Greten, Tim F.
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Completed projects
In vivo tissue engineering of patient specific chimeric liver tissue for whole organ liver transplantation
Niemann, Heiner
Ott, Michael
Research Units
Current projects
Deciphering the transport metabolomes of SLC26A3, SLC26A6 and SLC26A9 in the human gastrointestinal tract
Seidler, Ursula
FOR 5046: Integrated analysis of epithelial SLC26 anion transporters - from molecular structure to pathophysiology
Oliver, Dominik
Physiological function and transport mode of the anion transporter SLC26A9 in the gastric and alveolar epithelium
Seidler, Ursula
Physiological significance of the interaction between SLC26A3 and SLC26A6 with CFTR or NHE3 for secretion and absorption in the intestine
Amiri, Mahdi
Lamprecht, Hans Georg
Completed projects
Epigenetische Analyse der Eizell- und Embryonalentwicklung am Modellorganismus Rind
Haaf, Thomas
Niemann, Heiner
Wrenzycki, Christine
Improved multi-transgenic pig lines for xenotransplantation
Niemann, Heiner
In vitro Germ Cell Differentiation of Cord-Blood-derived Unrestricted Somatic Stem Cells (USSC)
Schöler, Hans Robert
Transcriptomics des präimplantativen Rinderembryos
Adjaye, James
Niemann, Heiner
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Developing RNA therapeutics for liver via in vivo cellular reprogramming and remodeling of hepatic cells
Sharma, Ph.D., Amar Deep
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Basolateral anion import pathways of the intestinal epithelium: Pathophysiological relevance in inflammatory bowel disease
(Project Head
Bachmann, Oliver
Biogenese und pathogenetische Bedeutung kleiner leucinreicher Proteoglycane
(Project Head
Seidler, Daniela G.
Cure of chronic hepatitis C - Long-term effects on HCV-specific and heterologous immune responses
(Project Heads
Cornberg, Markus
Wedemeyer, Heiner
Wölk, Benno
Elucidation of supportive microRNAs during hepatic specification of reprogrammed cells in liver cell therapy
(Project Heads
Cantz, Tobias
Sharma, Ph.D., Amar Deep
Erstellung und Expressionsanalyse von transgenen Schweinen für die Xenotransplantation
(Project Heads
Kreipe, Hans
Niemann, Heiner
Wonigeit, Kurt
Evolution of the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)-specific T-Cell Receptor Repertoire in the Context of Heterologous Immunity: Implications for the Course of an Acute HCV Infection and HCV Vaccine Development
(Project Head
Cornberg, Markus
Graft-specific tolerance after transplantation
(Project Head
Jaeckel, Elmar
Identification, isolation and molecular characterization of immunomodulatory cells
(Project Heads
Geffers, Ph.D., Robert
Jaeckel, Elmar
Immunological and viral determinants of graft hepatitis C after liver transplantation in the context of novel antiviral therapies
(Project Heads
Ciesek, Sandra
Cornberg, Markus
Greten, Tim F.
von Hahn, Thomas
Wedemeyer, Heiner
Lebertransplantation bei viraler Hepatitis: Ätiologie, Pathogenese, Prognose und Prophylaxe der Reinfektion
(Project Heads
Manns, Michael Peter
Tillmann, Hans-Ludger
Trautwein, Christian
Lentiviral vector induced insertional mutagenesis in gene therapy of hereditary liver disease
(Project Heads
Modlich, Ph.D., Ute
Ott, Michael
Pathomechanismen des Cholestasesyndroms nach Lebertransplantation: Vergleich zwischen Patienten mit und ohne primär biliäre Zirrhose
(Project Heads
Böker, Klaus H.W.
Manns, Michael Peter
Regulation epithelialer Wundheilungsmechanismen der Darmmukosa durch subepithiale Myofibroblasten
(Project Head
Göke, Michael
Role of PDZ-adapter proteins of the NHERF family in the regulation of intestinal electrolyte transport and barrier function
(Project Head
Seidler, Ursula
Use of a pre-clinical pig model to characterize and modulate immune responses following liver cell transplantation
(Project Heads
Bock, Michael
Vondran, Florian
Completed projects
Core facility for genetically engineered pig lines
(Project Heads
Kaup, Franz-Josef
Keßler, Barbara
Kues, Wilfried A.
Lucas-Hahn, Andrea
Niemann, Heiner
Petersen, Björn
Schnieke, Angelika
Wolf, Eckhard
Evaluation of Apoptosis Biomarkers that Determine the Chemosensitivity of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Early Identification of Non-Responders to Anticancer Therapy
(Project Heads
Bantel, Heike
Lehner, Frank
Identification and functional characterization of cancer cell-derived, stroma-modulating factors in cholangiocarcinoma
(Project Heads
Saborowski, Anna Lena
Saborowski, Michael
Identification of Melecular Targets for Immune-Based Therapies in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
(Project Heads
Greten, Tim F.
Korangy, Firouzeh
Wirth, Thomas
Identification of molecular mechanisms conferring resistance to oncolytic viruses in HCC and implications for successful HCC virotherapy
(Project Heads
Eggert, Tobias
Kühnel, Florian
Lauer, Ulrich M.
Microsphere-based immuno-therapy of HCC
(Project Head
Wirth, Thomas
Modifying the porcine genome for xeno-organ transplantation
(Project Heads
Fischer, Konrad
Kues, Wilfried A.
Lucas-Hahn, Andrea
Niemann, Heiner
Petersen, Björn
Schnieke, Angelika
Optimization and evaluation of c-myc – directed liver cancer therapy
(Project Head
Vogel, Arndt
Preclinical assessment of decellularised (antigen-reduced), gene-modified porcine heart valves
(Project Heads
Büttner, Falk
Cebotari, Serghei
Haverich, Axel
Hilfiker, Andres
Martin, Ulrich
Niemann, Heiner
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) in xenotransplantation
(Project Heads
Jaeckel, Elmar
Noyan, Fatih
Pohla, Heike
Role off c-myc in Chronic Liver Injury and Hepatocarcinogenesis
(Project Head
Vogel, Arndt
Targeting the mutanome of liver cancer by viral oncoly-sis and tumor-directed immunotherapies
(Project Head
Kühnel, Florian
Viroimmunotherapy in HCC: Recruitment and Expansion of Dendritic Cells by Tumor-Specific Replicating Viruses
(Project Heads
Kubicka, Stefan
Kühnel, Florian
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Flow cytometer
Clinical Trials
Current projects
Everolimus bAsed caLcineurin inhibiTor frEe immunosuppRession oNe year AfTer lIver transplantatiON (ALTERNATION) – a randomized, prospective, multicenter, open-label, controlled trial.
Taubert, Richard
Randomized, prospective, multicenter, open-label, controlled, parallel-group trial investigating the efficacy of add-on plasma-exchange as an adjunctive strategy against septic shock - 2 (EXCHANGE-2)
David, Sascha
Completed projects
Biliary Interventions in critically ill patients with Sclerosing Cholangitis
Wedemeyer, Heiner
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Characterizing the tumor microenvironment of MASH-related HCC to unravel determinants of response and/or resistance to atezolizumab + bevacizumab
Almeida Valadas De Castro, Tiago
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1273: Strategies of Human Pathogens to Establish Acute and Chronic Infections
Suerbaum, Sebastian
GRK 1549: Molecular and Cellular Glyco-Sciences (MCGS). Understanding Structure/Function Relationships of Carbohydrate/Protein Interactions
Moerschbacher, Bruno
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2978: Understanding and Exploiting Adaptation to Therapy in Gastrointestinal Cancer
Heßmann, Elisabeth
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 62: From Regenerative Biology to Reconstructive Therapy (REBIRTH)
Haverich, Axel
Thum, Ph.D., Thomas
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 108: Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS)
Schmidt, Reinhold Ernst
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2155: RESIST - Resolving Infection Susceptibility
Förster, Reinhold
Hansen, Gesine
Schulz, Thomas