Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Zentrum Anatomie
Institut für Funktionelle und Angewandte Anatomie
Carl-Neuberg-Straße 1
30625 Hannover
This institution in GERiT
30625 Hannover
Research Grants
Current projects
Strategies to protect the lung from ventilation-induced injury and fibrosis due to abnormal alveolar micromechanics
Knudsen, Lars
Maus, Ulrich A.
Ruppert, Ph.D., Clemens
The role of neurotrophic B-Raf in Spinal Muscular Atrophy motor circuit pathology and beyond
Hensel, Niko
Completed projects
ErbB receptors in fetal lung development
Dammann, Christiane
Experimentelle Untersuchungen verschiedener Konservierungsstrategien mit mesenchymalen Stammzellen bei NHBD in der experimentellen Lungentransplantation
Mühlfeld, Christian
Ochs, Matthias
Wahlers, Thorsten
Großtierexperimentelle Untersuchungen zur Verwendbarkeit herztoter Organspender sowie endobronchialer Spendervorbehandlung mit Surfactant in der experimentellen Lungentransplantation
Mühlfeld, Christian
Ochs, Matthias
Wittwer, Thorsten
In vivo und in vitro Untersuchungen zur Rolle von p75NTR-exprimierender kaniner Aldynoglia bei der Staupevirusinfektion des Hundes
Baumgärtner, Ph.D., Wolfgang
Surfactant inactivation, alveolar collapsibility and their role in the progression to pulmonary fibrosis in animal models of lung injury and fibrosis
Hoymann, Ph.D., Heinz-Gerd
Knudsen, Lars
Ruppert, Ph.D., Clemens
The influence of lymph node-specific stromal cells on the funktion of gut draining lymph nodes during a high fat diet
Büttner, Manuela
Verteilung von Effektor-T-Lymphozyten in vivo: die Rolle des Mikromilieus in der Regulation von Proliferation und Zelltod
Bode, Ulrike
What is wrong with the vasculature in bronchopulmonary dysplasia?
Morty, Ph.D., Rory Edward
Mühlfeld, Christian
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Einfluss von CD26 auf T zellabhängige allergische Prozesse
(Project Heads
von Hörsten, Stephan
Schmiedl, Andreas
Stephan, Michael
The role of lymph node specific stromal cells in the regulation of the microenvironment and the immune response in the mesenteric lymph node
(Project Head
Bode, Ulrike
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
3D x-ray microscope
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1441: Regulation of the Allergic Response in Lung and Skin
Werfel, Thomas