Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
I. Physikalisches Institut
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1
37077 Göttingen
This institution in GERiT
37077 Göttingen
Research Grants
Current projects
Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach to Grain Boundary Engineering in Organic Semiconducting Crystals
Amsharov, Konstantin
Oberhofer, Harald
Weitz, R. Thomas
Polymer Fibers: Nanoscale Transport and Theory Insights
Ortmann, Frank
Weitz, R. Thomas
Spin- and time-resolved momentum microscopy for the study of ultrafast magnetization dynamics
Mathias, Stefan
Completed projects
Cation Ordering by Atomic Layer Engineering of Strongly Correlated Oxides
Moshnyaga, Vasily
Roddatis, Ph.D., Vladimir
Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Complex Metallic Alloys
Mayr, Stefan
Element-specific investigation of femtosecond magnetization dynamics
Aeschlimann, Martin
Schneider, Claus Michael
Quantenfluktuationen in elektronendotierten Manganaten
Wirth, Steffen
Quantenfluktuationen in elektronendotierten Manganaten
Damaschke, Bernd
Terahertz spectroscopy of collective excitations in ordered phases of overdoped manganites
Dressel, Martin
Moshnyaga, Vasily
Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in perovskite films and heterostructures
Mathias, Stefan
Moshnyaga, Vasily
Vollständig oxidische Tunnelmagnetowiderstands-Systeme und Einfluss der Grenzflächen auf den Tunnelmagnetowiderstand
Samwer, Konrad
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Dark excitons: Energetics, dynamics, transport and correlated phases
Mathias, Stefan
Reutzel, Marcel
Magnetic and electronic properties of graphene/MOFene superlattices
Feng, Xinliang
Heine, Thomas
Weitz, R. Thomas
Completed projects
Control of conformational effects in layered kagome MOF films and systematic access to their use in electronic applications
Dong, Ph.D., Renhao
Weitz, R. Thomas
Formation of bulk metallic glass matrix composites during the melt´s cooling
Schneider, Susanne
PAK 5: "Integrated Microactuator Systems Emphasizing Ni-Mn-Ga Films with a Tailored Microstructure" INTACT - Mechanical, magnetic and morphological properties of vapor desposited magnetic shape memory alloy thin films
Mayr, Stefan
Research Units
Completed projects
Nonlinear effects induced by mechanical stresses in glass-forming systems far from equilibrium
Samwer, Konrad
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Abbildender Spindetektor
Elektrische Vakuumspitzenmessstation mit supraleitendem Magneten
Femtosecond laser amplifier with optic parametric amplifier
Femtosekunden Röntgen-Photoemissions-Impulsmikroskop
Functional extension and upgrade of a reactive ion etching tool
Hemispherical Momentum Microscope
Low-temperature near-field microscope (LT-SNOM)
Millikelvin-Magnet-Kryostat mit geschlossenem Kühlkreislauf
mK Dilution Refrigerator with Vector Magnet
Room-temperature near field microscope (RT-SNOM)
Tip-Enhanced Raman-Spectrometer
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Atomic scale control of interfaces
(Project Heads
Moshnyaga, Vasily
Roddatis, Ph.D., Vladimir
Seibt, Michael
Dissipation control of the (opto-) electronic properties of two-dimensional materials via controlled stacking and twisting
(Project Heads
Reutzel, Marcel
Weitz, R. Thomas
Electron Dynamics at Hydrated Magnetically Doped ZnO Surfaces
(Project Heads
Mathias, Stefan
Wenderoth, Martin
Elementary steps of energy conversion during and subsequent to a strong non-equilibrium excitation in correlated materials
(Project Heads
Kehrein, Stefan
Mathias, Stefan
Friction under active control in systems with tailored degrees of freedom
(Project Heads
Krüger, Matthias
Samwer, Konrad
Vink, Richard L.C.
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Mathematics of atomic orbital tomography
(Project Heads
Luke, David Russell
Mathias, Stefan
Nanoscopic probing of spatio-temporal relaxation in heterogeneous structures
(Project Heads
Ropers, Claus
Schäfer, Sascha
Weitz, R. Thomas
Photo-/electrochemical Water Oxidation Using Metal-doped Nanoscale ZnO
(Project Heads
Streb, Carsten
Weitz, R. Thomas
Understanding and manipulating relaxation channels to tailor energy transport
(Project Heads
Krebs, Hans-Ulrich
Moshnyaga, Vasily
Münzenberg, Markus
Steil, Daniel
Ulrichs, Henning
Completed projects
Active control of energy conversion in correlated oxides by spin currents
(Project Heads
Steil, Daniel
Ulrichs, Henning
Dynamical heterogenities in undercooled melts
(Project Heads
Krebs, Hans-Ulrich
Samwer, Konrad
Dynamics and mechanics of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
(Project Heads
Chizhik, Alexey
Janshoff, Andreas
Samwer, Konrad
External field control of photon energy conversion in manganites
(Project Heads
Damaschke, Bernd
Moshnyaga, Vasily
Magnetismus der Grenzflächen von Metall/Isolator-Dünnschichtstrukturen
(Project Heads
Damaschke, Bernd
Felsch, Wolfgang
Metal-Insulator Transition in External Magnetic Fields
(Project Heads
Damaschke, Bernd
Jooss, Christian
Moshnyaga, Vasily
Samwer, Konrad
Photon-induced structural phase transition controlled by electronic correlations
(Project Heads
Münzenberg, Markus
Samwer, Konrad
Strukturbildung und magnetische Eigenschaften von inhomogenen glasbildenden Systemen
(Project Heads
Samwer, Konrad
Schmitz, Guido
Schneider, Susanne
Seibt, Michael
The effect of size on elastic to plastic transition in amorphous and crystalline metals
(Project Heads
Samwer, Konrad
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 782: Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Molecular Aggregates, Chains, Coils and Networks
Suhm, Martin
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2089: e-conversion
Bein, Thomas
Heiz, Ulrich
Reuter, Karsten