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Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Philologische Fakultät
Romanisches Seminar
79085 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79085 Freiburg
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Nation, God and modernity. The limits of literary autonomy in France 1919-1929
Einfalt, Michael
Tertulia: Literatur und Gesellschaft im Spanien des 18. und 19. Jhs.
Gelz, Andreas
Research Grants
Current projects
Emergent Remembering II. Saying the Unsayable
Pfänder, Stefan
Sport-Arenas - Scenes and (Work)Sites of the Sports Event
Gelz, Andreas
Hüser, Dietmar
Completed projects
Corpus International Ecologique de la Langue Francaise: Erstellung und Analysen
Ludwig, Ralph
Pfänder, Stefan
Nietzsche's Library. Digital Edition and Philosophical Commentary
Sommer, Andreas Urs
Spanisch in den Anden und Französisch in Kamerun als Kontaktvarietäten unter den Bedingungen globalisierter und computergestützter Kommunikation
Pfänder, Stefan
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Aesthetics of Affect
(Project Heads
Gelz, Andreas
von den Hoff, Ralf
Korte, Barbara
Lethbridge, Stefanie Christiane
Schlechtriemen, Tobias
Tilg, Stefan
Conversion in French and Italian between syntax and lexicon
(Project Head
Marzo, Daniela
Die identitätsstiftende Rolle literarischer und audiovisueller Gattungen in Lateinamerika
(Project Head
Berg, Walter Bruno
Kulturelle Hybridisierungen im argentinischen Theater und im mexikanischen Gegenwartsroman
(Project Head
Berg, Walter Bruno
Sport and the Heroic in French Literature from the Interwar Period to the Present
(Project Head
Gelz, Andreas
The 'éclat' of the hero - Auratic representation of the hero in France from the 17th to the 19th century
(Project Head
Gelz, Andreas
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
Lendemains. Etudes comparées sur la France. Vergleichende Frankreichforschung
Asholt, Wolfgang
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1624: Frequency as a Determinant in Usage-based Models of Language Change, Language Processing and Language Acquisition
Pfänder, Stefan
GRK 1767: Factual and Fictional Narration
Fludernik, Monika
GRK 1956: Transfer of Culture and "Cultural Identity". German-Russian Contacts in the European Context
Cheauré, Elisabeth
Additional Information
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