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Universitätsklinikum Essen
Institut für Medizinische Psychologie
und Verhaltensimmunbiologie
Hufelandstraße 55
45147 Essen
This institution in GERiT
45147 Essen
Research Grants
Completed projects
Altered visceral and psychological stress signal processing in visceral hyperalgesia: Role of central pain processing and local inflammation in the gut.
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Arbeitstitel: Psychobiologische Grundlagen des pathologischen Spielverhaltens - funktionell-neuroanatomische Korrelate auf der Basis kombinierter funktionell-magnetresonanztomografischer und elektrophysiologischer Untersuchungen
Exton, Michael
Behaviorally conditioned changes in peripheral immune functions: kinetics, affernet pathways and central processings
Krügel, Ute
Schedlowski, Manfred
Der Einfluss aktivitätssteigernder psychotherapeutischer Interventionen auf psychoneuroimmunologische Parameter von Patienten mit Depression
Rief, Ph.D., Winfried
Schedlowski, Manfred
Effects of experimental endotoxemia on the neural processing of visceral and somatosensory stimuli
Benson, Sven
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Effects of negative mood and systemic inflammation on visceral pain
Benson, Sven
Effects of sexual arousal and orgasm on neuroendocrine parameters: mechanisms and clinical relevance
Forsting, Michael
Inflammatory mechanisms in a two-hit mouse model of neurodevelopmental disease
Engler, Harald
Mechanismen der Klassischen Konditionierung T-Zell-abhängiger immunsuppressiver und immunstimulierender Effekte bei der Ratte
Schedlowski, Manfred
Research Units
Completed projects
Central tasks of all subprojects of the Research Unit
Rief, Ph.D., Winfried
Effects of emotional context on placebo analgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia in a visceral pain model
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Extinction and renewal in behaviorally conditioned immunosuppression
Schedlowski, Manfred
FOR 1328: Expectation and Conditioning as Basic Processes of the Placebo and Nocebo Response
Rief, Ph.D., Winfried
Molecular regulation and functional efficacy of T cell responses in a mouse model of social stress and patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Engler, Harald
Groettrup, Marcus
Neural mechanisms of learning and extinction in human visceral pain
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Neurobehavioral mechanisms of learned immunosuppressive placebo responses: from basics towards clinical application
Schedlowski, Manfred
Stress by acute inflammation in humans: Effects on brain activity, neuropsychological performance and social behavior
Schedlowski, Manfred
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Medizinische Psychologie
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
The role of PPARgamma-dependent communication pathways between brain endothelial cells and perivascular macrophages in immune-to-brain communication
Grigoleit, Ph.D., Jan-Sebastian
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
How learning shapes immunity
(Project Heads
Hadamitzky, Martin
Schedlowski, Manfred
The impact of chronic inflammation on fear extinction
(Project Heads
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Engler, Harald
Current projects
Central scientific project: Overarching psychometric and neuroendocrine assessments
(Project Heads
Engler, Harald
Müller, Erik M.
Rief, Ph.D., Winfried
Schedlowski, Manfred
Shedden Mora, Ph.D., Meike
Changing sickness symptom expectations: Effects on objective and subjective symptom dynamics in an experimental model of inflammation-induced sickness
(Project Heads
Benson, Sven
Rohn, Hana
Communicating the science of treatment expectations – from healthcare professionals to patients and back
(Project Heads
Benson, Sven
Bingel, Ulrike
Hartmann, Ph.D., Helena
Neurobiological mechanisms and temporal dynamics of negative treatment expectations in an animal model of sickness behavior
(Project Heads
Engler, Harald
Heiß-Lückemann, Laura
Schedlowski, Manfred
Treatment expectation in clinical and experimental inflammatory skin conditions
(Project Heads
Benson, Sven
Schedlowski, Manfred
Sondermann, Wiebke
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1045: Modulation of Host Cell Functions to Treat Viral and Bacterial Infections
Dittmer, Ulf
Additional Information
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