Universitätsklinikum Münster
Institut für Muskuloskelettale Medizin
Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Modulation der Aggressivität synovialer Fibroblasten bei Rheumatoid Arthritis durch retroviralen Gentransfer von Antisensekonstrukten gegen Apoptoseinhibitoren
Pap, Thomas
Untersuchung zur Entstehung und Beeinflussung von Frühstadien der Membranentstehung bei aseptischer Endoprothesenlockerung in einem Wistarratten-Modell
Pap, Thomas
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Untersuchung der Funktion von Ubiquitin-Ligase-Grail in vivo - T-Zell-spezifische Inaktivierung eines Anergiefaktors
Kriegel, Martin
Research Grants
Current projects
Adapting bioresorbable Mg-Fe Implants in bone healing
Stange, Richard
Analysis of the influence of Heparan sulfate proteoglycan Syndecan-1 on osteoclastogenesis and neoangiogenesis in chondro-osseous remodeling during fracture healing and potential therapeutic strategies
Adams, Ralf H.
Stange, Richard
Bone matrix-embedded osteocytes and their regulatory function in bone remodelling during rheumatoid arthritis
Wehmeyer, Corinna
Efficacy of simultaneous blockade of myostatin and activin on the inhibition of joint destruction in experimental arthritis
Dankbar, Ph.D., Berno
Role and underlying mechanisms of integrin α2β1 related cell-matrix interaction in tendon homeostasis and age related degradation
Stange, Richard
Targeting TRPC6 as a mechanosensitive signalling hub linking inflammation and structural damage in osteoarthritis.
Sherwood, Ph.D., Joanna
The role of osteoclasts and blood vessels as mediators downstream of beta-catenin in the differentiation of osteoblasts derived from two origins – chondrocytes and perichondrium
Hartmann, Christine
The role of WAVE Complex in osteoclast-mediated bone destruction in experimental arthritis
Dankbar, Ph.D., Berno
Stradal, Theresia
Completed projects
Analysis of the regulation of trabecular bone formation during mouse embryogenesis
Hartmann, Christine
Analysis of the roles of the Wnt-ligands Wnt9a and Wnt4 in adult bone and joint homeostasis
Hartmann, Christine
Beta-arrestin-2 and G-protein dependent signaling to stimulate fracture healing with parathyroid hormone
Stange, Richard
Das autonom zellgängige bakterielle Effektorprotein YopM als neues biologisches Therapeutikum der rheumatoiden Arthritis
Pap, Thomas
Das LIM-Domänen Protein FHL2 als neuer Regulator des aggressiv-invasiven Verhaltens synovialer Fibroblasten bei rheumatoider Arthritis.
Pap, Thomas
Die Rolle der SUMO-Protease SENP7 bei der stabilen Aktivierung synovialer Fibroblasten bei rheumatoider Arthritis.
Pap, Thomas
Expression von IL-16 in synovialen Fibroblasten
Aicher, Wilhelm K.
Pap, Thomas
Krankheitsspezifische Induktion der Serinprotease FAP in der rheumatoiden Arthritis: Funktion und Regulation bei der osteoklastären Knochendestruktion.
Dankbar, Ph.D., Berno
Maligne Knochentumore: Modulation von Apoptose und Invasion durch den Gewebeinhibitor von Metalloproteinasen-3 (TIMP-3)
Dankbar, Ph.D., Berno
Mechanismen der Apoptoseregulation durch SUMO-spezifische Proteasen in synovialen Fibroblasten von Patienten mit rheumatoider Arthritis
Pap, Thomas
Mechanisms of Integrin α2β1 driven cell-matrix interaction in the course of bone regeneration and fracture healing
Stange, Richard
Regulation of chronic inflammation in psoriatic-Arthritis by S100A8 and S100A9, Mechanisms and therapeutic implications.
Stratis, Athanasios
Regulation of cytokine-dependent calcification of cartilage tissue by NPP1 and syndecan-4
Pap, Thomas
Regulation of fibroblast response to IL-1 in rheumatoid arthritis by the transmembrane heparane sulfate proteoglycan syndecan-4
Pap, Thomas
Regulation of inflammatory bone destruction in rheumatoid arthritis by the small ubiquitin-like modifyer SUMO-1
Pap, Thomas
Syndecan-4 as a regulator of chondroblast development during fracture healing
Stange, Richard
The protective function of the Wnt inhibitor sclerostin in inflammatory bone destruction.
Dankbar, Ph.D., Berno
The role of macrophages during embryonic endochondralen ossification in wild-type and osteoclast deficient mice.
Hartmann, Christine
The role of the heparansulfate proteoglycan syndecan-1 in bone metabolism
Stange, Richard
The Role of Tolloid Proteinases in bone physiology and fracture healing
Kronenberg, Daniel
Unraveling Smad2/4-dependent osteoclast differentiation through transcriptome analysis
Dankbar, Ph.D., Berno
Kornak, Uwe
Untersuchung der rheumatischen Knorpelzerstörung mit Hilfe eines neu etablierten in vitro Modells (MATRIN-Assay) unter Verwendung von authentischen Kollagenmatrizes
Hansen, Uwe
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Crosstalk between inflammation, bone destruction and new bone formation in patients with ankylosing spondylitis
Syrbe, Uta
Heparan sulfate in Degenerating Joint Diseases
Vortkamp, Andrea
The impact of myostatin on breast cancer and multiple myeloma bone metastases
Dankbar, Ph.D., Berno
The role of myostatin in joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis
Dankbar, Ph.D., Berno
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2722: Novel molecular determinants for musculoskeletal extracellular matrix homeostasis – a systemic approach (M2)
Brachvogel, Bent
Matrix mediated fibroblast activation in rheumatoid arthritis
Korb-Pap, Adelheid
Pap, Thomas
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Mechanisms of transendothelial fibroblast migration in rheumatoid arthritis
(Project Head
Pap, Thomas
Myostatin-induced mechanisms of inflammatory bone and cartilage destruction by invasive fibroblast-like synoviocytes
(Project Heads
Dankbar, Ph.D., Berno
Pap, Thomas
Regulation of Fibroblast Attachment and Invasiveness by PI3KGamma-Mediated Signalling Pathways in Rheumatoid Arthritis
(Project Head
Pap, Thomas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Function and Regulation of the Transmembrane Glycoprotein Podoplanin in Inflammatory Bone Destruction in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Wehmeyer, Corinna
Regulation of the proteoglycan switch in rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes (RA-FLS) by the LIM and SH3 domain protein (Lasp) 1
Beckmann, Denise