Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften
Abteilung für Islamwissenschaft und Nahostsprachen
Brühler Straße 7
53119 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53119 Bonn
Research Grants
Current projects
Averroes as a Physician: Intellectual and Social Contexts of Medicine in Al-Andalus
Pfeiffer, Judith
Dynastic Genealogical Trees in the Early Modern Period: Visualizing Historical Imagination and Political Legitimacy in the Islamic World
Binbas, Ilker Evrim
Completed projects
An analysis of the letters of the orientalist Johann Gildemeister (1812-1890) to his family written during the years from 1832 until 1890 and kept in the archive of the Bonn University.
Conermann, Stephan
Computergestützte syntaktische Qur an-Analyse
Wild, Stefan
Heraldry and "Material Culture" during the Mamluk period in Egypt and Syria.
Walker, Bethany J.
Ibn as-Sihnas (st. 882/1477) Lisan al-hukkam fi ma'rifat al-ahkam - "Todte Buchstaben" oder Spiegel der Rechtswirklichkeit?
Conermann, Stephan
Iran and the Third Reich, 1933-1943. Political Conceptions between ideology and Realpolitik
Siebertz, Roman
Naima`s (1655-1716) court chronicle: A narratological analysis of the significative function of Ottoman historiography
Sen, Gül
Philologische Erschließung, historische Kontextualiserung und narratologische Auswertung von Abd as-Sattar b. Qasim Lahuris ca. 1608-11 angefertigten Magalis-i Gahangiri
Conermann, Stephan
Philologische Erschließung, historische Kontextualiserung und narratologische Auswertung von Hasan 'Ali al-Munsi al-Haqanis 1579/80 angefertigten Fürstenspiegel Ahlaq-i Hakimi
Conermann, Stephan
Sozialgeschichte Ammans (1921-1946)
Wild, Stefan
Staat und Gesellschaft Irans im Spiegel niederländischer Quellen, 1629-1722
Siebertz, Roman
Three Travelogues of Women from the Late Qajar Period: historical context - narrative strategies - female authorship
Conermann, Stephan
What did an Ottoman Sultan know about the Russian Empire? The Report of Mustafa Rasih's (d. 1804/05) Mission to St. Petersburg (1792-1794)
Conermann, Stephan
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Akten des 27. Deutschen Orientalistentages 1998
Wild, Stefan
Funktion und Formen indo-persischer Hofgeschichtsschreibung während der Mogulzeit (932-1118/1526-1707)
Conermann, Stephan
Advanced Studies Centres in SSH
Completed projects
FOR 1362: Annemarie-Schimmel-Kolleg for the History and Society of the Mamluk Era (1250-1517)
Conermann, Stephan
Geschichte und Gesellschaft der Mamlukenzeit (1250-1517)
Conermann, Stephan
Geschichte und Gesellschaft der Mamlukenzeit (1250-1517)
Conermann, Stephan
Walker, Bethany J.
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Slavery and Loyalty: the Russian and Ottoman Empires
Witzenrath, Christoph
Transottoman Semiospheres. Pavel A. Levašev's (gest. 1820) und Necati Efendi's (gest. nach 1776) Imaginations of the Other
Conermann, Stephan
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Macht and Herrschaft in Indo-Persian Historiographical Texts from the Delhi Sultanate Period (1206 - 1526)
(Project Head
Conermann, Stephan
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2036: Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS)
Conermann, Stephan
Gymnich, Marion
Noack, Karoline