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Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Medizinische Fakultät
Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I - Allgemeine Innere Medizin
Venusberg-Campus 1
53127 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53127 Bonn
Research Grants
Current projects
Modulation of dead cell disposal and inflammatory signaling as novel approach to peritoneal membrane preservation in dialysis
von Vietinghoff, Sibylle
Completed projects
Adenoviral- or bile acid-mediated transfer of therapeutic neucleid acids in hepatocytes to inhibit Hepatitis C in viral translation in vitro and in vivo
Caselmann, Wolfgang
Analysis and modification of the metabolic antioxidative balance as risk factor for liver fibrosis in humanized, transgenic UGT1A SNP and wild type mice
Strassburg, Christian
Immunmodulation durch induzierte Antigen-spezifische regulatorische T-Zellen bei der chronischen Hepatitis C Infektion
Spengler, Ulrich
Klinische Studien - Vorbereitungskosten
Sauerbruch, Tilman
Mediators of vascular inflammation and tertiary lymphoid organ formation in chronic kidney disease
von Vietinghoff, Sibylle
Pathophysiologische Bedeutung der Gallensäure beta-Glukosidase (GBA2): Untersuchungen an GBA2-defizienten Mäusen, Mutationsanalysen von M. Gaucher Patienten am GBA2-Gen
van Echten-Deckert, Ph.D., Gerhild
Yildiz, Yildiz
Role of hepatic CD49a+ Natural Killer cells for hepatitis C virus infection
Krämer, Benjamin
The role of renal impairment in atherosclerotic inflammation
von Vietinghoff, Sibylle
Ttoxicity analyses and therapeutic modification of the anti-cancer drug camptothecin
Strassburg, Christian
Tumour associated microparticles as a novel biomarker in HCC and CCA
Kornek, Miroslaw
Urolithiasis: Entwicklung und Validierung eines massenspektrometrischen Verfahrens zur Messung der gastrointestinalen Oxalsäureabsorption
von Unruh, Gerd
Zytoprotektive und metabolische Rolle der UDP-Glukuronosyltransferasen (UGT) in der Karzinogenese gastrointestinaler Tumoren
Strassburg, Christian
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Kombinierte CpG-Oligodeoxynukleotid/Lipopeptid Liposomen als neuer immunmodulatorischer Impfstoff gegen Hepatitis C Virus Infektion
Spengler, Ulrich
Regulation of functional heterogeneity and plasticity of human tissue-bound ILC3
Nattermann, Jacob
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Experimentelle Gastroenterologie
Strassburg, Christian
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Charakterisierung der Rolle von Metabolisierungsenzym- und Transporter-Polymorphismen beim hepatozellulären Karzinom (HCC)
Strassburg, Christian
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5427: BActerial Renal InfeCtion And DEfense (BARICADE)
Wagenlehner, Florian
Protection from pyelonephritis during glucosuria
von Vietinghoff, Sibylle
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Myeloid immune cell subsets and the renal microenvironment in glomerulonephritis
(Project Heads
Kurts, Christian
von Vietinghoff, Sibylle
Completed projects
Regulation of immune functions by alternative antigen presentation in HIV and HCV infection
(Project Heads
Nattermann, Jacob
Spengler, Ulrich
The molecular basis and genetic variability of mucosal UDP-glukuronosyltransferase (UGT) gene regulation in humans and the humanized UGTIA-SNP-C57BL/6 mouse model
(Project Head
Strassburg, Christian
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Induction of fibrolytic activity in hepatic stellate cells by T cell derived microparticles in vitro and in vivo
Kornek, Miroslaw
Regulation of neutrophil homeostasis by IL-17A and IL-17F-producing gamma-delta-T-cells
von Vietinghoff, Sibylle
Completed projects
Angiotensin stimulated hepatic fibrogenesis and portal hypertension: Receptor regulation and intracellular signaling
(Project Heads
Sauerbruch, Tilman
Trebicka, Ph.D., Jonel
Regulation of Hepatic Carcinogen-metabolizing UGT1A Genes and HCC Development in the Humanized UHT1A-SNP Mouse
(Project Heads
Manns, Michael Peter
Strassburg, Christian
Role of innate lymphoid cells in liver fibrosis
(Project Heads
Nattermann, Jacob
Spengler, Ulrich
Clinical Trials
Completed projects
Covered transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent shunt versus optimezed medical treatment for the secondary prevention of variceal bleeding in cirrhosis
Sauerbruch, Tilman
Additional Information
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