Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
Abteilung Athen
Fidiou 1
10678 Athens
This institution in GERiT
10678 Athens
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Archivstudien zur venezianischen Baugeschichte in Griechenland (1685-1797), hier: Edition des Manuskriptes "Baugeschichte der Stadt Nauplia" von Dr.-Ing. Wulf Schäfer
Zäh, Alexander
Das Bild am Grab im "Dritten Griechenland", Außerattische Grabreliefs klassischer Zeit im Spannungsfeld der Landschaften.
Sporn, Katja
Macedonia in the Roman Empire. The Formation of a Provincial Society
Daubner, Frank
More than War. Symbolic Functions of Ancient Fortifications
Müth-Frederiksen, Silke
Topographie antiker Ehrenstatuen im hellenistischen Osten: Gestaltung und Konstituierung politischer Räume durch öffentliche und private Porträtstandbilder
Griesbach, Jochen
Research Grants
Current projects
Fragmentation of votive offerings in the sanctuary of Olympia – Research on the background of a ritual practice
Baitinger, Holger
Protogeometric and Geometric fine-ware pottery from the sanctuary at Kalapodi: chronology, ritual features, and connectivity of an Early Iron Age cult site in Phokis
von Miller, Alexandra
Completed projects
Ancient Cuirasses. Studies on the development of armaments and their uses (social, functional and symbolic) and their interaction in the Mediterranean between the 8th and 3rd Century BC
Egg, Markus
From Graves to Wells? New curse tablets from the Athenian Ceramicus and the Local Development of the Cursing Ritual
Chiarini, Ph.D., Sara
Olympia: Diachronic Development of the Votive Gifts from the 10th to the 5th Centuries B.C. in the Sanctuary of Zeus
Baitinger, Holger
Senff, Ph.D., Reinhard
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
Archives of the DAI Athens and the Archaeology of Greece (ArchAthen)
Sporn, Katja