GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Post Office Box 122155
68072 Mannheim
This institution in GERiT
68072 Mannheim
Research data and software
Current projects
CodeInspector - e-Research tool for data-driven search and analysis of social science research software
Bleier, Arnim
Mathiak, Brigitte
Scherp, Ansgar
Tichy, Matthias
SmartER Affiliations: Enhancing Open Repositories through Harvesting and Extracting Affiliation Data as First-class Citizen
Mathiak, Brigitte
Reitz, Florian
Scherp, Ansgar
Unknown Data – Mining and consolidating research dataset metadata on the Web
Ackermann, Marcel R.
Dietze, Stefan
Jäschke, Robert
Katsanidou, Alexia
Mathiak, Brigitte
Completed projects
Discuss Data: Open Platform for the Interactive Discussion of Research Data Quality (on the example of area studies on the post-Soviet region)
Horstmann, Wolfram
Pleines, Heiko
InFoLiS II - Integration of research literature and data
Eckert, Kai
Gehrlein, Sabine
Mathiak, Brigitte
Smart Harvesting 2
Ley, Michael
Mathiak, Brigitte
Schaer, Philipp
SustainLife - Sustaining Living Digital Systems in the Humanities
Leymann, Frank
Mathiak, Brigitte
Research Grants
Current projects
Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey - Germany (CILS4EU-DE)
Kalter, Frank
Kogan, Ph.D., Irena
Modular Questionnaire Designs for Social Surveys: Statistical Modelling of Missingness in Real Social Survey Data
Bruch, Christian
Wolf, Christof
Who is the better survey translator? The impact of translator background and translation technologies on questionnaire translation quality
Behr, Dorothée
Completed projects
Optimizing Probing Procedures for Cross-National Web Surveys
Braun, Michael
The Effect of Parental Wealth on Educational Decisions
Müller, Nora
Pforr, Klaus
NFDI-Basic Services
Current projects
Base4NFDI - Basic Services for NFDI (KonsortSWD)
Wolf, Christof
Priority Programmes
Current projects
FAIR.rdm - FAIR Management of African Archaeological Research Data
Mathiak, Brigitte
Paliou, Eleftheria
Completed projects
Improving intercultural comparative research by the application of cognitive techniques using the Internet in several countries
Braun, Michael
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Evaluating Data Sources for Research into Political Reforms: (Non)probability Online Surveys and Big Data
(Project Heads
Blom, Ph.D., Annelies
Bosnjak, Michael
Gschwend, Ph.D., Thomas
Keusch, Florian
Kreuter, Frauke
Lo, James
SFB 884: Political Economy of Reforms
König, Thomas
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
BERD@NFDI - NFDI for Business, Economic and Related Data
Stahl, Florian
KonsortSWD – Consortium for the Social, Behavioural, Educational, and Economic Sciences
Wolf, Christof
NFDI4DS - NFDI for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Schimmler, Sonja
NFDI4Earth - NFDI Consortium Earth System Sciences
Bernard, Lars
Abteilung Data and Research on Society (DRS)
Abteilung Dauerbeobachtung der Gesellschaft
Abteilung Survey Design and Methodology (SDM)
GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften - Standort Köln
Abteilung Computational Social Science (CSS)
Abteilung Datenarchiv für Sozialwissenschaften
Abteilung Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences (KTS)
Big Data Analytics Team