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GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Abteilung Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences (KTS)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
50667 Köln
This institution in GERiT
50667 Köln
Research data and software
Current projects
Expansion of the Social Spatial Science Research Data Infrastructure SoRa: FAIR, intelligent, integrative (SoRa+)
Goebel, Jan
Jünger, Stefan
Meinel, Gotthard
Zapilko, Benjamin
Open Citations for Educational Research (OFFZIB)
Heck, Tamara
Mayr-Schlegel, Philipp
Schindler, Christoph
RUSHMORE - Resources for Human Mobility Research
Demidova, Elena
Dietze, Stefan
Gottschalk, Simon
Zapilko, Benjamin
STELLA II (Infrastructures for Living Labs)
Castro, Ph.D., Leyla Jael
Hienert, Daniel
Schaer, Philipp
Variable Detection, Interlinking and Summarization (VADIS)
Eckert, Kai
Kroll, Henning
Ponzetto, Simone Paolo
Zapilko, Benjamin
Completed projects
A pilot study for "Linked Open Research Data" (LORDpilot): a LOD-based Concept Registry for social science research data
Daniel, Andreas
Goebel, Jan
Kern, Dagmar
Siegers, Pascal
da/raSearchNet - Advancing the Registration agency for social and economic data towards an international search network for research data from the social and economic sciences
Wolf, Christof
Establishing Contextual Dataset Retrieval - transferring concepts from document to dataset retrieval (ConDATA)
Mayr-Schlegel, Philipp
Reference Understanding in the Social Sciences (OUTCITE)
Mayr-Schlegel, Philipp
Staab, Steffen
ScienceLinker: A Framework for Finding, Linking, and Enriching Social Science Linked Data
Zapilko, Benjamin
X-Hub: An Infrastructure for the Multi-disciplinary Secondary Use of Data from Experimental Studies in Economics and Social Sciences, with a Focus on Benchmark and Large Groups Experiments
Klas, Claus-Peter
Quandt, Markus
Weimann, Joachim
Research Grants
Current projects
Overcome Selective Exposure in Web Search by considering Eye Movements and Physiological Signals
Hienert, Daniel
Kern, Dagmar
Towards Automated Comprehension Testing of Questionnaire Items using Eye-Tracking
Kammerer, Yvonne
Kern, Dagmar
VACOS 2 - Natural language and conversational support for object search
Fuhr, Norbert
Kern, Dagmar
Completed projects
The Pillars of Unity and Disciplinary Bridges: Geographical Research between Rhetorics and Practice
Aufenvenne, Philipp
Mayr-Schlegel, Philipp
User Guidance and System Tuning for Retrieval Sessions
Fuhr, Norbert
Mayr-Schlegel, Philipp
Wolf, Christof
Acquisition and Provision
Current projects
Scientific Information Service for Sociology
Hollstein, Betina
Mayr-Schlegel, Philipp
Neuhausen, Hubertus
Specialised Information Service Political Science
Hollstein, Betina
Mayr-Schlegel, Philipp
Müller, Maria Elisabeth
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
Opening Scholary Communication in Social Sciences (OSCOSS)
Lange-Bever, Christoph
Wolf, Christof
Additional Information
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