Technische Universität Dresden
Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen (ZIH)
Zellescher Weg 12-14
01069 Dresden
01069 Dresden
Research data and software
Completed projects
GeRDI: Generic Research Data Infrastructure
Bode, Arndt
Grimm, Christian
Hasselbring, Wilhelm
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Tochtermann, Klaus
Metadata Management for Applied Sciences (MASi)
Geisler, Claudius
Herres-Pawlis, Sonja
Meinel, Gotthard
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Rapp, Andrea
Stotzka, Rainer
Morpheus - Establishing the first sustainable software infrastructure for multi-scale modelling and simulation of multicellular biological systems
Brusch, Lutz
Rahmenbedingungen einer disziplinübergreifenden Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (Radieschen)
Klein, Wolfgang
Ludwig, Thomas
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Steinmetz, Matthias
Wächter, Joachim
Research Grants
Current projects
Cycling behavior in Germany - a multi-criteria approach to quantify local differences in route choice and driving behavior.
Huber, Stefan
Lissner, Sven
Okhrin, Iryna
Completed projects
Multicellular organization by a non-diffusible signal: Mathematical and experimental analysis of morphogenetic cell movements in myxobacteria
Deutsch, Andreas
Parallel coupling framework and advanced time integration methods for detailed cloud processes in atmospheric models
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Process-Oriented Performance Engineering Service Infrastructure for Scientific Software at German HPC Centers
Müller, Matthias S.
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Wellein, Gerhard
Spatial and spatio-temporal GARCH models
Otto, Philipp
Schmid, Wolfgang
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Sustainable Research Data Management
(Project Heads
Heine, Thomas
Kaskel, Stefan
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Completed projects
Information infrastructure project
(Project Heads
Müller-Pfefferkorn, Ralph
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Smolka, Michael
Modeling Performance and Power Consumption of Energy-Aware Software on a Highly Adaptive Computing System
(Project Head
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Numerische Modellierung turbulenter MFD-Strömungen
(Project Heads
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Stiller, Jörg
Numerische Untersuchung turbulenter Zweiphasenströmungen unter Magnetfeldeinfluss
(Project Heads
Adams, Nikolaus Andreas
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Current projects
Information infrastructure
(Project Heads
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Smolka, Michael
Information infrastructure
(Project Heads
Müller-Pfefferkorn, Ralph
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Information infrastructure
(Project Heads
Jansen, Andreas
Müller-Pfefferkorn, Ralph
Smolka, Michael
Stein, Ph.D., Frederike
Information Infrastructure for the CRC/TRR 369
(Project Heads
Müller-Pfefferkorn, Ralph
Rauner, Martina
Infrastructure for adrenal research
(Project Heads
Beuschlein, Felix
Eisenhofer, Ph.D., Graeme
Fassnacht, Martin
Müller-Pfefferkorn, Ralph
Reisch, Nicole
Completed projects
Mathematical modelling and simulation of bone and implant remodelling in the healthy and diseased bone
(Project Heads
Bobeth, Manfred
Cuniberti, Gianaurelio
Deutsch, Andreas
Marciniak-Czochra, Anna
Voigt, Axel
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
ADA-FS - Advanced Data Placement via Ad-hoc File Systems at Extreme Scales
Brinkmann, André
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Streit, Achim
FFMK - A fast and fault tolerant microkernel-based system for exa-scale computing
Barak, Ph.D., Amnon
Härtig, Hermann
Reinefeld, Alexander
Smart-DASH: Smart Data Structures and Algorithms with Support for Hierarchical Locality
Fürlinger, Karl
Glass, Colin William
Gracia, Jose
Knüpfer, Andreas
SPP 1648: Software for Exascale Computing
Bungartz, Hans-Joachim
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1056: Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfAED)
Fettweis, Gerhard P.
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
FAIRmat – FAIR Data Infrastructure for Condensed-Matter Physics and the Chemical Physics of Solids
Draxl, Claudia
GHGA – German Human Genome-Phenome Archive
Stegle, Ph.D., Oliver
National Research Data Infrastructure for and with Computer Science
Goedicke, Michael
NFDI4Chem – Chemistry Consortium in the NFDI
Steinbeck, Christoph
NFDI4DS - NFDI for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Schimmler, Sonja
NFDI4Earth - NFDI Consortium Earth System Sciences
Bernard, Lars