Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung (IPK)
Corrensstraße 3
06466 Gatersleben
This institution in GERiT
06466 Gatersleben
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
A final step of speciation? - Changes in flowering time and their genetic and ecological background within three closely related diploid Hordeum species from Patagonia
Blattner, Frank R.
Allele mining in wild barley: finding new exotic genes which control flowering time in the barley nested association mapping (NAM) population HEB-25.
Kumlehn, Jochen
Pillen, Klaus
Analysis of the relationship between heterosis and the epigenetic modification of DNA and histones in Arabidopsis thaliana
Houben, Andreas
Funktionelle Charakterisierung des Peptidtransporters VfPTR1 in Leguminosen in Relation zur Proteinakkumulation im Samen
Weber, Hans
Gezielte Veränderung des Gehalts- und der Qualität von Speicherproteinen in Körnerleguminosen
Weber, Hans
Hochauflösende Kartierung und Markersättigung im Bereich des Rph13 Resistenzgens gegen Zwergrost (Puccinia hordei Otth.)
Walther, Ursula
Immunmodulation von Jasmonatfunktionen in transgenen Pflanzen
Conrad, Udo
Isolierung des Rph16 Zwergrost-Resistenzlocus und Erzeugung funktionaler Gen- und Signalketten-Mutanten
Graner, Andreas
Luzula elegans - a holocentric species with an inverted sequence of meiotic events?
Houben, Andreas
Mechanisms of speciation in Southeast Asian ant-plants of the genus Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) associated with Crematogaster ants
Blattner, Frank R.
Fiala, Brigitte
Weising, Kurt
Mechanisms of speciation in Southeast Asian ant-plants of the genus Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) associated with Crematogaster ants
Blattner, Frank R.
Molecular genetics of heterosis of the plant`s earliest stage, the embryo, using the large-seeded faba bean as model
Link, Wolfgang
Weber, Hans
Molekulargenetische Feinkartierung multipler Resistenzen der Gerste gegen den Gelbmosaikvirus-Komplex (BaYMV/BaMMV)
Graner, Andreas
Mutation accumulation in sexual and asexual genomic regions in apomictic Boechera (Brassicaceae)
Blattner, Frank R.
Speciation mechanisms underlying rapid radiations in South American and Central Asian species of Hordeum (Poaceae)
Blattner, Frank R.
Research Grants
Current projects
Analysis of cluster-type holocentromeres - a novel centromere-type identified in the Liliales genus Chionographis – How to get from mono- to holocentricity?
Houben, Andreas
Deciphering the molecular bases of chromosome drive using the B chromosome of rye as a model
Houben, Andreas
Development of a CRISPR-imaging toolset for imaging of DNA and RNA in structurally preserved chromatin suitable for super-resolution microscopy and electron microscopy and its application to study the substructure of holo- and monocentromeres
Houben, Andreas
Disentangling the complex karyotype evolution of crocuses
Harpke, Dörte
Functional and quantitative imaging study on maize kernel metabolism
Rolletschek, Hardy
Identification and functional characterization of genes involved in the process of root-specific B chromosome elimination in Aegilops speltoides
Houben, Andreas
Szymanski, Jedrzej
Thiel, Johannes
The role of the microbiome in providing resilience to multi-stress environments
Rolletschek, Hardy
Szymanski, Jedrzej
Completed projects
2-Cys Prx and PrxIIE as redox sensors, signal integrators and transmitters
Dietz, Karl-Josef
Mock, Hans-Peter
Schöttler, Mark Aurel
4D-Entwicklungsgradienten im Endosperm der Gerste: biologischer Nachweis, virtuelle Rekonstruktion und Identifizierung von Regulatorgenen
Weschke, Winfriede
Analysis of a B chromosome undergoing tissue-type specific elimination during embryogenesis of Aegilops speltoides
Houben, Andreas
Scholz, Uwe
Analysis of B chromosome transcripts and their involvement in B chromosome nondisjunction
Houben, Andreas
Analysis of phylogenetic relationships among Triticeae grasses II - The (allo)polyploid genera
Blattner, Frank R.
Analysis of phylogenetic relationships of Hordeum (Poaceae) polyploids
Blattner, Frank R.
Analysis of uniparental elimination of chromosomes in wide crosses
Houben, Andreas
Analysis on the origin, function and regulation of B-chromosome located gene fragments
Houben, Andreas
BARN_BARley yield associated Network
Muehlbauer, Gary J.
Stein, Nils
Waugh, Robbie
Beziehungen zwischen Genomgröße, somatischer Polyploidisierung und nuklearem AT/GC-Verhältnis in Höheren Pflanzen
Meister, Armin
Biogeographical dynamics of plant taxa and climate-landscape history of the Eurasian steppe belt: Genes documenting history.
Blattner, Frank R.
Friesen, Nikolai
Neuffer, Barbara
Biologische Grundlagen und Konstanz morphologischer und molekularer diagnostischer Merkmale der Wegwarte, Cichorium intybus
Bachmann, Konrad
Biometrical approaches for the analysis of genebank evaluation data in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Piepho, Hans-Peter
Biosynthesis and distribution of ABA in relation to cellularization, differentiation and storage product accumulation in the barley endosperm
Hause, Bettina
Matros, Andrea
Weschke, Winfriede
Comparative mapping of Triticum timopheevii and T. araraticum with T. aestivum
Röder, Marion
Comparative phylogeography of three woody species to infer vegetation history of the Patagonian steppe
Blattner, Frank R.
Development of a CRISPR-FISH toolset for imaging of genomic loci in living plants and its application to study the centromere structure and the process of chromosome condensation in living cells
Houben, Andreas
Die Rolle von plastidären Metabolittranslokatoren für Speicherstoffsynthese und Assimilatverteilung in Leguminosensamen
Weber, Hans
Elucidating the mechanism of BROAD LEAF1 action in controlling barley leaf growth
Kumlehn, Jochen
Lenhard, Michael
Stein, Nils
Evolution and phylogenetic systematics of the sexually dimorphic orchid genus Cycnoches
Blattner, Frank R.
Gerlach, Günter
Gottschling, Marc
Evolution in a changing environment: the genetic architecture of adaptation outside centers of domestication of Phaseolus vulgaris and P. coccineus
Fernie, Ph.D., Alisdair
Gepts, Ph.D., Paul
Graner, Andreas
Jackson, Ph.D., Scott
Papa, Roberto
Functional analysis of the gene albostrians in barley and its impact on variegation and chloroplast biogenesis (Acronym: ALBOSTRIANS)
Kumlehn, Jochen
Stein, Nils
Functional analysis of the role of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit photosynthesis in metabolism and development
Lytovchenko, Anna
Functional candidate-gene approach for papilla-based resistance of barley
Schweizer, Patrick
Functional characterisation and validation of nonhost components in Triticeae species for durable resistance against fungal diseases (DURESTrit)
Bogdanove, Adam
Boyd, Ph.D., Lesley
Kumlehn, Jochen
Niks, Rients
Panstruga, Ralph
Schaffrath, Ulrich
Schweizer, Patrick
Spanu, Pietro
Stein, Nils
Wallington, Emma
Wise, Roger
Functional characterization of Fe-dependent mechanisms promoting the stimulation of adventitious root formation in petunia cuttings
Hajirezaei, Mohammad-Reza
Funktionelle Charakterisierung von Arabidopsis-Linien mit Hilfe der Proteomanalytik
Mock, Hans-Peter
Genetic and metabolic control of grain shape and weight in wheat
Weber, Hans
Genetic control of barb/trichome formation on barley awns and stigmata – or, why does cultivated barley need rough awns?
Stein, Nils
Genetic variability of Arabidopsis thaliana in Middle Asia
Bachmann, Konrad
Genomics-Assisted Analysis and Exploitation of Barley Diversity (ERA-PG 061)
Graner, Andreas
Pillen, Klaus
Genomics-assisted dissection of barley morphology and development (ERA-PG 046)
Stein, Nils
Genotypische und phänotypische Charakterisierung von definierten Weizen-Introgressionslinien
Röder, Marion
Global repeat discovery of rye A and B chromosomes using a high-throughput 454 sequence survey
Houben, Andreas
Identical genomes but different properties – saffron as a model for epigenetics of quality traits and environmental adaptation
Blattner, Frank R.
Heitkam, Tony
Usadel, Björn
Identification of signalling components and regulatory pathways determining development of the barley endosperm
Weschke, Winfriede
Imaging and modelling of seed metabolism in oilseed rape
Borisjuk, Ljudmilla
Integrative genomic and genetic analysis of nonhost resistance across Triticeae species (TritNONHOST)
Schaffrath, Ulrich
Schweizer, Patrick
Interaktion von ABA und Zuckersignaltransduktion in sich entwickelnden Erbsensamen
Weber, Hans
Isolation von phosphorylierungs-abhängigen Histon H3-Interaktoren und Substratcharakterisierung von AtAurora Kinasen in Arabidopsis thaliana
Houben, Andreas
Map-based cloning and functional validation of a QTL for grain size in wheat
Röder, Marion
Metabolic adaptation of phosphate-starved plants - Functional analyses of novel-type, intracellular phosphatases of the the HAD superfamily
Köck, Margret
Molecular and functional analysis of trehalose metabolism during pea seed development
Weber, Hans
Molecular and physiological regulation of adventitious root formation in Petunia cuttings in response to nutrient supply and dark exposure
Drüge, Uwe
Hajirezaei, Mohammad-Reza
Molekularbiologische und biochemische Charakterisierung pflanzlicher Hexokinasen in Tabak
Hajirezaei, Mohammad-Reza
Nutrient release by cellular disintegration in developing barley seeds
Weschke, Winfriede
On the significance of mechanosensing for seed development and maturation
Rolletschek, Hardy
Phosphorylation of histone H3 and plant chromosome structure - isolation and characterisation of a histone H3-specific kinase
Houben, Andreas
Phylogenetic analysis of Crocus (Iridaceae) and inference of the phylogeography of Crocus biflorus in Anatolia
Blattner, Frank R.
Phylogeographic, popultion genetic and ecological analyses in the Central Asian Hordeum species and in Hordeum californicum from North America
Blattner, Frank R.
Rolle von Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) für die Regulation von Energie- und Speichermetabolismus in Samen
Borisjuk, Ljudmilla
Sameneigene Photosynthese und ihre Rolle bei der Speicherung von Reservestoffen
Rolletschek, Hardy
Sizing the genetic and physical centromere of barley chromosomes as a prerequisite of understanding genome evolution in the genus Hordeum
Houben, Andreas
Speicheraktivität und Sink-Stärke während der Samenentwicklung von Leguminosen: Untersuchungen zur Rolle von SNF1-ähnlichen Proteinkinasen
Weber, Hans
SWEETs: Mechanistic model of sucrose allocation in grains of barley and rice
Borisjuk, Ljudmilla
Targeted engineering of plant centromeres
Houben, Andreas
Taxonomische Revision von Allium subg. Melanocryommyum für das Territorium des Iran
Fritsch, Reinhard
The evolutionary history of Hypericum (Hypericaceae) with special emphasis on sect. Hypericum - Biogeography, character evolution, ecological shifts, and age estimations
Blattner, Frank R.
The origin of saffron. Part 2: The role of polyploidy for saffron secondary metabolites
Blattner, Frank R.
Verification of a novel type of resistance genes conferring resistance to barley leaf scald caused by Rhynchosporium secalis
Röder, Marion
Research Units
Completed projects
Establishment of cell-specifically inducible expression systems in transgenic barley and maize
Kumlehn, Jochen
Identifizierung struktureller, biochemischer und molekularer Merkmale der Stickstoff-Nutzungseffizienz
Hell, Rüdiger
Relationship between sink-induced N remobilisation and seed filling in barley
Weber, Hans
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
SFB 1211: Earth - Evolution at the Dry Limit
Dunai, Tibor J.
Reimann, Tony
SFB 1664: Plant Proteoform Diversity - SNP2Prot
Quint, Marcel
Completed projects
Biochemische Analyse initialer Prozesse der Lipidperoxidation bei Samenreifung, Keimung und Blattentwicklung
(Project Head
Feußner, Ivo
Biosyntheseregulation der Glycin-Decarboxylase bei Arten mit unterschiedlicher Effizienz interner CO2-Reassimilationsprozesse
(Project Head
Bauwe, Hermann
Charakterisierung des Transportweges pflanzlicher vakuolärer Proteine in den extrazellulären Raum
(Project Heads
Kunze, Gotthard
Köck, Margret
Charakterisierung von Proteinmarkern der Induktion der somatischen Embryogenese
(Project Head
Manteuffel, Renate
Contribution of target transgene structure and chromosomal localisation to RNA-directed transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis
(Project Head
Mette, Michael Florian
Der Einfluß der Regulation der Chromatinstruktur auf die DNA Rekombination
(Project Head
Puchta, Holger
Die Rolle der 5` -nichttranslatierten Region eines Legumingens bei der Regulation der Genexpression in Pflanzensamen
(Project Head
Weschke, Winfriede
Funktion rab-homologer GTB-bindender Proteine in Pflanzen
(Project Head
Saalbach, Gerhard
Gynoeceum-spezifische Genexpression in Weizen
(Project Head
Bäumlein, Helmut
Histone phosphorylation status and the control of cell division in Arabidopsis thaliana
(Project Head
Houben, Andreas
Identifizierung pflanzlicher Wirtsfaktoren der Virusausbreitung
(Project Heads
Sonnewald, Uwe
Sonnewald, Sophia
Identifizierung und Charakterisierung endogener und exogener Regulatoren des Zuckerstoffwechsels
(Project Head
Sonnewald, Uwe
Innerzellulärer Proteintransport im sekretorischen Endomembransystem von Pflanzenzellen
(Project Head
Müntz, Klaus
Isolation und Charakterisierung rekombinanter Antikörper (Service-Projekt)
(Project Head
Conrad, Udo
Kompartimentspezifische Kontrolle der Expression der beiden letzten Enzyme der Protohämsynthes und die Metabolitverteilung im Tetrapyrrolstoffwechselweg zwischen Chloroplasten und Mitochondrien
(Project Head
Grimm, Bernhard
Metabolische Kontrolle der Embryogenese bei Leguminosen: Die Rolle von Glucose und Saccharose in der Zelldifferenzierung
(Project Heads
Weber, Hans
Wobus, Ulrich
Modulation der kardiovaskulären und neuronalen Differenzierung von ß1- oder a6-Integrin und erbB2-defekten ES-Zellen
(Project Head
Wobus, Anna M.
Molekulare und zellbiologische Analyse der Beeinflussung von Abscisinsäurewirkungen in anti ABA-Immunglobulintransgenen Tabakpflanzen
(Project Head
Conrad, Udo
Molekulare Zellbiologie der proteolytischen Spaltung von Reserveproteinen
(Project Heads
Horstmann, C.
Müntz, Klaus
Regulation der Aminolaevulinsynthese und ihr Einfluss auf die Chlorophyllbiosynthese
(Project Head
Grimm, Bernhard
SFB 363: Molecular cell biology of plant systems
Bonas, Ulla
SFB 648: Molecular Mechanisms of Information Processing in Plants
Bonas, Ulla
Signaltransduktion und Sensorfunktion des pflanzlichen Cystein-Synthase Systems
(Project Head
Hell, Rüdiger
Veränderbares Proteintargeting bei Pflanzen und Hefen
(Project Head
Kunze, Gotthard
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
Digitisation / Cataloguing of non-textual objects: Indexing and digitization of the herbarium of wild and cultivated plants of IPK Gatersleben
Knüpffer, Helmut
Pistrick, Klaus
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Seed and seedling traits as related to plant diversity and community assembly in grasslands at different land-use intensity
Roscher, Christiane
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 416: Adaptive Physiological and Biochemical Reactions Caused by Ecological Relevant Substances
Krauß, Gerd-Joachim
DFG Research Centres
Current projects
FZT 118: German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research - iDiv
Quaas, Martin F.
Wirth, Christian
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
DataPLANT – Data in PLANT research
von Suchodoletz, Dirk
FAIR Data Infrastructure for Agrosystems
Ewert, Frank
NFDI4Biodiversity – Biodiversity, Ecology & Environmental Data
Glöckner, Frank Oliver
Abteilung Genbank
Arbeitsgruppe Experimentelle Taxonomie
Abteilung Molekulare Genetik
Abteilung Physiologie und Zellbiologie
Abteilung Züchtungsforschung
Arbeitsgruppe Bioinformatik und Informationstechnologie
Arbeitsgruppe Domestikationsgenomik (DG)
Unabhängige Arbeitsgruppe Meiose (ME)
Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek und Informationsdienste