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Fraunhofer-Institut für Mikrostruktur von Werkstoffen und Systemen (IMWS)
Walter-Hülse-Straße 1
06120 Halle
This institution in GERiT
06120 Halle
Research Grants
Current projects
Improving GaN power transistor ruggedness by novel GaN-epi-wafers with improved thermal capabilities
Dieckerhoff, Sibylle
Hilt, Oliver
Completed projects
CISM-Kurs "Biomechanical Modelling at the Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Levels" (11.-15.09.2006 in Udine/Italien)
Küster, Stefan
Entwicklung eines in vitro-Modellsystems zur Untersuchung der Penetrationskompetenz pflanzenpathogener Pilze
Kiesow, Andreas
Grenzflächenkontrollierte Kristallisation von Glas
Höche, Thomas
Rüssel, Christian
Heterogeneous nucleation and crystal growth of Ba1-xSrxZn2Si2O7 solid solutions with negative thermal expansion studied by X-ray microscopy
Thieme, Christian
Kinetics of selective wetting of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in rubber blends
Le, Hong Hai
Kristallisation polymorpher Arzneimittel in Nanoporen
Beiner, Mario
Enke, Dirk
Steinhart, Martin
Packing-dependent viscous sintering of glass powder from wet deposition
Deubener, Joachim
Selle, Susanne
Pharmazeutische Hilfsstoffe: Morphologische und molekulare Charakterisierung durch Kopplung von ESEM-Technik und Ramanmikroskopie
Heilmann, Andreas
Phase Separation and Fluorescence Properties of Rare-Earth Doped Borosilicate Glasses
Thieme, Katrin
Precipitation kinetics of superparamagnetic nickel and cobalt crystals in silicate glasses controlled by redox potential
Deubener, Joachim
Höche, Thomas
Structure-Properties-Relationships in Lithiumaluminosilicate Glass Ceramics Containing High Concentrations of Nucleation Agents
Höche, Thomas
Rüssel, Christian
Surface-initiated microstructure formation in glass ceramics
Patzig, Christian
Reinsch, Stefan
Tomography of femtosecond laser structured objects inscribed in glass
Höche, Thomas
de Ligny, Dominique
Schmidt, Michael
Untersuchungen zum spröden Versagen anisotroper gefügter Materialien ausgehend von Interface-Kerben
Busch, Michael
Visualising the evolution of crystallisation and mineralisation of bioactive glasses
Boccaccini, Aldo
Brauer, Delia
de Pablos Martin, Ph.D., Araceli
Priority Programmes
Current projects
OnE-Secure: Securing State-of-the-Art Chips Against High-Resolution Contactless Optical and Electron-Beam Probing Attacks
Brand, Sebastian
Drechsler, Rolf
Seifert, Jean-Pierre
Sill Torres, Frank
Completed projects
Mikromechanische Modelle für das kristallographische Wachstum kurzer Risse
Katzer, Dieter
Mikromechanische Modelle für das kristallographische Wachstum kurzer Risse
Vehoff, Horst
nanoEBeam - E Beam Probing for backside attacks against nanoscale ICs
Brand, Sebastian
Seifert, Jean-Pierre
Numerische Untersuchungen zum dehnratenabhängigen Versagensverhalten textiler Verbunde an Löchern und Kerben
Busch, Michael
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2857: Copper Iodide as Multifunctional Semiconductor
Grundmann, Marius
Microstructure-Based Optimization of Pulsed Laser Deposited CuI Thin Films
Lorenz, Michael
Selle, Susanne
Completed projects
Substratgebundene Nanostrukturen durch Diffraktionsmaskenprojektions-Laserablation
Höche, Thomas
Completed projects
Constrained side chain dynamics in semi-crystalline polymers with comb-like architecture
(Project Head
Beiner, Mario
Correlation between chain conformation, microstructure and mechanical behaviour of shear aligned weakly segregated block copolymers
(Project Heads
Beiner, Mario
Weidisch, Roland
Structure formation in linear precision and comb-like polymers under external constraints: Influence of shear fields and interfaces
(Project Head
Beiner, Mario
TRR 102: Polymers under Multiple Constraints: Restricted and Controlled Molecular Order and Mobility
Thurn-Albrecht, Thomas
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Influence of the energy of the film forming particles on the properties of sculptured columnar thin films
Feder, René
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Erzeugung und anisotrope optische Eigenschaften periodischer metallischer Nanostrukturen in Polymerdünnschichten
(Project Heads
Heilmann, Andreas
Seifert, Gerhard
Kristallisation in mikrophasenseparierten Blockcopolymeren als Konkurrenzkampf zweier Strukturen
(Project Heads
Beiner, Mario
Hahn, Mathias
Micromechanical behavior of hierarchical materials
(Project Heads
Huber, Norbert
Lilleodden, Erica
Markmann, Jürgen
SFB 418: Structure and Dynamics of Nanoscopic Inhomogeneities in Condensed Matter
Trimper, Steffen
Structure development and micromechanical-electrochemical coupling of hierarchical nanoporous solids
(Project Heads
Lilleodden, Erica
Markmann, Jürgen
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
High-throughput, Chemical X-ray Microstructure Screening Center for Functional Glasses and Glass Ceramics
Wehrspohn, Ralf B.
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI-MatWerk - National Research Data Infrastructure for Materials Science & Engineering
Eberl, Christoph
Geschäftsfeld Biologische und makromolekulare Materialien
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