Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie (LIN)
Brenneckestraße 6
39118 Magdeburg
This institution in GERiT
39118 Magdeburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Cellular mechanisms underlying short-term memory in the hippocampal CA1 region
Yoshida, Motoharu
Control of attention in children: Interaction of voluntary and involuntary attention
Wetzel, Nicole
Does Neuronal Activity in Auditory Cortex Support Auditory Short Term Memory? Causal Interrogations using Intracranial Direct Current Stimulation
Brosch, Ph.D., Michael
Recalling remote associative memories: Neuroplastin gene inactivation in GABAergic interneurons reveals endogenous mechanisms underlying selective retrograde amnesia.
Montag, Dirk
Completed projects
A genome-wide approach to the molecular bases of punishment vs. relief learning in the fruit fly
Yarali, Ayse
Combinatorial NeuroImaging Core Facility
Brechmann, André
Zuschratter, Werner
Factors influencing involuntary attention during childhood and adulthood
Wetzel, Nicole
Funktionelle Analyse des neuralen Proteoglycans Brevican
Seidenbecher, Constanze
Genotyp-Phänotyp Beziehungen bei mitochondrialen Enzephalomyopathien: Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Mutationen der mtDNA, dem mt-Enzymmuster und Funktionsänderungen von Mitochondrien
Gellerich, Frank Norbert
Heterosynaptische Erfordernisse und Folgerungen für "synaptic tagging" in vitro udn in vivo
Frey, Julietta Uta
In Search of the Neural Underpinnings of Temporal Binding: Linking Synaptic Depression with Neural Adaptation in Auditory Cortex
Brosch, Ph.D., Michael
König, Reinhard
Modulation of learning and memory by stress: the role of steroids on behaviour and hippocampal neuronal plasticity in the rat
Korz, Volker
Neuronal correlates of sensory working memory in the auditory cortex of humans an monkeys
Heil, Peter
Neuronale Mechanismen der Verarbeitung von melodischen Konturen im auditorischen Kortex von Makaken
Brosch, Ph.D., Michael
Roles of TRPC channels in path integration and grid cell firing in the medial entorhinal cortex
Yoshida, Motoharu
The role of protease-activated receptors (PARs) in stroke: Investigations regarding pathophysiology, induction of tolerance and therapeutic possibilities in an animal model of focal ischaemia
Reiser, Georg
Transfer von Parawasserstoff induzierter Kernspinpolarisation auf 13C zur Empfindlichkeitssteigerung in der Magnetresonanztomographie
Bommerich, Ute
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Functional analysis of synaptic cytomatrix proteins by novel, minimal-invasive Picosecond-FLIM and Picosecond-Anisotropy Fluorescence Imaging Microscopy
Zuschratter, Werner
Mikrodialytische Untersuchungen von Transmitterrelease bei assoziativen Lernprozessen im Hörcortex
Stark, Holger
Role of the Perisynaptic Extracellular Matrix in Synaptic Plasticity
Gundelfinger, Eckart D.
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Extracellular matrix integrity as neural resource of memory precision and cognitive flexibility
(Project Heads
Dityatev, Ph.D., Alexander
Schott, Björn Hendrik
Seidenbecher, Constanze
Network alterations between hippocampus, entorhinal and prefrontal cortex contributing to spatial working memory impairment under AD-like conditions
(Project Heads
Fuhrmann, Martin
Poll, Stefanie
Remy, Stefan
SFB 1436: Neural resources of cognition
Düzel, Emrah
Unraveling Theta: Decoding Inhibitory Circuits in Alzheimer's Mouse-Human Research
(Project Heads
Dürschmid, Stefan
Remy, Stefan
Completed projects
Affektive Komponenten von Sprache: Funktionelle Beziehungen zwischen Hörcortex und limbischen Strukturen
(Project Heads
Sander, Kerstin
Scheich, Henning
Cortico-basal ganglia mechanisms for overcoming prepotent behaviour
(Project Heads
Düzel, Emrah
Heinze, Hans-Jochen
Zaehle, Ph.D., Tino
Dendritic computations underlying formation of feature-selectivity in CA1 and their impairment in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease
(Project Heads
Macke, Jakob
Remy, Stefan
Die Funktion von NMDA-Rezeptoren bei Reifung und Aktivierung von T-Zellen
(Project Heads
Bommhardt, Ursula
Heine, Martin
Die Rolle von neutrophilen Granulozyten und Mikroglia bei ischämischer Gewebeschädigung im ZNS
(Project Heads
Gunzer, Matthias
Reymann, Klaus
Expressionsregulation von Y-P30 in maternalen -Zellen und ihr Einfluss auf die Neuritogenese thalamischer/kortikaler Neurone
(Project Heads
Kreutz, Michael R.
Zenclussen, Ana Claudia
Funktionen von Arg3.1 und Neuroplastin bei synaptischer Plastizität
(Project Heads
Gundelfinger, Eckart D.
Montag, Dirk
Genetic influence on the modulation of attention and memory via reward or punishment
(Project Heads
Schott, Björn Hendrik
Seidenbecher, Constanze
Zenker, Martin
Identifizierung und Charakterisierung neuer Gene und deren Produkte bei neuronalen, plastischen Prozessen im Hippokampus
(Project Head
Frey, Julietta Uta
Interaction of sensory and reinforcement-evaluating brain systems in auditory learning
(Project Head
Ohl, Frank W.
Interplay between the dopaminergic system and the extracellular matrix in neuroplasticity and aversive learning
(Project Heads
Dityatev, Ph.D., Alexander
Frischknecht, Renato
Seidenbecher, Constanze
Lernplastizität im Hoercortex der mongolischen Rennmaus
(Project Head
Scheich, Henning
Mechanisms of synaptic plasticity during cortex-dependent learning
(Project Heads
Dieterich, Daniela C.
Gundelfinger, Eckart D.
Tischmeyer, Wolfgang
Medial temporal lobe and prefrontal cortex connectivity as a neural resource for recognition memory
(Project Heads
Prigge, Ph.D., Matthias
Sauvage, Magdalena
Modulation of excitation/inhibition balance by NMDAR antagonism in depression
(Project Heads
Bogerts, Bernhard
Fejtová, Anna
Walter, Martin
Motivation-dependent processes of concept formation in the auditory cortex of macaque monkeys
(Project Heads
Brosch, Ph.D., Michael
Scheich, Henning
Multiafferente Verstärkungsmechanismen und Aufklärung zellulärer Prozesse bei der Konsolidierung hippokampaler Langzeitpotenzierung
(Project Heads
Frey, Julietta Uta
Frey, Sabine
Multimodal Imaging Platform
(Project Heads
Dudeck, Anne
Müller, Andreas
Riek-Burchardt, Monika
Zuschratter, Werner
Neuromodulation and hippocampal plasticity, 'synaptic tag' molecules and plasticity-related proteins: Role for a selective storage of memory contents
(Project Heads
Frey, Julietta Uta
Frey, Sabine
Searching for the engram at the proteome level
(Project Heads
Dieterich, Daniela C.
Yarali, Ayse
SFB 426: Limbic Structures and Functions
Heinze, Hans-Jochen
SFB 779: Neurobiology of Motivated Behaviour
Ohl, Frank W.
SFB 854: Molecular Organisation of Cellular Communications within the Immune System
Schraven, Burkhart
Subcortical control of neuronal activity in the hippocampal formation during locomotion
(Project Head
Remy, Stefan
Synaptische Langzeitpotenzierung in Neuronen der Hippokampusformation: Induktion durch metabotrope Glutamatrezeptoren und nachgeschaltete Inositolphosphate
(Project Head
Reymann, Klaus
Veränderungen der mitochondrialen Transkription im Altersherzen als Primärmechanismus der Alterung
(Project Heads
Gellerich, Frank Norbert
Holtz, Jürgen
Research Units
Completed projects
Optische Analyse dynamischer Intra- und Inter-Aktionen von signalübertragenden Proteinen in lebenden immunkompetenten Zellen
Hartig, Roland
Completed projects
Brain mechanisms of information processing in dialogs
(Project Heads
Brechmann, André
Scheich, Henning
Funktionelle Organisation der periodotopen Karte im auditorischen Cortex sowie deren Bedeutung für dei Objekterkennung
(Project Head
Schulze, Holger
Interaction of bottom-up and top-down processes in cortical processing of frequency modulated signals
(Project Head
Ohl, Frank W.
Neurophysiology of stimulus evaluation and behavioral strategy change. Support and intervention
(Project Head
Ohl, Frank W.
Predictive mechanisms in active stream segregation and related tasks
(Project Heads
Brechmann, André
Brosch, Ph.D., Michael
Scheich, Henning
Processing and recognition of the temporal pattern of acoustic signals in the auditory system
(Project Head
Heil, Peter
TRR 31: The Active Auditory System
Klump, Georg M.
TRR 62: Companion-Technology for Cognitive Technical Systems
Biundo-Stephan, Susanne
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Die Bedeutung der mitochondrialen Ca2+-Aufnahme während der elektronischen Kopplung für die Energetik und den Redoxstatus in Kardiomyozyten
Maack, Christoph
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2413: The ageing synapse - molecular, cellular and behavioural underpinnings of cognitive decline
Stork, Oliver
Completed projects
GRK 253: Biological Basis of Central Nervous System Diseases
Reiser, Georg
GRK 1167: Cell-cell Communication in Neural and Immune Systems: Topological Organisation of Signal Transduction
Naumann, Michael
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4BIOIMAGE - National research data infrastructure for microscopy and bioimage analysis
Weidtkamp-Peters, Stefanie
Abteilung Akustik, Lernen, Sprache (aufgelöst)
Abteilung Funktionelle Architektur des Gedächtnisses
Abteilung Genetik von Lernen und Gedächtnis
Abteilung Neurochemie und Molekularbiologie
Abteilung Neurophysiologie (aufgelöst)
Abteilung Systemphysiologie des Lernens
Abteilung Verhaltensneurologie
Abteilung Zelluläre Neurowissenschaften
CBBS-Forschungsgruppe Neurokognitive Entwicklung
Combinatorial NeuroImaging Core Facility (CNI)
Forschergruppe Neuropharmakologie (aufgelöst)
Forschungsgruppe Neuroplastizität
Forschungsgruppe Vergleichende Neurowissenschaft
Forschungsgruppe Verhaltensbiologische Neurowissenschaften