Project Details
SFB 854: Molecular Organisation of Cellular Communications within the Immune System
Subject Area
from 2010 to 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 97850925
The project aims at elucidating the molecular basis of communication processes and networks that regulate immune responses in health and disease. To this end, the individual CRC854 projects assess the molecular mechanisms of immune cell communication at the intercellular and intracellular level as well as with regard to specific organs. State of the art biochemical, genetic and imaging technologies are implemented and developed within the project to achieve the scientific goals. The knowledge and the molecular/genetic toolboxes generated during the 2nd funding period of the Project will provide the basis for the research that the project plans for the 3rd funding period. As before, the research program is divided into two research areas: Projects in Research Area A: "Molecular and cellular communication in inflammation and infection" study the molecular mechanisms of intra- and intercellular communication processes with a focus on organ-specific (brain, liver, kidney, hematopoietic system, skin), as well as pathogen- or malignancy-specific contexts. The projects of Research Area B: "Molecular and cellular regulation of T lymphocytes" focus on different signaling pathways and their impact on T cell development, activation and effector functions. Profound expertise in biochemistry will be combined with novel in vivo signaling reporter systems (biosensors) to study signaling processes regulating the dynamics of T cell differentiation or their local and systemic interactions with other cells. The TWIN projects - embedded in both Area A and Area B and connecting them - result from the paradigm shift that the brain can no longer be viewed as an immune-privileged organ, separated from the immune system by the blood-brain barrier. Instead it is now well established that the CNS and the immune system constantly interact with each other and influence each other’s functions. Therefore the TWIN projects address the question how communication between the immune system and the CNS is molecularly regulated.Taken together, CRC854 aims to understand the molecular mechanisms of signal processing during physiological and pathophysiological immune responses, and to connect intracellular signaling mechanisms with the dynamics of intercellular interactions. To achieve these goals, CRC854 will create added value by combining the local expertise in the fields of immunology and neuroscience. In addition, CRC854 did and further will establish new model systems and methodologies for the investigation of molecular mechanisms determining immune activation and dysregulation.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
- A01 - Influence of cold shock Y-box (YB) protein-1 on monocytic cell activation and inflammatory kidney diseases (Project Head Mertens, Peter Rene )
- A02 - The role of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) for inflammation and proliferation in the atherosclerotic plaque (Project Head Braun-Dullaeus, Rüdiger )
- A04 - Helicobacter pylori type IV secretion system-directed membrane-proximal NF-κB signaling (Project Head Naumann, Michael )
- A05 - Plasticity and cell type-specific function of OTUB1 in infection (Project Heads Naumann, Michael ; Schlüter, Dirk )
- A20 - Aberrant activation of β1 and β2 integrins on leukocytes in JAK2-V617F mutated disease (Project Heads Fischer, Thomas ; Heidel, Florian )
- A22 - Regulation of the intestinal homeostasis by interleukin-7 (Project Head Schüler, Thomas )
- A23 - The role of the atypical NF-κB inhibitory protein IκBNS in effector cells (Project Heads Bruder, Dunja ; Schmitz, Ingo )
- A24 - Functional role of immunoproteasomes in hematopoietic and neural cells (Project Heads Dieterich, Daniela C. ; Seifert, Ulrike )
- A25 - Neurotrophin mediated signaling pathways common to the immune and the nervous system: acute and long-term effects in a model of chronic CNS infection (Project Heads Dunay, Ildikò Rita ; Korte, Martin )
- A27 - Local control of CD4+ T cell functions in melanoma (Project Head Tüting, Thomas )
- A28 - Molecular mechanisms of mast cell - endothelial cell communication in controlling the blood-brain barrier (Project Heads Dudeck, Anne ; Dunay, Ildikò Rita )
- A29 - Functional role of neuronal ageing on neuron-T cell interaction during viral CNS infection (Project Heads Dieterich, Daniela C. ; Kröger, Andrea )
- A30 - Astrocyte- and dendritic cell-specific function of the deubiquitinating enzyme Cezanne (OTUD7B) in experimental cerebral malaria (Project Heads Nishanth, Gopala Krishna ; Wang, Ph.D., Xu )
- B08 - Role of the synaptic cell adhesion molecule Neuroplastin in the immune system: relevance for signaling and Ca2+ homeostasis during T cell development and activation (Project Heads Gundelfinger, Eckart D. ; Thomas, Ulrich )
- B10 - Inside-out/Outside-in signaling of integrins in the immune and nervous system (Project Head Kliche, Stefanie )
- B11 - Die Rolle von aPIX und ßPIX in der Aktivierung von T-und B-Zellen (Project Head Fischer, Klaus-Dieter )
- B12 - ADAPtive T cell migration into the stressed brain (Project Heads Freund, Christian ; Kliche, Stefanie ; Schraven, Burkhart ; Stork, Oliver )
- B14 - CTLA-4 (CD152)-induced signaling pathways as regulators of CD8+ T lymphocytes (Project Head Brunner-Weinzierl, Monika Christine )
- B15 - Spatiotemporal and cellular requirements for the regulation of T cell responses by type-I interferon (Project Heads Kalinke, Ulrich ; Schüler, Thomas )
- B16 - Control of immunological synapse formation in Tregs (Project Heads Hühn, Jochen ; Jänsch, Lothar )
- B19 - Regulation of the Src-family kinase Lck by posttranslational modifications and TCR/Lck interactions (Project Heads Schamel, Ph.D., Wolfgang ; Schraven, Burkhart ; Simeoni, Luca )
- B26 - Regulation of T cell plasticity and metabolism by coagulation regulators (Project Head Isermann, Berend )
- B31 - Dynamic imaging and modelling of the regulation of T cell - pathogen equilibration during chronic infection (Project Heads Meyer-Hermann, Michael ; Müller, Andreas )
- MGK - Module Integrated Research Training Group (MGK) (Project Heads Bruder, Dunja ; Naumann, Michael ; Schmitz, Ingo )
- TP06 - Die Rolle von neutrophilen Granulozyten und Mikroglia bei ischämischer Gewebeschädigung im ZNS (Project Heads Gunzer, Matthias ; Reymann, Klaus )
- TP07 - Expressionsregulation von Y-P30 in maternalen -Zellen und ihr Einfluss auf die Neuritogenese thalamischer/kortikaler Neurone (Project Heads Kreutz, Michael R. ; Zenclussen, Ana Claudia )
- TP09 - Die Funktion von NMDA-Rezeptoren bei Reifung und Aktivierung von T-Zellen (Project Heads Bommhardt, Ursula ; Heine, Martin )
- TP13 - Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Activation of the Src-Tyrosine Kinase Fyn in T-Lymphocytes (Project Head Lindquist, Ph.D., Jonathan )
- TP18 - Molekulare Mechanismen der differentiellen Aktivierung naiver T-Zellen durch schwache und starke Antigen-präsentierenden Zellen (Project Head Gunzer, Matthias )
- V - Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre 854 (Project Head Schraven, Burkhart )
- Z01 - Multimodal Imaging Platform (Project Heads Dudeck, Anne ; Müller, Andreas ; Riek-Burchardt, Monika ; Zuschratter, Werner )
Applicant Institution
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Participating Institution
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (HZI); Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie (LIN)
Participating University
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg; Freie Universität Berlin; Technische Universität Braunschweig
Professor Dr. Burkhart Schraven