Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung (MPI-FKF)
Heisenbergstraße 1
70569 Stuttgart
This institution in GERiT
70569 Stuttgart
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Electronic control of combined spin-orbit and magnetic exchange coupling in graphene van der Waals-heterostructures (CombSOC)
Burghard, Marko Klaus
Holleitner, Alexander Walter
Kastl, Christoph
Magnetotransport studies of interfacial interactions in van der Waals structures
Smet, Jurgen H.
Completed projects
Aufbau und Charakterisierung von Feldeffekt-Transistoren aus chemisch modifizierten Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren
Burghard, Marko Klaus
Current induced spin polarization in 3D topological insulator thin films
Burghard, Marko Klaus
Deviations from Ideal Structures in Metallic Elements and Simple Intermetallics: Combined Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Electron distributions
Jansen, Martin
Paulus, Beate
Weyrich, Wolf
Einfluß von Vielteilcheneffekten auf die kohärente Dynamik von Exzitonen in periodischen Vielfach-Quantum-Wells und Mikroresonatoren
Kuhl, Jürgen
Electronic structure and magnetism of surface supported 3D and 4D Metal Clusters
Enders, Axel
Elektrische Untersuchungen an niedrigdimensionalen Halbleiter- und Metallclusteranordnungen
Roth, Siegmar
Equilibrium and non-equilibrium atomic scale characterization of metal contacts on epitaxial graphene
Schneider, M. Alexander
Wenderoth, Martin
Experimentelle und theoretische Aufklärung der Strukturbildung ionischer Festkörper am Beispiel der binären Halogenide der zweiten Hauptgruppe
van Aken, Peter A.
Jansen, Martin
Schön, J. Christian
Experimente zur Potentialverteilung und -fluktuationen in Quanten-Hall-Systemen mit stationären und rasternden Sonden
Weis, Jürgen
Genetically optimized M13 phages as functionalized bio-templates for the generation of bio/inorganic nanostructured materials
van Aken, Peter A.
Bill, Joachim
Hauer, Bernhard
Schimmel, Thomas
Gerichtete Cluster-Organisation mittels chemisch selektiver Nano-Kontakt-Lithographie
Bittner, Alexander
High pressure and high temperature synthesis and in-situ characterization of new compounds with special electronic transport properties, using "lone-pair" oxides, fluorides, sulphides and selenides of elements from groups 14-16
Jansen, Martin
Interaction and disorder effects in graphene
Mirlin, Alexander
Ostrovsky, Pavel
Investigating thermoelectricity in maerials with different strength of electronic correlations
Habermeier, Hanns-Ulrich
Lechermann, Frank
Investigation of the anomalous longitudinal resistance at the fractional quantum Hall effect
Dietsche, Werner
Investigation of the Cathodic Polarization Mechanisms in SOFCs and Calculation of the Relationship between Electrode Morphology and Cell Perfomance
Fleig, Jürgen
Kationen Ordnung und ihr Einfluß auf die Ladungs-Dichte-Wellen-Zustände in Tunnelstrukturen vom Nb3Te4-Typ
van Smaalen, Sander
Limits on graphene's charge carrier mobility and what we can do to overcome them --- interactions and disorder in epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide
Ast, Christian Reinhard
Gierz-Pehla, Isabella
Linear and nonlinear optical properties of metallic photonic crystals and pseudo/negative index materials
Giessen, Harald
Local control of the conductivity of single atoms and molecules probed by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy
Wahl, Peter
Local dynamics of hot electrons at the surface and at interfaces of metallic multilayer systems
Schneider, M. Alexander
Macroscopic and microscopic investigation of the microwave induced zero resistance state
Smet, Jurgen H.
Macroscopic and microscopic investigation of the microwave induced zero resistance state
Yacoby, Ph.D., Amir
Magnetoelastic properties of Fe superconductors via ab-initio DFT calculations
Boeri, Lilia
Megahertz Organic Thin-Film Transistors for Flexible Biomedical Systems
Klauk, Hagen
Klös, Alexander
Manoli, Yiannos
Modellrechnungen zum Zusammenbruch des Quanten-Hall-Effekts
Gerhardts, Rolf R.
Molekularstrahlepitaxie (MBE) mit Kolloid-Clustern: Entwicklung einer Elektrospray-Quelle
Kern, Klaus
Photoelectrocatalysis with Porous Coordination Polymers - Architectural Design, Morphology Control and Transport Properties
Elm, Matthias Thomas
Lotsch, Bettina Valeska
Senker, Jürgen
Photoelectrocatalytic Anion Substituted Perovskites PAP
Weidenkaff, Anke
Raman spectroscopy and low temperature magnetotransport studies on hybrid graphene devices
Smet, Jurgen H.
Spin and charge dynamics in iron-based superconductors: A complementary neutron scattering and spectroscopic ellipsometry study
Inosov, Dmytro
Structurization and Functionalization of Epitaxial graphene on SiC
Starke, Ulrich
Synthese keramischer Festkörper im quaternären System Si-B-C-N aus molekularen Vorstufen
Bill, Joachim
Synthesis and (photo-)electrical properties of cadmium sulphide nanowires
Burghard, Marko Klaus
Synthesis and property characterization of precursor-derived ceramics reinforced by functionalized single-wall carbon nanotubes
Bill, Joachim
Burghard, Marko Klaus
Tailoring of graphene's electronic and magnetic properties via edge functionalization
Burghard, Marko Klaus
Targeting selective host-guest interactions in functionalized MOFs - synthesis, NMR-studies and sensor design
Bein, Thomas
Lotsch, Bettina Valeska
Lüning, Ulrich
Senker, Jürgen
Stock, Norbert
Wasserfreie Polymere mit hoher Protonenleitfähigkeit für den Einsatz in Brennstoffzellen oberhalb von 100 °C
Kreuer, Klaus-Dieter
Research Grants
Current projects
Interacting Few Level Systems at the Atomic Scale
Ast, Christian Reinhard
Padurariu, Ciprian
Completed projects
Anfangszustände epitaktischer Eisensilizidfilme auf Si(111)
Heinz, Klaus Volker
Assembly and Manipulation of Functional Supramolecular Nano-Architectures at surfaces (FUN-SMARTs)
Kern, Klaus
Atomic-scale control of graphene magnetism using hydrogen atoms
Kern, Klaus
Dirac materials in square lattice compounds
Ast, Christian Reinhard
Electron-electron correlation in low dimensional systems: composite fermions and the fractional quantum Hall effect
Smet, Jurgen H.
Electronic band structure, magnetic and structural properties of magnetic atoms on Bi2Se3Cux
Benia, Hadj Mohamed
Exotic correlated phases in oxide two-dimensional electron systems at ultra-low temperature
Boris, Alexander
Finite-Element-Simulationen zur Analyse von effektiven Transport- eigenschaften nanokristalliner Materialien und ortsaufgelöste Charakterisierung von n-ZrO2 mit Mikrokontaktimpedanzspektroskopie
Fleig, Jürgen
Formation of the excitonic insulator state in Ta2NiSe5
Ejima, Satoshi
Genetically optimized M13 phages as functionalized bio-templates for the generation of bio/inorganic nanostructured materials
van Aken, Peter A.
Bill, Joachim
Hauer, Bernhard
Improving the Long-Term Reliability of Digital Organic Circuits (ILDOC)
Klauk, Hagen
Manoli, Yiannos
In search of structure - High resolution X-ray powder diffraction of metal organic salts for conservation science
Eggert, Gerhard
Kationen Ordnung und ihr Einfluß auf die Ladungs-Dichte-Wellen-Zustände in Tunnelstrukturen vom Nb3Te4-Typ
van Smaalen, Sander
Kohlenstoffnitrid-Netzwerke - Synthesestrategien, komplementäre Strukturaufklärung und Materialeigenschaften
Lotsch, Bettina Valeska
Schnick, Wolfgang
Senker, Jürgen
Kristallchemie und Mikrogefüge von Fe2SiO4-Spinelloiden
van Aken, Peter A.
Nickelate heterostructures as a laboratory for many-body physics
Kaiser, Ute
Keimer, Bernhard
Novel electronic and magnetic properties of high Entropy Oxides
Takagi, Hidenori
Organic Field-Effect-Transistors for the Study of Correlation Phenomena
Smet, Jurgen H.
Photochemically-induced electronic switching in carbon nanotubes
Burghard, Marko Klaus
Rechnergestützte Modellierung von Vielschichtsystemen für nanoskopische ferroelektrische Speicher
Eglitis, Roberts I.
Renormierungsgruppen-Analyse zweidimensionaler Elektronen-Systeme
Metzner, Walter
Short channel OFETs for the application in circuitry
Burghartz, Joachim N.
Klauk, Hagen
Scheinert, Susanne
SONS- Assembly and Manipulation of Functional Supramolecular Nanostructures at Surfaces
Kern, Klaus
Ruben, Mario
SONS - Self-Assembled Nanoscale Magnetic Networks
Blügel, Stefan
Kern, Klaus
Strukturuntersuchungen molekularer Substanzen aus Röntgenpulverbeugungsdaten in Abhängigkeit von Druck und Temperatur
Dinnebier, Robert Ernst
Superconductivity in water intercalated Na CoO2 thin films
Alff, Lambert
Keimer, Bernhard
Lemmens, Peter
Tailoring spin-interactions in graphene nanoribbons for ballistic fully spin-polarized devices
Starke, Ulrich
Tegenkamp, Christoph
The Ideal Nanowire Transistor-Materials Development for Contact-Doped ZnO Nanowires
Klauk, Hagen
Transferable two-dimensional correlated oxide layers
Dittmann, Regina
Mannhart, Jochen
Untersuchung der Spin-, Ladungs- und orbitalen Ordnung in Übergangsmetalloxiden mit Hilfe der Neutronen-, Röntgen- und Synchrotron-Diffraktion
Ulrich, Clemens
Untersuchung des anomalen longitudinalen Widerstands beim gebrochenzahligen Quanten-Hall-Effekt mit NMR-Methoden
Dietsche, Werner
Weyl fermion-based spin current generation (WeylSPIN)
Burghard, Marko Klaus
Holleitner, Alexander Walter
Zeitabhängige Gutzwillermethode für Multiband-Hubbardmodelle
Seibold, Götz
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Messung der Phasenkohärenzzeit von Elektronen in quasi-1Dim Golddrähten unterhalb Temperaturen von einigen Kelvin
Honolka, Jan
Metallischer Ferromagnetismus in Mehr-Band-Hubbard-Modellen
Bünemann, Jörg
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
The electronic structure of correlated electron systems - Interactions and structural order in low dimensions
Ast, Christian Reinhard
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Tailoring the spin-orbit interaction at surfaces and interfaces
Ast, Christian Reinhard
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5242: Proximity-induced correlation effects in low dimensional systems
Tegenkamp, Christoph
Tailoring the electronic structure of epitaxial graphene on SiC (S1)
Küster, Kathrin
Starke, Ulrich
Completed projects
Competing order parameters and flows into phases with broken symmetries
Honerkamp, Carsten
Salmhofer, Manfred
Ge/Si quantum dots in the sub 20nm regime - exact positioning and electrical functionalisation
Giessen, Harald
Schmidt, Oliver G.
Schulze, Jörg
Vogelgesang, Ralf
Neutron scattering from cuprate superconductors
Keimer, Bernhard
Plasmonic coupling of individual quantum dots
Giessen, Harald
Vogelgesang, Ralf
Quantum criticality: coupled renormalization of electrons and order parameter fluctuations
Metzner, Walter
Single molecule electroluminescence
Kuhnke, Klaus
Wrachtrup, Jörg
Single quantum dot resonant tunnelling diodes and their integration
Costantini, Giovanni
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Wechselwirkungseffekte in niedrigdimensionalen und mesoskopischen Systemen
Rosenow, Bernd
Current projects
Atomic-scale visualization of magnetic-field-tuned states in topological structures
(Project Heads
Huang, Dennis
Takagi, Hidenori
Global band topology: from point crossings to nodal planes
(Project Heads
Classen, Laura
Schnyder, Andreas
Wilde, Marc
Integrated research training group
(Project Heads
Benckiser, Eva
Büttner, Felix
Knolle, Johannes
Pfleiderer, Christian
Photon scattering from spin-orbit materials
(Project Heads
Benckiser, Eva
Hepting, Matthias
Keimer, Bernhard
TRR 360: Constrained Quantum Matter
Kézsmárki, István
Completed projects
Functional Materials Tailored on the Nanoscale
(Project Heads
Eyert, Volker
Kopp, Thilo
Mannhart, Jochen
Integrated research training group
(Project Heads
Huelga, Susana
Jelezko, Fedor
Kleiner, Reinhold
Löw, Robert
Schleich, Wolfgang
Schmidt-Kaler, Ferdinand
Weis, Jürgen
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Benckiser, Eva
Deisenhofer, Joachim
Grundler, Dirk
Kollar, Marcus
Pfleiderer, Christian
Lifetimes of Magnetic Excitations
(Project Heads
Keimer, Bernhard
Keller, Thomas
Neutron and X-Ray Scattering of Oxide Heterostructures
(Project Heads
Benckiser, Eva
Hinkov, Vladimir
Keimer, Bernhard
Neutron Reflectometry on Magnetic Layers
(Project Heads
Albrecht, Manfred
Böni, Peter
Georgii, Robert
Kreuzpaintner, Wolfgang
Mannhart, Jochen
Schmehl, Andreas
Novel Electronic Phases at Interfaces in Correlated Materials
(Project Heads
Hammerl, German
Kopp, Thilo
Mannhart, Jochen
Simple and Complex Quantum Dot Systems as Model Systems for Investigating and Controlling Coherence and Correlation Effects
(Project Heads
von Klitzing, Klaus
Weis, Jürgen
Wharam, David
Thermoelectric Properties of Transition-Metal Oxide Thin Films and Superlattices
(Project Heads
Eckern, Ulrich
Keimer, Bernhard
Pentcheva, Rossitza
TRR 80: From Electronic Correlations to Functionality
Gegenwart, Philipp
Loidl, Alois
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Confinement effects in gas-phase CO2 reduction by Cu hydrides immobilized in mesoporous supports
(Project Heads
Estes, Deven
Lotsch, Bettina Valeska
Electrocatalysis under confinement: CO2 reduction with COF catalysts
(Project Heads
Lotsch, Bettina Valeska
Schlaich, Alexander
Tschulik, Kristina
Fabrication, Characterization and Integration of Organic Thin-Film Transistors
(Project Head
Klauk, Hagen
SFB 1249: N-Heteropolycycles as Functional Materials
Gade, Lutz H.
Tegeder, Petra
SFB 1333: Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis in Confined Geometries
Buchmeiser, Michael R.
Completed projects
Bandstruktur und Transporteigenschaften von II-VI-Epitaxie- und Heterostrukturen
(Project Heads
Gerhardts, Rolf R.
Landwehr, Gottfried
Controlling the spin and electronic interaction in atomic and molecular contacts
(Project Heads
Kern, Klaus
Schlickum, Uta
Ternes, Markus
Wahl, Peter
SFB 767: Controlled Nanosystems: Interaction and Interfacing to the Macroscale
Belzig, Wolfgang
Scheer, Elke
Theorie für atomare und elektronische Struktur dünner Filme
(Project Heads
Bennemann, Karl-Heinz
Jensen, Peter
Manske, Dirk
Tunnelspektroskopie individueller Nanostrukturen
(Project Heads
Kern, Klaus
Schneider, M. Alexander
Untersuchung zeitlicher und räumlicher Korrelationen mittels Neutronen- und Röntgenstreuung
(Project Heads
Kopp, Thilo
Mannhart, Jochen
Schneider, Christof W.
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2089: e-conversion
Bein, Thomas
Heiz, Ulrich
Reuter, Karsten
Abteilung Festkörper-Quantenelektronik
Abteilung Festkörper-Spektroskopie
Abteilung Nanochemie
Abteilung Nanowissenschaften
Abteilung Quanten-Vielteilchensysteme
Abteilung Quantenmaterialien
Abteilung Theorie der elektronischen Struktur
Forschungsgruppe X-Ray Diffraction
Grenzflächen Analytik Gruppe