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Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA)
Königstuhl 17
69117 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69117 Heidelberg
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Characterization of young accreting planets II: Consistent dust evolution and chemistry
Birnstiel, Tilman
Klahr, H. Hubertus
Wolf, Sebastian
The HET Radial Velocity Program for Planetary Systems around M Dwarfs
Dreizler, Stefan
Henning, Thomas
Quirrenbach, Andreas
Reiners, Ansgar
Completed projects
Characterising the population of wide orbit exoplanets
Deacon, Niall
Common Funds for SPP 1573
Burkert, Andreas
Composition of planets with an N-body-Monte-Carlo approach
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
COSMOS: A Radio and (Sub)mm Study of Starbursts and AGN throughout Cosmic History
Bertoldi, Frank
Schinnerer, Eva
Density structure of molecular clouds as a probe of the ISM physics
Kainulainen, Ph.D., Jouni
Ever-changing dust: unveiling dust properties across galactic environments
Zhukovska, Svitlana
Feeding Black Holes: Gas Dynamics from the Outer Disk to the Very Nucleus in AGN Galaxies
Schinnerer, Eva
Gravoturbulent Planetesimal Formation in the Early Solar System
Klahr, H. Hubertus
Hochauflösende polarimetrische Untersuchungen junger stellarer Objekte
Stecklum, Bringfried
Identifying the origin of Earth's building material: Where do the earth building Planetesimals and Pebbles originate from? A numerical approach of the accretion phase of the earth.
Klahr, H. Hubertus
Investigating the Influence of the Magnetostrophic Magnetorotational Instability on the Dynamo Action in Planetary Interiors and their Exterior Field
Klahr, H. Hubertus
Magnetische Felder und Sternentstehung: Bok-Globulen als eine Fallstudie
Henning, Thomas
Mikrophysikalische Staubentwicklungsprozesse beim protostellaren Kollaps
Henning, Thomas
NaCo Imaging Survey for Planets around Young Stars (NaCo-ISPY)
Müller, André
Quirrenbach, Andreas
Numerische Simulation der magnetohydrodynamischen Jetentstehung
Fendt, Christian
Pebble accretion and the composition of exoplanets
Birnstiel, Tilman
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Quantifying ISM Turbulence in Nearby Galaxies on 100 pc Scales
Walter, Fabian
Shaping Our Galaxy Now: The Low-Latitude Stellar Stream around the Milky Way
Rix, Hans-Walter
SPP 471: Physik der Sternentstehung
Henning, Thomas
Star Formation Across the Hubble Sequence: Clues to Galaxy Evolution
Walter, Fabian
Staubwachstum in protostellaren Akkretionsscheiben
Henning, Thomas
Staubwachstum in protostellaren Akkretionsscheiben
Yorke, Harold W.
The Anisotropy in Interstellar Media
Li, Hua-bai
The Connection Between Quasars and Starbursts
Bertoldi, Frank
Walter, Fabian
The Dusty Young Universe - Infrared and Sub-millimeter Photometry of High Redshift Quasars
Meisenheimer, Klaus Winfried
The Formation of Giant Molecular Clouds and their Associations: Confronting Theory with Observations in Spiral Arms
Schinnerer, Eva
The Great Laboratory M51: Probing the Physics of Star Formation and Radio Emission on the 100pc-Scale
Schinnerer, Eva
The implementation of consistent planetesimal formation in the population synthesis of Exo-Planets
Klahr, H. Hubertus
The Physical Conditions of the ISM in High-Redshift Galaxies
Bertoldi, Frank
Walter, Fabian
The Quasar-Starburst Connection
Walter, Fabian
The Reach of Stars: Connecting the Physical Processes in the ISM with Galaxy Evolution
Kreckel, Kathryn
Schinnerer, Eva
The Structured Interstellar Medium: Infrared-dark clouds from Herschel to ALMA
Ragan, Ph.D., Sarah E.
Untersuchungen von Braunen Zwergen in Sternentstehungsgebieten und in jungen offenen Sternhaufen
Eislöffel, Jochen
Zirkumstellare Scheiben um Herbig Ae/Be-Sterne
Henning, Thomas
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2544: Blue Planets around Red Stars - Scientific Exploitation of the CARMENES Survey
Reiners, Ansgar
FOR 5195: Relativistic Jets in Active Galaxies
Kadler, Matthias
Jet Composition under Scrutiny
Fendt, Christian
Mannheim, Karl
Probing the inner planet-forming zones of disks with mid-infrared spectroscopy
van Dishoeck, Ewine F.
Solids and gas evolution in disks: observational constraints
Testi, Leonardo
Completed projects
Astrophysikalische Modellierung - Chemie in protoplanetaren Scheiben
Henning, Thomas
Dust Processing during the Gravitational Collapse of Particle Heaps
Klahr, H. Hubertus
Evolution of the mineralogical and chemical composition of pre-planetary disks
Tscharnuter, Werner M.
Gone with the wind: dust entrainment in photoevaporative winds
Ercolano, Ph.D., Barbara
Modeling the evolution of the dust population in protoplanetary disks
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Origin of complex non-axisymmetric structures in Type 2 Transition Disks
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Planetesimal precursors in turbulent protoplanetary disks
Klahr, H. Hubertus
Kley, Wilhelm
Planet Population, Formation, and Habitability
Henning, Thomas
Klahr, H. Hubertus
The M Star Planet Population - Bridging the Gap between Observations and Theory
Henning, Thomas
Klahr, H. Hubertus
Reffert, Sabine
Research Grants
Current projects
Stars, dust, and gas: evolution and impact of young star clusters in nearby galaxies in the era of JWST
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Schinnerer, Eva
Completed projects
Calibrating black hole masses and their host galaxy scaling relations with cosmic time
Jahnke, Knud
Circum-planetary accretion disks
Kley, Wilhelm
Entstehung von massereichen Planeten in Akkretionsscheiben
Kley, Wilhelm
Experimental Study of Diamond Formation in Astrophysical Environments
Jäger, Cornelia
Herbig Ae/Be Sterne - Eine Suche nach schwachen Begleitern
Henning, Thomas
Infrarot-Matrixisolationsspektroskopie an Siliziumkarbid- und Siliziumnitrid-Nanoteilchen
Mutschke, Harald
Ist die Verschmelzungstheorie richtig?
Henning, Thomas
Key Insights in Nearby Galaxies: Radio Continuum Survey of the KINGFISH Galaxies
Tabatabaei, Fatemeh
Magnetische Felder und Sternentstehung: Bok-Globulen als eine Fallstudie
Henning, Thomas
NAIR - Novel Astronomical Instrumentation based on Photonic Light Reformatting
Labadie, Lucas
Madhav, Ph.D., Kalaga
Quirrenbach, Andreas
Numerische Simulation der magnetohydrodynamischen Jetentstehung
Fendt, Christian
Observability of giant planets during the final stage of their formation
Klahr, H. Hubertus
Wolf, Sebastian
Photodissoziationsgebiete im Lichte verbotener FIR-Linien: Abbildende Spektroskopie mit FIFILS auf SOFIA
Henning, Thomas
Protostellare Ausflüsse und Interstellare Turbulenz
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Radio Observations of the Cosmic Evolution of Black Hole and Stellar Mass Growth in Galaxies
Bertoldi, Frank
Schinnerer, Eva
Self-consistent Modeling of the Dynamics and Chemistry of Molecular Clouds in Different Evolutionary Stages
Henning, Thomas
Spektroskopie von astrophysikalisch relevanten Molekülen in der Gasphase und in ultrakalten Helium-Tröpfchen
Henning, Thomas
Spektroskopische Suche nach jungen, massereichen Doppelsternen
Henning, Thomas
Supermassive black holes, accretion discs, stellar dynamics and tidal disruptions
Amaro-Seoane, Ph.D., Pau
The effect stellar mass and environment on the evolution of protoplanetary disks
Sicilia-Aguilar, Aurora
The Evolutionary Sequence of Giant Molecular Clouds in M51
Schinnerer, Eva
The near-infrared host galaxy properties of radio-quiet "red AGN"
Jahnke, Knud
The Physical Properties of Galaxies 7 Billion Years Ago
van der Wel, Arjen
The role of galaxy environment on the star forming intensity of high-redshift radio sources
Chini, Rolf
The Role of the Multi-Phase Interstellar Medium in Star Formation: From Clouds to Galaxies
Bigiel, Frank
Schinnerer, Eva
The Streaming Instability, Photophoresis and Planetesimal Formation at the Inner Edge of Protoplanetary Disks
Klahr, H. Hubertus
Wurm, Gerhard
Ultrakompakte H II Regionen - Suche nach den massereichsten jungen Sternen
Henning, Thomas
Untersuchung der Drehimpulsentwicklung massearmer junger Vor- und Hauptreihensterne im Alter von 1 Mio. bis 100 Mio. Jahren
Lamm, Markus
Untersuchungen von Braunen Zwergen in Sternentstehungsgebieten und in jungen offenen Sternhaufen
Eislöffel, Jochen
Zweidimensionale Akkretionsscheiben im äußeren Magnetfeld
Henning, Thomas
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Physical processes in high-mass star formation
Beuther, Henrik
Probing the coeval evolution of massive galactic bulges and black holes
Jahnke, Knud
Properties and formation of substellar mass objects
Bailer-Jones, Coryn A.L.
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Acceleration, propagation, and radiation of relativistic particles in high-redshift radio galaxies
(Project Heads
Kirk, John
Meisenheimer, Klaus Winfried
Wagner, Stefan
An Astrometric, Photometric, and Spectroscopic Census of Moving Groups and Open Clusters
(Project Heads
Bailer-Jones, Coryn A.L.
Grebel, Eva K.
Henning, Thomas
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Pasquali, Anna
Permentier, Geneviève
Reffert, Sabine
A Theoretical Chemodynamical Model of the Milky Way Disk
(Project Heads
Just, Andreas
Pillepich, Ph.D., Annalisa
Springel, Volker
Building up the Center of the Milky Way
(Project Heads
Glover, Ph.D., Simon
Neumayer née Häring, Nadine
Chemo-dynamical Mapping of the Milky Way’s Outskirts
(Project Heads
Christlieb, Norbert
Duffau, Sonia
Grebel, Eva K.
Koch-Hansen, Ph.D., Andreas
Rix, Hans-Walter
Cosmological simulations of the Milky Way’s formation
(Project Heads
Just, Andreas
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Macciò, Andrea Valerio
Pillepich, Ph.D., Annalisa
Rix, Hans-Walter
Springel, Volker
Feedback and interstellar turbulence
(Project Heads
Banerjee, Robi Stefan
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Fendt, Christian
Galaxienwechswelwirkung im jungen Universum
(Project Head
Burkert, Andreas
Jet propagation in dense media at high redshift
(Project Heads
Camenzind, Max
Meisenheimer, Klaus Winfried
Milky Way Satellites as Cosmological Probes
(Project Heads
Christlieb, Norbert
Grebel, Eva K.
Just, Andreas
Macciò, Andrea Valerio
Rix, Hans-Walter
Observational Galactic Chemodynamics
(Project Heads
Bergemann, Maria
Christlieb, Norbert
Grebel, Eva K.
Koch-Hansen, Ph.D., Andreas
Quirrenbach, Andreas
Physical and kinematic properties of young galaxies
(Project Heads
Appenzeller, Immo
Rix, Hans-Walter
Quasar host galaxies in the epoch of reionization
(Project Heads
Wagner, Stefan
Walter, Fabian
Search for high redshift galaxies and quasars
(Project Heads
Hippelein, Hans
Meisenheimer, Klaus Winfried
SFB 439: Galaxies in the Young Universe
Duschl, Wolfgang J.
Wagner, Stefan
SFB 881: The Milky Way System
Grebel, Eva K.
Star Formation and ISM Dynamics in the disk of the Milky Way
(Project Heads
Beuther, Henrik
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Springel, Volker
Spurzem, Rainer
Stellar Census and Kinematic Structures in the Solar Neighbourhood
(Project Heads
Henning, Thomas
Reffert, Sabine
Stellar production sites of heavy elements and their observable imprints on the Milky Way
(Project Heads
Bauswein, Andreas
Bergemann, Maria
Röpke, Friedrich
Strong gravitational lensing in galaxy clusters
(Project Heads
Bartelmann, Matthias
Röser, Hermann-Josef
The chemical evolution from diffuse clouds to dense cores
(Project Heads
Banerjee, Robi Stefan
Beuther, Henrik
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
The Mass Function of Low-Mass Stars and Substellar Objects
(Project Heads
Bailer-Jones, Coryn A.L.
Henning, Thomas
Reffert, Sabine
Three-dimensional dust mapping of the Milky Way using Gaia
(Project Head
Bailer-Jones, Coryn A.L.
Unveiling Dark Matter and Fossil Records in the Solar Neighborhood
(Project Heads
Fuchs, Burkhard
Just, Andreas
van de Ven, Glenn
New Instrumentation for Research
Current projects
NAIR-APREXIS: Astronomical Photonic Reformatter EXperiment for Infrared Science
Harris, Ph.D., Robert
Labadie, Lucas
Madhav, Ph.D., Kalaga
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 129: Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics
Klingeler, Rüdiger
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2181: STRUCTURES: A unifying approach to emergent phenomena in the physical world, mathematics, and complex data
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Salmhofer, Manfred
Wienhard, Anna
Abteilung Galaxien und Kosmologie
Abteilung Planeten- und Sternentstehung
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