The increasing performance of computers has opened new perspectives in modeling: It has become possible to derive concrete predictions of realistic models, to compare them with experiments and to possibly adjust the model - all within short time. The goal of our mathematical collaborative research centre is to develop notions, theoretical and numerical methods which allow for a clean and at the same time efficient treatment of these models.
Our strategy lies in a close collaboration of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and modeling. We plan to prove the potential of this combination through the successful treatment of selected, concrete phenomena. The leitmotivs of our approach are multiple scales hierarchies of models, singularities degeneracies, and asymptotic scaling laws self-similarity.
The multiple scales in the models are one of the main challenges for analysis and numerics. A separation of these scales suggests to work with hierarchies of models. We are particularly interested in hierarchies where the models on the different levels are of different type: discrete-continuous, stochastic-deterministic, discrete-kinetic-hydrodynamic. The spatial coupling of the different levels is a primary focus.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Analysis on collapsing manifolds and singular spaces
(Project Heads
Müller, Werner
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
A02 - Flows of probability measures and nonlinear stochastic evolutions
(Project Head
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
A03 - Investigation of geometric, analytic and dynamical invariants of degenerating families of negatively curved Riemannian manifolds
(Project Head
Hamenstädt, Ursula
A4 - Skalenbildung singuläres Verhalten von Diffusionsprzessen
(Project Heads
Frehse, Jens
Hamenstädt, Ursula
A5 - Stochastische Prozesse auf komplexen Strukturen, Homogenisierung und stochastische partielle Differentialgleichungen
(Project Heads
Albeverio, Sergio
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
A06 - Scaling limits of particle systems and stochastic interface dynamics
(Project Heads
Albeverio, Sergio
Alt, Hans Wilhelm
Eberle, Andreas
A7 - Geometrische Bedingungen auf freien Rändern
(Project Head
Schätzle, Reiner
A08 - Convergence of multi particle Monte Carlo methods for sampling and filtering
(Project Heads
Albeverio, Sergio
Eberle, Andreas
A09 - Stochastic Processes with Variable Scaling Parameters
(Project Heads
Kaßmann, Rolf Moritz
Sturm, Karl-Theodor
A10 - Differential equations with singular structures
(Project Head
Koch, Herbert
A11 - Metastability in stochastic dynamics
(Project Head
Bovier, Anton
A12 - Universality of fluctuations in mathematical models of physics
(Project Head
Ferrari, Patrik L.
B01 - Pattern formation in magnetic materials
(Project Heads
Kurzke, Matthias
Otto, Felix
B02 - Complex rheology
(Project Head
Otto, Felix
B03 - The goal of this project is tu understand the macroscopic roughening or coarsening of vrystal films growing by molecular beam epitaxy, based on a hierarchy of models
(Project Heads
Otto, Felix
Voigt, Axel
B04 - Analysis of multicomponent flows
(Project Heads
Conti, Sergio
Frehse, Jens
B05 - Dynamical contact phenomena in biological systems
(Project Heads
Alt, Wolfgang
von der Mosel, Heiko
B6 - Nichtlineare Wechselwirkungen bei piezoelektische angeregten Oberflächenwellen
(Project Heads
Botkin, Nikolai
Hoffmann, Karl-Heinz
Otto, Felix
B07 - Surface dynamics driven by embedded substances
(Project Heads
Alt, Wolfgang
Alt, Hans Wilhelm
B08 - Level set methods for geometric variational problems
(Project Head
Rumpf, Martin
B09 - Singulary perturbed variational problems from nonlinea elasticity
(Project Head
Conti, Sergio
C01 - Wavelet Methods for Systems of Operator Equations
(Project Heads
Griebel, Michael
Kunoth, Angela
Scherer, Karl
C02 - Adaptive and Robust Multilevel Methods for Space-Time Discretizations
(Project Heads
Gerstner, Thomas
Griebel, Michael
C03 - Modeling and simulation of dynamic wetting processes
(Project Head
Griebel, Michael
C04 - Microskopic effects at fluid interfaces
(Project Heads
Alt, Hans Wilhelm
Griebel, Michael
C5 - Punktdefekte in Silizium-Kristallen
(Project Heads
Griebel, Michael
Voigt, Axel
C06 - Coupled Microscale Simulation of Nonlinear Processes in Structural Mechanics
(Project Heads
Krause, Rolf
Schweitzer, Marc Alexander
C07 - Multiscale approximation of boundary value problems on stochastic domains
(Project Heads
Harbrecht, Helmut
Krause, Rolf
C08 - Reliable computation of singularities in geometric partial differential equations
(Project Head
Bartels, Sören
C09 - Multiscale problems and hierarchical matrices
(Project Head
Bebendorf, Mario
S - Zentrale Verwaltung
(Project Head
Otto, Felix
Z - Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Griebel, Michael