SFB 611:  Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models

Subject Area Mathematics
Term from 2002 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5485161

Project Description

The increasing performance of computers has opened new perspectives in modeling: It has become possible to derive concrete predictions of realistic models, to compare them with experiments and to possibly adjust the model - all within short time. The goal of our mathematical collaborative research centre is to develop notions, theoretical and numerical methods which allow for a clean and at the same time efficient treatment of these models.
Our strategy lies in a close collaboration of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and modeling. We plan to prove the potential of this combination through the successful treatment of selected, concrete phenomena. The leitmotivs of our approach are multiple scales hierarchies of models, singularities degeneracies, and asymptotic scaling laws self-similarity.
The multiple scales in the models are one of the main challenges for analysis and numerics. A separation of these scales suggests to work with hierarchies of models. We are particularly interested in hierarchies where the models on the different levels are of different type: discrete-continuous, stochastic-deterministic, discrete-kinetic-hydrodynamic. The spatial coupling of the different levels is a primary focus.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres

Completed projects

Applicant Institution Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Spokesperson Professor Dr. Michael Griebel